View Full Version : What to do with an old planer

Ron Franssen
10-24-2006, 1:37 PM
I just recently bought a new planer to replace my broken delta 22-560. The motor still runs but I think maybe the sprocket that drives everything else may have broken. Anyway, is there anything you can do with an old planer? Sell it for parts, build something else out of it, etc??


Jim W. White
10-24-2006, 3:41 PM
I'd be willing to bet that the belt got shreeded after the drive wheel came loose on the shaft. This is a very common problem for these units. You can get the replacement belt at Amazon and the pulley can be retightened with some lock-tite, resulting in no more issues for me atleast.

In other words, I think it's quite salvageable.

If your just going to toss it.. PM me, I'd be willing to take it off your hands for the cost of shipping :D

Kirk Poore
10-24-2006, 5:22 PM
I'd be willing to bet that the belt got shreeded after the drive wheel came loose on the shaft. This is a very common problem for these units. You can get the replacement belt at Amazon and the pulley can be retightened with some lock-tite, resulting in no more issues for me atleast.

That happened to me once. However, the second time, the keyway on the cutterhead at the pulley had gotten wallowed out and thus the head needed replacing. (This was after 7 years of hard use, with lots of 12" oak.) That was going to cost almost $200 (half for parts) at the local Deltwalt service center. I wound up buying a Dewalt planer, and giving the carcass to a friend. He bought a replacement head on ebay for $35, but I don't know whether he's installed it yet.


Cliff Rohrabacher
10-24-2006, 7:20 PM
I'd not be able to resist the urge to dismantle it and see what I could make of the components and systems.

Things you might consider :
Drum Sander
Router raizing thingie
glueing press

Robert Mickley
10-24-2006, 8:41 PM
I'm with Cliff, I would have to tear it apart to see what I could build out of it!!

Jim Bills
10-25-2006, 9:37 AM
I saved my "old" planer, set to exactly 3/4" for my final finishing pass after the board comes off my 15" heavy duty planer. Saves me a lot of time.