View Full Version : The SMC Holiday Turning Contest - We have Winners!

Scott Donley
10-24-2006, 12:21 PM
Please note: The originally posted write-up for this event has been modified to bring it into alignment with the developments of December 3rd, 2006. If you feel the need to review that first presentation, please click on this attachment. 51760. What follows is a rewrite even though it may look familiar at first blush. Andy Hoyt 12-3-06

Attention Fellow Creekers!

This post hereby makes it official. The SMC Holiday Turning Contest is underway!

After careful consideration of your posts in John Miliunas’ thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=44544);along with a number of discussions and emails with him & Andy Hoyt the parameters for this event have been determined. Here goes.


We all readily agreed that we wanted this thing to be fun, uncomplicated, and orchestrated such that anyone and everyone would be inclined to enter. We also felt that it was necessary to level the playing field so that those with less turning experience would stand just as good a chance at earning recognition as those with more time at the lathe. How to do this? Well, we considered asking you to categorize yourself based on how long you’ve been turning. We also discussed basing it on lathe capacities. But neither of these felt right and also created far too many exceptions to the rule.

So we ended up creating three Contest Groups and those in each will only compete against others in that same group. This means that we’re actually running multiple contests.

Group Catch will consist of all those turners who have ever sold a turning; conducted a turning demo; mentored someone in turning; or taught a turning class.

Group Tear Out is comprised of all those who don’t fit into Group Catch

Group Launch is a special group and the only turner allowed in it is Travis Stinson.


Sorry – just kidding. Travis has actually agreed to act as one of our three judges. Two others, who are lurking in the shadows, will join him soon.


Our panel of judges will be awarding four prizes within each Group and they are:

Best in Group
Runner up in Group
Most Innovation in Group
Weirdest Dang Thing in Group.


Based on recent experience we determined that the fewer rules the better. So….

The entries can be whatever the turner wants them to be. There are no limits as to size, form, finish, species, or state of wood. Nor are there any limitations on what tools can be used to create the piece. The entry can be a brand new turning fresh off the lathe, or even one that’s been collecting dust on a shelf for three years. Think of it this way – This thing just became a free for all! Multiple entries by an individual are heartily encouraged.

All entries should be posted in this thread.

The deadline for entries is 6PM (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, January 31st, 2007. That's 9 PM Eastern Time for you right coasters - I know how the math can be tough!


Huh? What’s that he said? Yes, you heard it right. We’re going to have an SMC Auction. In the thread that John Miliunas posted earlier it was quite clear that you folks wanted to do something special with this event. Various charitable (and worthy) organizations were suggested and there are many more, of course. And in this thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=45568), you determined that Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital should be our beneficiary.

Here’s how the auction will work. All entries are to be submitted in this thread. We suggest you do so in the same manner as if you were starting your own thread for the same purpose. Then, contact John Miliunas, Andy Hoyt, or myself to alert us to the presence of your entry and we’ll ensure that it is copied into the Holiday Contest Viewing Thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=47045) – which is locked to keep it from getting jammed with extra posts which we’re doing as a courtesy to the judges. It’s also locked so that no one inadvertently bids on an item in public.

Should you wish to bid on an item, you can do so sending a private message to John Miliunas, Andy Hoyt, or myself stating which item you’re bidding on and your bid amount. As bids come in the locked thread will be briefly opened so that a status report can be made on the bidding. (e.g. We’ll say something like: Item 12 has a current high bid of $12,654). This will only be done once John, Andy, and I have reconciled our PMs.

At 6 PM (East Coast Time) on Sunday, February 11th all bidding will be closed and the contest prizewinners will be announced. At the same time, we’ll be privately contacting winning bidders and ask them to open up their checkbooks or PayPal accounts and get the money rolling. Lars Thomas has agreed to serve as our Collection Agent for checks, cash, and PayPals. His contact information will be made available at the appropriate time.

When that money arrives we'll be privately informing turners with respect to where to send their piece and what the winning bid value ended up to be. We feel they have a right to that information; but publicly, we’ll only announce how much money was raised in total.

We will not be announcing who the winning bidders were, out of courtesy to any need of privacy they may have. However, if they're so inclined to post a gloat - so be it. I know I will!

Shipping pieces from turner to winning bidder is a private arrangement and will be paid for per whatever agreement gets worked out between the sender and receiver. Neither the contest itself, those running it, nor SMC will be involved in these logistical considerations nor the cost associated with it.

There are no minimum bid levels for any piece in the contest. This is seen as being counterintuitive to the spirit of the contest; the generosity of the turner; and the right minded thinking of the bidder.

We chose this scenario for a number of reasons. Primarily, we wanted to make this as painless as possible for you and also out of consideration to our selected charity. It was thought that they would probably realize greater ultimate value from a monetary donation than one from various turned pieces arriving from all over the globe at various times on which they would then have to expend resources to convert them into usable funding.

Let's go have some fun!

Thanks, Scott Donley / John Miliunas / Andy Hoyt

Mark Cothren
10-24-2006, 1:05 PM
I'll bid $7.13 on item #12... oh wait, we haven't gotten to that part yet...:D

Sounds like a great plan - especially since you figured out how to get Travis out of the mix... I can think of a few others I'd like to volunteer for judges...;)

I know St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital (http://www.stjude.org/) gets a lot of support, but I can't think of a better outfit for me to suggest.

Pete Jordan
10-24-2006, 1:11 PM
I don't have a charity in mind but I liked how Lar's abyssiration went. Someone might have an school or organization we could help.

Kurt Rosenzweig
10-24-2006, 1:20 PM
I'm with Mark! Another vote for St Jude's! Very Very Worthy!!!!

Andy Hoyt
10-24-2006, 1:33 PM
I nominate the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots (http://www.toysfortots.org/) program

Barry Stratton
10-24-2006, 1:36 PM
Cool contest.

So since I've sold a pen or two, I'm automatically in Group Catch.........aww man..............

As for charities, I'd toss out Shriners Hospital for Children.

Also, what do folks think about tossing 10% to this site to help keep the lights on?


Keith Burns
10-24-2006, 2:16 PM
For once I'll have to agree with Mark.....St. Jude's gets my vote.

Kenneth Hertzog
10-24-2006, 2:17 PM
As for a worthy cause I would say our own freedom pen project. these people are working hard to protect us
slippery rock, pa

Lars Thomas
10-24-2006, 2:19 PM
I think Pete's suggestion of another abysseration for either a school or maybe even a shelterd workshop somewhere would be great. If not that, one of my favorites is Ronald McDonald House.

Ben Werner
10-24-2006, 2:38 PM
Excellent!! just one question... can we submit something that we have rough turned, (for me its still like 1 1/2 in thick) soaked in DNA and is now drying, and will be unrapped and turned in like 2 weeks? it has no real shaping yet....
I like the idea of an abserration or a childrens hospital.

Jonathon Spafford
10-24-2006, 2:59 PM
I would probably vote for the Freedom Pens Project, if it is still going on!!!!

Don Orr
10-24-2006, 3:54 PM
Thanks for all the work hashing this out and setting it up.

My suggestion for a VERY worthy charity is the Red Cross.They help a lot of people in very desperate situations. Someday it could be me or you.

Rob Bourgeois
10-24-2006, 6:30 PM
St Judes or "make a wish"

Jonathon Spafford
10-24-2006, 7:55 PM
The Red Cross would also be a good option... I thought that the Freedom pens would be a good idea since they need donations to pay for pen kits and shipping!!!

Scott Donley
10-25-2006, 11:57 AM
All great ideas so far, keep them coming. Also, someone has to be the first to post their entry, who will it be ? Or better yet, what will it be ?

Tom Sherman
10-25-2006, 5:10 PM
I like it, sounds like a great plan to me. I like Mark have a special place in my heart for St Judes to many kids don't get a decent break in life, and they do more than their share to help.

Scott Donley
10-26-2006, 2:17 PM
Well, after a few PM:'s a bit of thought, a couple Moxie's and a can of Billy Beer (remember that ! ) The one rule contest has changed. For those of you That turn green wood and have something rough turned in the DNA or drying you are welcome to enter it, not really starting from scratch, but close enough for this finely tuned contest. Get to making some curlys and have some fun.

Corey Hallagan
10-26-2006, 7:17 PM
BTW, Scott.... question. On the sold a turning and going into group catch. I consider myself a beginner and have sold a pen or two but frankly I sold a pen before I knew what the heck I was doing. I don't think that should throw you into the first group. What do you think? Many of start with pens and sell a few immediately yet we have been turning only 9 months. Not the same as turning a bowl or box etc. Your thoughts?


Scott Donley
10-26-2006, 9:04 PM
Corey, I feel for ya, having sold a couple of pens by accident myself that would put me in there with the BIG boys also. But, we have to have a line some where and that is going to be as laid out. You turn some mighty fine pens and I doubt even Andy would go up against ya :) Your box was not to bad either :)

Barry Stratton
10-26-2006, 11:08 PM
BTW, Scott.... question. On the sold a turning and going into group catch. I consider myself a beginner and have sold a pen or two but frankly I sold a pen before I knew what the heck I was doing. I don't think that should throw you into the first group. What do you think? Many of start with pens and sell a few immediately yet we have been turning only 9 months. Not the same as turning a bowl or box etc. Your thoughts?


Here's how I look at it Corey, being in the same boat...... I'd rather be beat publicly by Ketron/Stinson/Burns/ETC...... than Howell/Chaffee:eek: :eek:

Bring on Group Catch!!!!

Scott Donley
10-27-2006, 12:24 AM

Here's how I look at it Corey, being in the same boat...... I'd rather be beat publicly by Ketron/Stinson/Burns/ETC...... than Howell/Chaffee:eek: :eek:

Bring on Group Catch!!!!Barry, thats just waaay to funny :D :D :D :D
PS. who is Howell and Chaffee ? :D :D :D

Jonathon Spafford
10-27-2006, 1:42 AM
We need more nominations for charities... the nominations are few and diverse, it looks like.

Also, is the auction going to auction everybodies piece off or just the winners. If it is just the winners it doesn't seem like that would raise much money... but I could be mistaken.

Andy Hoyt
10-27-2006, 1:51 AM
Jonathan - As I interpret the rules (that I helped prepare) all pieces entered in the contest are up for auction.

Jonathon Spafford
10-27-2006, 2:01 AM
Ok... at least if I don't win it will be fun to watch my piece(s) auctioned, especially if it goes to a worthy charity ;)

Corey Hallagan
10-27-2006, 8:13 AM

Here's how I look at it Corey, being in the same boat...... I'd rather be beat publicly by Ketron/Stinson/Burns/ETC...... than Howell/Chaffee:eek: :eek:

Bring on Group Catch!!!!

OUCH!!! LOL......


Tom Sherman
10-28-2006, 6:45 AM
Personally I consider it an honor to be grouped with the big boys. It is'nt often I get to hobnob with my betters. And like Barry said in that group, it won't hurt so bad getting beat.

Rob Bourgeois
10-28-2006, 10:34 AM
With my limited time..if I make something I might have to keep it for my wife's Christmas gift. I woudl hate to have to buy it back. Any way those that dont want to sell theirs could throw xx bucks into the pot. Otherwise i may have to sit on my idea and not enter it.

Just moving and having the whole shop to unpack and get set up and turn Christmas gifts just doesnt seem like its going to happen quickly.

Lee DeRaud
10-28-2006, 10:38 AM
So since I've sold a pen or two, I'm automatically in Group Catch.........aww man.............. Yeah, but we're going to auction off all the entries. That means, if this goes as planned, everybody who enters will be in Group Catch next year.:eek:

Kurt Rosenzweig
10-28-2006, 3:25 PM
Just took mine off the mustard monster! (which was pretty much a miracle in it self!!!) Now for the hard part!:D

Curt Fuller
10-28-2006, 10:47 PM
Hey Scott, Andy, or John, are we to wait until the deadline to post pictures of our entries or can we post them as they are completed?

Also, if you're still talleying votes for the recipient of the contribution mark one down for St. Judes.

Corey Hallagan
10-28-2006, 11:25 PM
With my limited time..if I make something I might have to keep it for my wife's Christmas gift. I woudl hate to have to buy it back. Any way those that dont want to sell theirs could throw xx bucks into the pot. Otherwise i may have to sit on my idea and not enter it.

Just moving and having the whole shop to unpack and get set up and turn Christmas gifts just doesnt seem like its going to happen quickly.

Starting to look that way for me too. With being in the middle of a kitchen remodel and having 4 gifts to work in... doesn't look good for me.


Jonathon Spafford
10-29-2006, 1:56 AM
Ok... I turned two little things today for the contest... not much and I might turn more. Am I supposed to post pix and if so where??? Also it would be kinda nice to know where the donations are going to... when do we find out???

Andy Hoyt
10-29-2006, 9:49 AM
Curt - Jonathan - all:

Post your projects here in this thread. I suggest that your post should look, read, and feel as if you were starting your own thread to showcase the item.

Bonus points will be awarded to the first three entries.

You may enter as many pieces as you'd like - in separate posts, of course.

And as Scott said in his thread launcher, the nominations for our intended charity will remain open for about two weeks, and right now we're just on Day 5.

Jonathon Spafford
10-29-2006, 6:53 PM
Here is my first entry: a magic wand. It is 13.5" long, probably 0.75" thick in the handle. It is made out of maple and is stained an antique reddish brown and has been given a couple coats of boiled linseed oil.

Jonathon Spafford
10-29-2006, 7:02 PM
Here is my second entry: a mushroom. It stands about 5" high and is probably 2" or so in diameter. I think it is made out of western white cedar... it is actually just made out of a branch that I found. It doesn't have any finish because it is so much prettier (I think) plain white. Most other finishes I have tried turn it a yellow orange and it makes it look to much like a two by four. The recipient is more than welcome to add their own finish ;)

Jonathon Spafford
10-29-2006, 7:06 PM
Do I get double bonus points for being the first AND second contestant :D
Btw, I am entering into group tearout!!!

Scott Donley
10-31-2006, 2:25 AM
Great entries Jonathon :cool: Rather magical I would say. A NE mushroom has to be a first. Nice going, what's next ?

Matt Wachter
10-31-2006, 9:53 AM
We need more nominations for charities... the nominations are few and diverse, it looks like.

Hi everybody. I don't have a lathe yet, but I'm soaking up all of the information that I can until I get one. Maybe next year I'll enter the contest.

As for a charity, how about a local Jaycees chapter? I'm a member of our chapter and the neat thing is that all of the fundraising that we do, stays in the community. If you're looking to make a difference locally, that might be a good choice to consider.

Andy Hoyt
10-31-2006, 7:26 PM
... and I can't get up!:D

Here's my official entry for the auction. This is a piece of native Maine Hackmatack that was a tree just yesterday. Last night some high winds took down an ugly old dead good for nothing but firewood (or turning) maple right behind the house, and it brought the hackmatack down with it.

It's about six inches tall and four inches across at the shoulders. I hadn't intended on this being a once turned item, but I got carried away before I realized how thin the walls had become. Oh well - nothing ventured.... Sanded to 600; buffed with all three compounds; photobooth; and Bob's your uncle.

49311 49312 49313

49314 49315

Okay - Cothren. Git-r-done!

Curt Fuller
10-31-2006, 11:45 PM
I'd say Bob's your Uncle! That's very purty!

Is Hackmatack a real wood or is that one of those Andyisms?

Corey Hallagan
10-31-2006, 11:58 PM
Nice entry's so far. Johnathan your wands are great. Andy, that is a beautiful piece. I have never seen grain like that in maple. Is that a true maple variation? Also since you turned this wet and finished it has it cracked or warped on you since you finished it?


Andy Hoyt
11-01-2006, 9:20 AM
... Is Hackmatack a real wood or is that one of those Andyisms?
.... Is that a true maple variation? Also since you turned this wet and finished it has it cracked or warped on you since you finished it? Corey Thanks guys. Nope Not an Andyism, nor a maple. Hackmatack (http://www.scarborough.k12.me.us/high/projects/trees/larch.htm)is another name for Tamarack (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamarack_Larch), which is a subspecies of Larch. Grows everywhere and is considered a nuisance tree in these parts. No cracks yet, keep them fingers crossed.

Scott Donley
11-01-2006, 11:20 AM
Great job Andy (so far ) Now just what group are you in ? :D

Andy Hoyt
11-01-2006, 11:57 AM
Sorry. Group Catch.

Scott Donley
11-02-2006, 3:53 PM
Well, you turn what you got :o This is a highly figured piece of maple, the kind that gives ya that 3D effect from some angles. About 6 1/2 X 1 3/4. Can be used for candy or ice cream any flavor. And yes, group catch, would look Great with Andy's HF :D :D

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-02-2006, 4:14 PM
Here's my first shot at a hat and it turned out better then I could of hoped! It's thin! Really thin! I'd say about a 16th" on average. Weighed 4.5 ozs before the band treatment. My neighbor Jane Menear did the embellishments and as you can see she's quite the crafter! It's Holly with 5 coats of semi-gloss lacquer. 13"s brim to brim and 7"s high. It fit my 6 year old daughter perfect without the pigtails! Thanks for putting this together guys! It really was alot of fun doing this one knowing it's going to a great cause! Kurt

P.S. I'd also like to thank Larry Hancock for putting such a great tutorial together! http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/email/pdf/hat.pdf


Scott Donley
11-02-2006, 4:25 PM
Wow, very, very, cool That will certainly hold bunch of ice cream :D

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-02-2006, 4:38 PM
Thanks Scott! I love your candy dish also! Great figure! We must of have been posting at the same time! Make sure you sign it! :D

Jonathon Spafford
11-02-2006, 5:18 PM
I love that grain on that candy dish... very nicely done.

And I absolutely love that hat... very cool job (cute little model too :D)!

Is there anyway one of the mods could make this thread sticky??? ... it would make it more accessible.

Frank Kobilsek
11-02-2006, 5:35 PM
I like the big blank in the mustard machine behind the cutey with the hat.

Great hat.


Robert Mickley
11-02-2006, 6:29 PM
My vote goes for the freedom pens project. I'm quite sure they could use it

Jonathon Spafford
11-02-2006, 7:07 PM
I like the big blank in the mustard machine behind the cutey with the hat.

Is it the blank that makes the mustard machine look good... or the mustard machine that makes the blank look good ??? ;)

Jean Holland
11-04-2006, 11:47 AM
My choice is the Children's Hunger Fund. (Their admin percentage is only 0.4% - this means that 96 cents from every dollar goes to the cause). They provide food, shelter, and medicine for impoverished children all over the world.

I agree the Freedom Pen Project is a worthy cause (and in our own backyard - so to speak). I even have a son in the Air Force. However, if I can choose only one organization, then I would prefer to support the children (I already support the military in many other ways).

St. Jude's is rated at 9.1% and Ronald McDonald House is at 8.8%. Those are both pretty good percentages.

I may not be able to submit a entry (due to my shop still under construction), but I can always support this effort by bidding.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-04-2006, 12:10 PM
And with Kurt's entry............I will probably be offering my tools and lathe for sale ......very shortly! Jeez.........I'll never live long enough to have that level of skill........WOW! Fantastic!

Curt Fuller
11-05-2006, 1:56 PM
Group Catch

This is a pair of Walnut Candlesticks turned from some glued up Walnut. Two views, front and back side. There's some light sapwood in there too. Tall one is 10.25", short one is 8.75", both are about 2.25" at base and have some brass candle holder inserts to hold a standard taper candle.

What I tried to do here is make the base and top the same with the center section shorter on one than the other. Seemed like it would be easier than it was. I had a heck of time making all the coves, beads, tapers, etc matchup. Now I know why they have duplicators and pattern lathes.

Scott Donley
11-05-2006, 4:26 PM
Really nice job Curt, I think the only thing I would add is maybe a third one ;)

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-05-2006, 5:12 PM
From 1 Curt to another, very nice job! I love walnut. Where do you get the brass inserts?

Curt Fuller
11-05-2006, 5:23 PM
Really nice job Curt, I think the only thing I would add is maybe a third one ;)

Funny you would say that Scott. I had wood glued up for #3 and screwed it up real bad. So, it's a 2 holder set.

Kurt, the candle inserts come from Craft Supplies..

Jonathon Spafford
11-05-2006, 6:53 PM
Hey... really nice looking candle sticks... I have tried turning different candle holders, but never matching ones. You did a good job on making them look the same!!

doug webb
11-06-2006, 6:12 PM
Please enter this in the group tear out. I make a few of these every year for gifts, but I haven't sold anything. Snowman is 11 inches tall, close to 5 1/2 inches dia. hat, arms,pipe and nose are all removable. Looking at all the other entries, we are going to have some pretty things for our judges to look at.....thanks, doug



EDIT: Sorry folks. Doug has asked that this entry be removed from the contest. It developed some unsightly cracks that just aren't repairable. He's striving to produce a replacement.

doug webb
11-06-2006, 6:34 PM
This is my second entry in group tear out. Cedar, 17 inches tall, 3 1/4 inches dia........Thanks for looking......doug



EDIT: Sorry folks. Doug has asked that this entry be removed from the contest. It developed some unsightly cracks that just aren't repairable. He's striving to produce a replacement.

Jonathon Spafford
11-06-2006, 11:13 PM
Hey, cute turnings!!! Really good job with them!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-07-2006, 12:22 AM
Doug.....I hope my wife doesn't see that snowman or I'll be in trouble for copyright infringement!

Scott Donley
11-07-2006, 1:14 AM
Way to go Doug. Great idea and great use of some wood. Nice job !

Jonathon Spafford
11-07-2006, 1:21 AM
I've been wondering for a long time... why do the threads stick replies "below current depth"... it drives me nuts :D

Andy Hoyt
11-07-2006, 6:04 PM
I've been wondering for a long time... why do the threads stick replies "below current depth"... it drives me nuts :D Jonathan - Would like to answer that for you, but sadly I have no idea what you're talking about. Perhaps you could re-state your observation.

Scott Donley
11-07-2006, 6:24 PM
Just a reminder to get your choice of charity in as the poll will be going up in the next day or two, and a reminder to those of you sitting on the sidelines to post some of your work, a chance to raise a few bucks for a good cause AND show off your efforts.:D Scott

Jonathon Spafford
11-07-2006, 7:30 PM
Jonathan - Would like to answer that for you, but sadly I have no idea what you're talking about. Perhaps you could re-state your observation.

Sometimes when a thread gets too long they hide some of the posts... when you scroll down the list of posts at the top of the page there will be a "post" that says "More replies below current depth", which you have to click before it shows all the posts. I was just wondering why it does this instead of adding more pages... not a big deal though. Maybe it just does it with me... got a customized forum account or something :D

Jonathon Spafford
11-07-2006, 7:33 PM
Here is a pic of what I am talking about... it ain't a big deal just an observation ;)

Andy Hoyt
11-07-2006, 7:46 PM
Hmm. Never saw that before.

Go into your User CP and click on Edit Options.

Towards the bottom of the page you'll see that you're set up to read in the hybrid mode. Try switching to Linear-Oldest First.

Curt Fuller
11-07-2006, 10:28 PM
Group Catch

This is either a real big ice cream bowl or a small salad bowl. (if you eat less salad it leaves more room for ice cream) It's a new form for me with sort of an Ogee shape to it. It's some type of locust, black or honey, you decide. About 10" x 4.5 " with lacquer finish.

Scott Donley
11-07-2006, 11:01 PM
Kurt, just beautiful ! Love the form size, and wood. Locust dry is tough, and as one who has not been able to finish a piece yet, I would say you did an outstanding job:o

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-08-2006, 8:26 AM
I like it Curt! I like the Ogee shape. I haven't hadda chance to try locust yet.

Keith Burns
11-08-2006, 11:38 AM
Here is a pic of what I am talking about... it ain't a big deal just an observation ;)

Jonathon, click on the "display mode" button in the upper right hand corner and select "linear mode"

Jonathon Spafford
11-08-2006, 12:04 PM
Ok... cool, that works!! :)

Dave Fifield
11-08-2006, 9:29 PM
...If we sell our entries (for charity), won't that put us ALL in "Group Catch" next time?

:Dave F.

Scott Donley
11-09-2006, 4:05 PM
...If we sell our entries (for charity), won't that put us ALL in "Group Catch" next time?

:Dave F.SSHHHH --- don't tell ;)

Joash Boyton
11-10-2006, 4:54 AM
So will I be eligiable to enter? Since this started on 25/10, can I enter anything that I have made since then, or do I have to start tommorow? And also, I could'nt quite catch it, will all items be donated to a charity?

If I can enter something made since 25/10, I have attached photos of my entries.

The box is Queensland maple, with a camphor-laurel top, and a Jarrah finial.

The Large bowl, is Jarrah....one of my favourites.

Also, I will be in Group Catch, as I have done a turning demonstration before At the Wood show this year, and I have sold many many items.

If I'm not eligiable, that's fine, somebody just tell me

Andy Hoyt
11-10-2006, 9:01 AM
Hey Joash! Welcome to the club, mate.

Sure, you betcha, you're in and those pieces are fine entries.

Just do us a favor and repost each one in a seprate post (in this thread) and include a few more pics if available, along with the usual decriptors.

Species - Dimensions - Finish - etc.

Art Mulder
11-10-2006, 10:22 AM
So will I be eligiable to enter? Since this started on 25/10, can I enter anything that I have made since then, or do I have to start tommorow? And also, I could'nt quite catch it, will all items be donated to a charity?

Hey Joash, I don't think Andy quite answered your questions, so I went back and looked at the original post myself, and realized that I don't understand all the details either.

This is what I get out of reading the rules

1) the piece must be something turned after Oct 24th (date of original contest post)
2) After the contest closes, SMC members will get to bid on the items
3) the money spent gets sent to charity, and the items get sent to the winning bidder.

But what don't see any mention of is:
1) shipping. Who is paying that? Do you expect the turner to pay to ship to the winnder? Or vice versa? For Joash I can see this being a big deal if his winning bidder is not located in Australia
2) There also doesn't seem to be any mention of minimum bids. Are the entrants allowed to set minimum bids on their pieces?

(not a turner, but keen to see the contest results.)

Lars Thomas
11-10-2006, 1:04 PM
Art, I'm hardly qualified to respond, but it would seem logical for the winning bidder to pay the freight. The turner should probably list their postal code and approxmiate weight to help people estimate shipping costs.

As for minimum bids, Since the turner is effectively giving it to the creek, only the creek could set minimums. I'm going out on a limb here, but I suspect no one here wants to determing Dicks's project is more valuable than Jane's. So that that would lead to no minimum bids. What do you say Andy? Make sense? Lars

Andy Hoyt
11-10-2006, 1:45 PM
Okay - Scott, John, and I talked about this issue over an online lunch discussion at igotthemiseries.com. Here's what we've determined.

Shipping is a private arrangement and will be paid for per whatever agreement gets worked out between the sender and receiver. Neither the Contest itself, those running it, nor SMC will be involved in these logistical considerations.

We have also determined that any notion of a minimum bid is counterintuitive to the spirit of the contest, the generosity of the turner, and the right minded thinking of the bidder.

With regard to the potential for additional shipping costs borne out of Joash's down under location (or any other extracontintental entry) all we can say is this. "Bid wisely".

For what it's worth - I sent a two pound box via USPS Global Priority Mail to civilian friend in Iraq a while back. Took a week to get there and cost about $22.

PS: I'll go back and edit Scott's original post to include these "ammendments".

Lee DeRaud
11-10-2006, 3:15 PM
We have also determined that any notion of a minimum bid is counterintuitive to the spirit of the contest, the generosity of the turner, and the right minded thinking of the bidder.It's a non-issue. Anybody who really wants a "minimum bid" on their piece can bid on it themselves. Worst case, they end up making a donation of that amount to whatever charity wins the poll, save the shipping costs, and do whatever they want with the piece later.

(We might want to add a rule that no one can bid more than once on their own entry.)

Joash Boyton
11-11-2006, 6:00 AM
Ok, I am sorry, but I will have to absatain from this one. These 2 pieces are allready in a gallery, and might allready be sold. I have done this before, and will again, but right now, I don't have enough work, to fullfill the the demands of the galleries I am allready stocking.

Will help, but not now,


John Miliunas
11-11-2006, 8:46 AM
(We might want to add a rule that no one can bid more than once on their own entry.)

Andy, Scott??? I think Lee makes a valid point on this. If the owner makes a bid on their own piece and someone goes over that original bid, it should, at that point, be totally up for grabs, regardless of the amount. :) Whatchya' think, guys? :confused:

Thanks for bringing the point up, Lee! :) :cool:

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-11-2006, 9:55 AM
Just a suggestion. There's another board that does the same kinda thing but they list the items on ebay. This might solve all the issues as well raise more money for the givin charitys since it will be more visable. Again, Just a suggestion. I'd be happy to do the listings.

Jonathon Spafford
11-11-2006, 4:05 PM
I think sticking 'em on e-bay might be a good idea... it would probably raise more money!

Andy Hoyt
11-11-2006, 4:13 PM
If someone wants to bid on their own submission, that's fne by me.

Limiting the owner to just one such bid seems mean. Have at it!

I'm not a fan of the bay, as there's just too much effluent running into it, but that's just me. I'd like to think that we can do just fine right here in the creek where the water's a whole lot clearer.

Lee DeRaud
11-11-2006, 5:25 PM
Limiting the owner to just one such bid seems mean.Well, the idea there was to give the owner one chance to set a "minimum bid". Beyond that, bidding on your own stuff seems a bit tacky, like you're trying to pump the price up.

(This could just be me: I'm not that fond of the whole concept of auctions.)

Scott Donley
11-11-2006, 6:25 PM
Well, the idea there was to give the owner one chance to set a "minimum bid". Beyond that, bidding on your own stuff seems a bit tacky, like you're trying to pump the price up.

(This could just be me: I'm not that fond of the whole concept of auctions.)Lee, I would agree with you if the goal was to get the most dollars for the turner, but in this case the goal is to raise a few dollars for charity. IE: If I were to bid 50 bucks for my candy dish it is not that it is really worth that to me (or anyone else for that matter) but 50 going to charity.

PS: I think you could own it for 51.00 :D

Scott Donley
11-11-2006, 6:26 PM
If someone wants to bid on their own submission, that's fne by me.

Limiting the owner to just one such bid seems mean. Have at it!

I'm not a fan of the bay, as there's just too much effluent running into it, but that's just me. I'd like to think that we can do just fine right here in the creek where the water's a whole lot clearer.I am with Andy on this one.

Curt Fuller
11-11-2006, 6:29 PM
Well, the idea there was to give the owner one chance to set a "minimum bid". Beyond that, bidding on your own stuff seems a bit tacky, like you're trying to pump the price up.

(This could just be me: I'm not that fond of the whole concept of auctions.)

Lee, I would agree with you on any other type of auction. But where the proceeds of this go towards a charitable donation I think it would be OK to run up the price as much as you're willing to donate. Bidding on your own work is like uping your own donation.

Jason Christenson
11-13-2006, 3:35 PM
I'm not sure if it's too late or not, but I'd like to nominate Habitat For Humanity.

Andy Hoyt
11-14-2006, 1:48 PM
Yup - to late Jason. Sorry

Two and half weeks to go, folks.

Time to pony up them pieces.

Jonathon Spafford
11-14-2006, 2:29 PM
Update.... I made an extra mushroom to go along with my first... Now everybody don't clap at once! ;)

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-14-2006, 2:31 PM
Atta boy John! They look great!:D

John Hart
11-16-2006, 8:44 PM
Cool Contest!!!! Great idea. Nice entries so far!

What's a lathe?:confused:

John Miliunas
11-18-2006, 12:56 PM
What's a lathe?:confused:

What's a "John Hart"??? :D :confused:

JK, my friend! Nice to see you out and about! Hope all is going well with your magnanimous house projects! Keep in touch. :) :cool:

Andy Hoyt
11-18-2006, 2:27 PM
.....What's a lathe?:confused: Why dontcha bust out the Ugly Stick and find out! :D

Brett Baldwin
11-19-2006, 3:34 PM
I have three entries for Group Tearout. I'll post them in order of completion.
First up, a citrus wood (don't know exact kind) cup 2"Dx2.5"H. Finished with BLO, shellac and wax.

Brett Baldwin
11-19-2006, 3:42 PM
I picked up some really nice curly maple at a sale the other week but the end of one board had an inclusion in it so I decided to do my first plate turning. Here is the result. 7.5" diameter finished with BLO only.



Brett Baldwin
11-19-2006, 3:48 PM
This last is the beginning of some turnings from the free wood of my grapefruit tree which has expired. It has a fair amount of old dead wood with newly dead stuff which I found makes for some difficult turning and sanding with the vastly different densities. This was what I came up with. 4.5"Dx2.5"H. BLO and buffed with tripoli to see if the shine would come up. I think it needed more BLO to soak into the old dead sections.



Scott Donley
11-19-2006, 4:50 PM
All three look great ! # 3 is some wild wood, #2 would be a perfect match for my candy dish, #1 looks to be the right size for a can of Moxie :D Nice job .

Barry Stratton
11-22-2006, 1:14 AM
Nothing spectacular, but here's my "donation" to the Holiday Turning Contest, Group Catch.

It is a tool box pencil kit from CSUSA, with the "wide" lead, made out of moose antler. Finish is simply EEE Polish and 2 coats of wax.


Pete Jordan
11-26-2006, 2:08 PM
it aint much but it is done. The thing I am most proud of is I finally got the vacuum chuck to work. What a county! (Ingham county)
This bowl is 8 3/4 by 2 3/4. Sanding sealer, friction polish and Beall buffed.
My goal was just to stop the harassment from the King of the Wind Chill Factor!

Thanx for the inspiration, Andy!

Photos courtesy of 2003 Buick hood.

Scott Donley
11-26-2006, 5:17 PM
[quote=Pete JordanMy goal was just to stop the harassment from the King of the Wind Chill Factor!

Thanx for the inspiration, Andy!

[/quote]The wind does blow cold out of the east :D :D :D :D Great job on the turning by the way, am working on something like it myself, find I am having to take more breaks to think about it than time turning. :o

John Miliunas
11-26-2006, 6:22 PM
Hey guys, guess what? The lathe still works!!! :D The last few months have been busy but, this cause is worth it so, I fired up the ol' Vega. I originally figured a confetti lamp is pretty traditional for this time of year but, wanted to try my hand at some type of box, as well. So, why not both in one? Hence, my "2fer". :) Besides, seems that most confetti lamps just end up sitting there doing nothing, I figured this one could be used to stash jewelry, coins or even matches/lighter to light the dang thing! :rolleyes: Alternately, one could easily separate the two and have a trinket box and confetti lamp. :) Curly Maple with my usual Velvit Oil finish, followed by Mylands friction polish then on to the Beall, including the Carnuba wax. Overall dimensions (put together) is 5x3; The lamp alone is 5x2 and the box alone is 1-7/8x 4-1/4. All I had available for the lamp part are those throw-away types so, I'll include a couple extra lamps with it. As always, comments/critiques are welcome! :) :cool:

PS: Please note: As "moderator", my entry is not eligible for a contest placement but, please, do consider it for an auction entry for whichever organization is settled on for proceeds. Thanks!

John Miliunas
11-26-2006, 6:32 PM
Hey guys, guess what? The lathe still works!!! :D The last few months have been busy but, this cause is worth it so, I fired up the ol' Vega. I originally figured a confetti lamp is pretty traditional for this time of year but, wanted to try my hand at some type of box, as well. So, why not both in one? Hence, my "2fer". :) Besides, seems that most confetti lamps just end up sitting there doing nothing, I figured this one could be used to stash jewelry, coins or even matches/lighter to light the dang thing! :rolleyes: Alternately, one could easily separate the two and have a trinket box and confetti lamp. :) Curly Maple with my usual Velvit Oil finish, followed by Mylands friction polish then on to the Beall, including the Carnuba wax. Overall dimensions (put together) is 5x3; The lamp alone is 5x2 and the box alone is 1-7/8x 4-1/4. All I had available for the lamp part are those throw-away types so, I'll include a couple extra lamps with it. As always, comments/critiques are welcome! :) :cool:

PS: Please note: As "moderator", my entry is not eligible for a contest placement but, please, do consider it for an auction entry for whichever organization is settled on for proceeds. Thanks!

Eeeek...Someone already PM'd me wanting to know what the bottom of the lamp looks like. Here's a pic with both; The box btm on the left, lamp on the right.:)

Scott Donley
11-26-2006, 6:42 PM
John, what a great idea ! I like it, and nice to see you turning again. Ya gotta love that maple, a wood for all seasons.:D

PS: Packers here on Monday, any bets ?;)

John Miliunas
11-26-2006, 6:52 PM
John, what a great idea ! I like it, and nice to see you turning again. Ya gotta love that maple, a wood for all seasons.:D

Thanks. Sometimes I do come up with a decent idea, much to my wife's surprise! :D

PS: Packers here on Monday, any bets ?;)

Sure! I bet it'll be LOUD!!! :eek: I just hope they send the GB team over there instead of St. Sebastian's pee-wee team they had out on the field last week! :rolleyes: It'd be nice if they, at least, made a game of it! :D :cool:

Tom Sherman
11-27-2006, 9:22 AM
Nice box/confetti light John, Hope you don't mind if I shanghi your design, looks like a very neat project. Been looking for something to make for our club's silent auction on Dec 1 this could be it. Love the wood and finish.

Jonathon Spafford
11-27-2006, 4:14 PM
Hey.... we got less than a week left... sure looking forward to seeing some more entries. Really nice entries so far!! Keep 'em comin'!!!!!

Curt Fuller
11-27-2006, 10:06 PM
This the same bowl I submitted back at the start of the Holiday Turning Contest. But since I originally posted the picture the bowl cracked and warped some. I repaired the crack with epoxy but there's not much I can do about the warping.

New pictures show the crack and warped shape.

Group catch

John Hart
11-27-2006, 10:09 PM
Yeah...that's just gawdawful Curt! You better send it to me so I can hide it somewhere. ;) :)

John Miliunas
11-27-2006, 10:33 PM
Nice box/confetti light John, Hope you don't mind if I shanghi your design, looks like a very neat project. Been looking for something to make for our club's silent auction on Dec 1 this could be it. Love the wood and finish.

Have at it, Tom! I have little doubt that you or most others here could do a better job at it, anyway! :D Ahhh but, it was still fun to get back on the lathe for a spell! :) :cool:

Lee DeRaud
11-27-2006, 10:40 PM
Ahhh but, it was still fun to get back on the lathe for a spell! :) :cool:I'm still waiting for something three-sided. :cool:

John Miliunas
11-27-2006, 10:55 PM
I'm still waiting for something three-sided. :cool:

Know what??? I was just thinkin' that myself! :o Gonna' check at work on Wed. night and see if I can find a suitable chunk o' wood to do it some justice! Yup, got those templates hanging right next to the Vega, reminding me all the time!!! :D :cool:

Jonathon Spafford
11-30-2006, 2:40 AM
Still hoping to see more.... just four more days (but who's counting) :p

John Miliunas
11-30-2006, 8:33 AM
This the same bowl I submitted back at the start of the Holiday Turning Contest. But since I originally posted the picture the bowl cracked and warped some. I repaired the crack with epoxy but there's not much I can do about the warping.

New pictures show the crack and warped shape.

Group catch

Curt, good job on the repair and thanks for the disclosure. That notwithstanding, I don't believe it detracts from the form or piece in general! Carry on, my friend! :) :cool:

Tom Sherman
12-02-2006, 9:31 AM
Boy am I surprised and pleased, for some reason I thought the deadline was yesterday(senior moment I guess). I'll have to get out to the shop and get busy, hopefully I can get something together to contribute.

Scott Donley
12-02-2006, 9:47 AM
Boy am I surprised and pleased, for some reason I thought the deadline was yesterday(senior moment I guess). I'll have to get out to the shop and get busy, hopefully I can get something together to contribute.Lots of time Tom ;) 35 hours and 15 min. to go !

Ed Davidson
12-02-2006, 5:02 PM
This thingy is a turned polyester resin disk measuring about 5" across and 3/8" thick. It has six stone arrowheads and a pewter eagle concho encapsulated in clear resin with an opaque turquoise colored resin backside.

I had planned on using this as a dream-catcher centerpiece, or perhaps an embellishment for the bottom of a platter or large bowl. In any event, I'm sure the high bidder will find a good use for it.

Best regards,
Ed Davidson

John Timberlake
12-03-2006, 1:04 PM
Here is my entry. I turned these ornaments as a fundraiser at our church for a local children's home. The body is fir beams left over from the building of our new church a few years ago. The collars are cherry or walnut and the spindles are maple. The bodies are hollow as usual. Each ornament took about one hour including finishing. Finish is wipe on and spray lacquer.

51497 51498

Kurt Rosenzweig
12-03-2006, 1:22 PM
Ed and John and Lee! How cool!
Ed. Are they real arrow heads? Very original.
John! Is that a set of three or the set of 25! LOL! Just wanna know how broke I'm gonna be at the end of the bidding! I'm going tree shopping with my family today and my wife is looking over my shoulder! They're beautiful!

Ed Davidson
12-03-2006, 1:36 PM
Thanks Kurt...the six stone arrowheads are modern but hand-made.

Mark Pruitt
12-03-2006, 2:04 PM
I have wanted to participate in the Holiday Turning Contest, but for a few reasons I have not been able to do so. One very big reason is that I decided back in September that this year I was going to make presents on the lathe rather than buy things to give. Since late September I have been spending every weekend working on Christmas presents!:eek:

I am wondering if any other Creekers might be in the same boat as I am in; wanting to participate in the Holiday Turning Contest and just not having time. To that end, I had a conversation with Andy Hoyt this afternoon and discovered that the number of submissions for this contest has been below the average for previous ones. Suspicion confirmed? I dunno.:confused:

But...I wanted to put this out and ask for feedback.

Those of you who have met the deadline, you may have put yourselves to some inconvenience to do so and I want to be respectful of that. Still, if there are a number of potential submissions that could be entered if more time was allowed, might not that ultimately result in a greater gift to the charity of choice, which is the real intent of this contest anyway?

'Nuther thought....if the deadline could be extended, those who have already entered submissions could enter additional ones as well if so inclined.

What do you guys think about this? (Especially you, Scott, since you're the instgator of this whole thing, but also those who have entered submissions already.)

Mark (tardy for everything.):o

John Miliunas
12-03-2006, 2:22 PM
I have wanted to participate in the Holiday Turning Contest, but for a few reasons I have not been able to do so. One very big reason is that I decided back in September that this year I was going to make presents on the lathe rather than buy things to give. Since late September I have been spending every weekend working on Christmas presents!:eek:

I am wondering if any other Creekers might be in the same boat as I am in; wanting to participate in the Holiday Turning Contest and just not having time. To that end, I had a conversation with Andy Hoyt this afternoon and discovered that the number of submissions for this contest has been below the average for previous ones. Suspicion confirmed? I dunno.:confused:

But...I wanted to put this out and ask for feedback.

Those of you who have met the deadline, you may have put yourselves to some inconvenience to do so and I want to be respectful of that. Still, if there are a number of potential submissions that could be entered if more time was allowed, might not that ultimately result in a greater gift to the charity of choice, which is the real intent of this contest anyway?

'Nuther thought....if the deadline could be extended, those who have already entered submissions could enter additional ones as well if so inclined.

What do you guys think about this? (Especially you, Scott, since you're the instigator of this whole thing, but also those who have entered submissions already.)

Mark (tardy for everything.):o

Mark, I do believe your suspicions are well founded! I too would like to give more of an opportunity to folks who have otherwise been a bit on the busy side this Holiday season. :) And, one other thought: I know at the onset of this effort, some folks were concerned about "having to just start now to make something" and were a little taken aback about not being able to enter previously made items. In light of the fact that this is, after all, mainly an effort to auction off the items for a yet to be determined "good cause" (or causes), I'd like to propose that: For those folks who have not had the time to create something totally new, we go ahead and extend the entries to previously made items.

Whatchya' all think??? :confused: :) :cool:

Andy Hoyt
12-03-2006, 2:39 PM
Thanks, Mark; and well said. I'm open to suggestions; and I know Scott is too.

Thought you folks would like to know that St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital was successfully voted to be our beneficiary in the poll (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/St.%20Jude%27s%20Children%27s%20Research%20Hospita l) we conducted. I'm really happy with this choice. Thanks to all who voted.

Scott Donley
12-03-2006, 2:46 PM
Thanks, Mark; and well said. I'm open to suggestions; and I know Scott is too.

Yep, What Andy said :D

John Hart
12-03-2006, 3:59 PM
Well...I, for one, have been unable to turn anything for the past several months. Some might say that I've never been able to turn anything!:p

But...If there were an extension....I would like to give it a whirl. No pressure, mind you....The folks who have already entered have clearly followed the rules and I would be the last person who would want to tromp on that.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-03-2006, 4:05 PM
Frankly speaking..............I've indebted myself so much in turning "things" since I was bombed earlier this year, the LOML declared my skills such that she was voluteering me to make Christmas presents for family and friends this year. In short......I enjoy our contests but I've been totally involved in turning Christmas presents, a friend and customer asked me to do some turing for her kitchen table. Since I'm on a deadline with both of those, and didn't see how I could make this contest deadline, I voluteered to turn somethings for another Creeker. In short........I don't have time right now. If the deadline was pushed out I could probably generate something. Of course...if the deadline isn't pushed out....I dodge the criticism of my poor turning skills!:eek:

Another thing to consider is the monetary end of it. I'm tapped out this time of year. Near the end of January, I might have recovered. If we were to have the auction now..I wouldn't be able to bid as much as later. Late in January we might be able to raise more money for the charity because people could afford to bid more.

If the people who have met the deadline want to keep the contest as is it won't bother me either.

Just my input.

Jon Shively
12-03-2006, 5:26 PM
Ken said a mouthful about available money and time during this part of the year. I am a newbie here as well as to turning. Wasn't going to enter as I really don't know where I stand in this whirlwind as of yet and only want to point out the obvious. A contest was started, a recipient was chosen, pieces have been entered. How about continuing this contest as originally planned regardless the quantity and quality and then using what was learned, maybe a post holiday contest for another or the same charity? I remember my grandmother talking about the first three months after grandpa died how many people showed up and how busy she was, but then life came back to the others and all of a sudden she was lonely. Bet these charitable organizations are like that, bills happen monthly and they probably get a big percentage of their needs during the holidays, but throughout the year they would appreciate any money created and sent in. Personally I think this is the best way to keep things fair for those that met the rules and for those who prefer to wait for a slower time and have a little change in their pockets to purchase someone else's object. Me, I am going to look for something unique (can't say something I don't know how to do as I don't know how to turn much other than a pen or a bracelet). Just my two cents worth of opinion.

Tom Sherman
12-03-2006, 5:31 PM
I am calling this My Twisted Cherry. It is my contribution for the auction. This is a Cherry box with a Twist. I realize that my talents are not up to snuff compaired to some in this contest but I am quite pleased with this first go at this kind of thing. It will have a Watco finish(still coming up wanted to get this posted before the dead line)and be buffed. It stands just shigh of 3 3/4" high is 2 1/2" wide, the inside is 2 1/4" deep on the base by 1 1/2" inside diameter. Hey John here's that three sided thingee for you.

51526 51527 57080 57081


Keith Burns
12-03-2006, 6:23 PM
First, I don't want this piece considered as a "contest entry" although it does meet the requirements. I would like to offer it for the "Charity Auction" It is a Maple NE measuring 7-1/2" in length, 5-1/2" wide ant 3-1/2" at it's tallest. It does have a very small crack on one end toward the bottom. Wipe on gel poly and buffed.

Andy Hoyt
12-03-2006, 7:24 PM

As you all know, the submission deadline for this contest arrives in a few hours. And as I’m sure you’re also aware, despite some wonderful entries, the volume of submissions has been less than hoped for.

As I say what's about to follow, please know that John, Scott, and I are most grateful to those who have already submitted pieces. But sadly it’s just not enough to warrant bringing this thing to a conclusion - just yet. Especially when the opportunity to help a worthy cause like Saint Judes is at hand and at the forefront of this event's agenda.

So we were brainstorming yesterday trying to scheme up ways to remedy this. And then today I spent a fair amount of time on the phone speaking with many of you (participants, as well as others) whose input and perspective I thought would be valuable.

Then, after another round of discussion we determined to do a number of things with the goal being to make this a more meaningful event for the forum through garnering more submissions, and thereby generate more funds for Saint Jude’s. So here’s what we’re gonna do:
Extend the contest through the holidays and end it on January 31st, 2007 at 9 PM for submissions. This gets it past the new year, which may well have been a big stumbling block for many of you.

Once this new deadline arrives, the judging and bidding will commence as originally laid out. Contest and bidding winners and will be announced on February 11th.

Modify the submission requirements such that anyone may now submit any piece they wish regardless of when it was rough or finish turned. Nor does it matter if the piece has previously been posted on the forum.

We’re also formally stating that folks who wish to enter the auction portion of the event, but forgo the judging phase, may do so. We gotcha covered Keith.

I'll be spending time tonight editing the original set of rules for the event in the original post; and starting a new thread containing just the entries for easier viewing.

Please continue to post your submissions here so that they can be discussed as usual. John or I will copy them to the new "viewing thread".
Again - to those of you already in on this, please accept my gratitude. And for those who have yet to do make an entry know that I look forward to it soon.

Thanks, Andy (and Scott and John)

John Timberlake
12-03-2006, 8:17 PM
[quote=Kurt RosenzweigJohn! Is that a set of three or the set of 25! LOL! Just wanna know how broke I'm gonna be at the end of the bidding! I'm going tree shopping with my family today and my wife is looking over my shoulder! They're beautiful![/quote]

Set of three for the contest. Other going to the church.

Jonathon Spafford
12-04-2006, 12:15 AM
Ok... I don't mind the idea of extending the contest date... gets more contestants and more money for St. Judes. I like what I have seen so far... really like those Christmas ornaments! Everybody keep up the good work!!! :)

Steve Schlumpf
12-16-2006, 2:13 PM
Very simple tapered candle holders 3 5/8” diameter x 2 7/16” high. The curly maple really stands out and seems to be constantly moving. Finish is 3 coats of gloss wipe-on poly and buffed.

These were my first attempts at tapered candleholders and were turned using a recess. Turned the first one and applied finish. Next day I turned the second one and realized that I could reverse mount the wood and re-turn the bottom removing the recess. Duh! :confused: Left as is as a lesson in thinking ahead!

A few small checks in the wood but they were there before turning and have not changed since.

52615 52613 52614 52616

Tom Sherman
12-17-2006, 10:17 AM
Very nice candle holders Steve that wood is awsome.

John Miliunas
12-17-2006, 10:34 AM
Very pretty, Steve and, as Tom said, that wood is gorgeous! :) Don't fret about the checks, as that's not at all uncommon in wood like that. Typically, when I come across stuff like that, I CA glue them just to fill them and then finish turning/sanding/finishing them with no ill effects. Nice job, sir! :) :cool:

Scott Donley
12-17-2006, 11:35 AM
Nice job Steve, sure is some purty wood, checks and all :D

Jonathon Spafford
12-17-2006, 11:41 PM
That wood is really beautiful Steve.... how did it get so dark??? I personally like the checks in the wood... adds character!

Steve Schlumpf
12-18-2006, 9:33 AM
Thanks everyone!

Jonathon: As far as color of the maple, most of the maple I have turned have been locally harvested and all of it have large areas that are very dark when compared to the rest of the wood. I just figured it was from the heavy iron/mineral deposits in our area. Sure makes for some interesting turnings!

Bill Wyko
12-28-2006, 11:49 AM
Hello everyone. My name is Bill, I've just started turning about a month ago and I just can't seem to put it down. My first bowl was from a single peice of curly maple. Then I read a book on Ray Allen, what a talented man he was. My second bowl was a 130 peice segmented bowl. I'll put up some pics soon and hopefully be considered for your contest. I do have many years of woodworking as a carpenter building homes and also building humadors with an Incra jig. I must say, there are some very talented people here and I'm looking foreward to learning from all of you.

Jonathon Spafford
12-28-2006, 1:57 PM
I do believe that this contest is open for everyone... I am sure that someone will come by to confirm this. The mods wanted to make it easy for everybody to enter so the rules are pretty loose... this is supposed to be a fun contest and supposed to raise money for a good cause!

Mark Pruitt
12-28-2006, 2:01 PM
Hello everyone. My name is Bill, I've just started turning about a month ago and I just can't seem to put it down. My first bowl was from a single peice of curly maple. Then I read a book on Ray Allen, what a talented man he was. My second bowl was a 130 peice segmented bowl. I'll put up some pics soon and hopefully be considered for your contest. I do have many years of woodworking as a carpenter building homes and also building humadors with an Incra jig. I must say, there are some very talented people here and I'm looking foreward to learning from all of you.
Gee whiz......only your second bowl and you make it a segmented piece!

As to your question: You are certainly welcome in this contest!!! Your participation is not just welcome, it is encouraged!

Glad to have you here.

Bill Wyko
12-28-2006, 5:25 PM
Thanks, Ill take some pics and put them up tomorrow. The book on Ray Allen Was very detailed on how to do a segmented bowl. It made it very easy.

David Grant Wilson
01-01-2007, 4:35 AM
I would like to enter the competition with this carvers mallet.
I have purchased four chisels for bowel carving for my son. He needs a mallet which I thought I could turn on my metal lathe. First I welded up a rough tool rest then cut a piece of jarrah which is approx 10" x 3' sq. It just fitted.
I roughed it out with a gouge ane it now needs finishing. which is the correct tool to finish with and at what speed? to get the best results?
I do not want it auctioned but plan it as a gift to my Son who intends carving bowels

Jonathon Spafford
01-03-2007, 2:14 AM
I roughed it out with a gouge ane it now needs finishing. which is the correct tool to finish with and at what speed? to get the best results?
I would finish it at a higher speed... it allows for cleaner cuts! You could take finishing cuts with a skew or a small spindle gouge. Try parting down both ends with a parting tool to show where it ends then you can round off both ends a little bit. It almost looks like it is ready for sandpaper in which case you will want to sand at a lower speed. High speed obviously builds up friction and the heat isn't good on the wood. Start at 80-100 grit and work your way up to 320. A tool like this doesn't need a high polish! Anyway, good luck and have fun!!

Curt Fuller
01-03-2007, 6:47 PM
I realize that a vote was already taken to see which charitable organization would receive the proceeds from this auction. However, I wondered if anyone else would want to consider making the contribution to the American Diabetes Association. With Mr. Andy Hoyt being one of the ramrods behind this auction and with him also being recently diagnosed with diabetes it would seem appropriate, at least to me. In all of the responses to the thread asking for thoughts and prayers for Andy I was also struck by how many other fine SMC folks have diabetes. If not this time, maybe we could consider it on the next contest/auction.

John Hart
01-03-2007, 6:56 PM
Here here. Nice idea Curt.;)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-03-2007, 7:48 PM
If John Hart's for it....Curt Fuller's for it.....I'm for it! A great idea but I think we need some input from the contestants.....I hope to get something turned in time.

Jonathon Spafford
01-04-2007, 2:36 AM
I think that that might be a nice idea!!! If everyone else agrees, I am all for changing the charity! I speak as one of the contestants!!!

Bill Wyko
01-04-2007, 3:21 AM
All great ideas so far, keep them coming. Also, someone has to be the first to post their entry, who will it be ? Or better yet, what will it be ?
will these do?This is my first bowls I ever made. I'm at my shop right now, we had a break in tonight. They just dammaged the gates, nothing missing So I'll put up some pics.

Bill Wyko
01-04-2007, 3:26 AM
It did'nt work the first time, Here are the pics of my first bowls. I'll have to take more of the segmented bowl because I shrunk the pic for my avatar. It says I've already attached the file in another thread so I'll take some new pics tomorrow.
My shop was broken into tonight. It's 1:30am and I'm waiting for the police to get done. I Got lucky this time, nothing missing just some dammage to the gates.....They got lucky this time....I did'nt catch them.:mad: Anyway, the police are done so I'm going home. Good luck everyone;) P.S. the box is not for submission.

Kurt Rosenzweig
01-04-2007, 11:26 AM
Great Idea Curt! I'm all for it, but maybe we should start a whole new contest. Hopefully since it's after the holidays we can get more of a response. It seems the last one did not meet expectations due to the timing. Plus it's almost over. I'm sure if we started a new contest the response would be much larger. Just a suggestion. Sorry to hear about the break in Bill! I hate to hear stuff like that.

Barry Stratton
01-04-2007, 12:42 PM
I realize that a vote was already taken to see which charitable organization would receive the proceeds from this auction. However, I wondered if anyone else would want to consider making the contribution to the American Diabetes Association. With Mr. Andy Hoyt being one of the ramrods behind this auction and with him also being recently diagnosed with diabetes it would seem appropriate, at least to me. In all of the responses to the thread asking for thoughts and prayers for Andy I was also struck by how many other fine SMC folks have diabetes. If not this time, maybe we could consider it on the next contest/auction.

Fine by me...... all the charities voted on are good ones..... the American Diabetes Assoc is a good one..... when can I bid on Keith's bowl??????

Bill Wyko
01-04-2007, 2:23 PM
I'm kind of confused. In this contest are our peices being auctioned or are there two seprate contests? I'll be happy to turn something to be auctioned in the near future but if I had to let go of any of these 3 peices my wife would have my rear end.:eek:

Scott Donley
01-04-2007, 2:43 PM
I'm kind of confused. In this contest are our peices being auctioned or are there two seprate contests? I'll be happy to turn something to be auctioned in the near future but if I had to let go of any of these 3 peices my wife would have my rear end.:eek:Hi Bill, at this time, if it is in this thread it is up for auction. With that in mind you might want to edit your post :( You can opt out of the contest just not the auction. Thanks

Tom Sherman
01-04-2007, 4:50 PM
I have an item in the contest and I have no problem with an adjustment to the recipient of the proceeds. Count me in.

Steve Schlumpf
01-05-2007, 12:23 PM
Hey guys, I have no problem with changing the charity but suggest starting a new thread to draw attention and request everyone else's input on the matter.

Bill Wyko
01-05-2007, 1:36 PM
I'm going to the CES show this week but when I return I'll make something to contribute that I can part with. As long as my wife does'nt see it.:rolleyes: As far as charity's go, any good cause is a good cause.

John Hart
01-05-2007, 1:41 PM
Hey guys, I have no problem with changing the charity but suggest starting a new thread to draw attention and request everyone else's input on the matter.

Prolly not a bad idea.
It's funny...I've started 4 pieces for this lil' contest...and destroyed them all.:( Having a terrible string of bad luck with vases these days. Gonna start another one tonight though.

John Miliunas
01-05-2007, 3:06 PM
Hey guys, I have no problem with changing the charity but suggest starting a new thread to draw attention and request everyone else's input on the matter.

FWIW, yeah, I'm with Steve and others who are willing to go along with the change, however, a "New and Exciting" contest specific for the Diabetes Foundation would probably work better. Just my 00.02. :) :cool:

Kurt Rosenzweig
01-05-2007, 5:16 PM
I agree totally John! I think it would get a huge response so let me know if there is anyway I can help making it happen. :D

Jim Dunn
01-05-2007, 5:33 PM
Diabetes foundation is good for me as well. Just don't let Andy personally deliver the goods or we'll/SMC will never hear the end of it. (Could ya round those needles just a little? Never mind I'll get my gouge and do it for ya. If I need to give blood just scoop it up off the floor, it's there in the curlies.)

John Miliunas
01-05-2007, 10:52 PM
I agree totally John! I think it would get a huge response so let me know if there is anyway I can help making it happen. :D

Oh, I LIKE your attitude, Kurt!!! :D OK, you can start helping by thinking about any specific (or UN-specific guidelines), the "start" and "end" times for submissions (Preferably after our current effort is done, if you could. :) ) and select/find a judging panel.

Now, obviously, there's still a bit more to it but, that would be a good start.

Oh, yeah...Forgot to mention: I hereby elect YOU and the kind gentlemen who came up with the "let's switch to the Diabetes Foundation" (Curt F.) to head this thing up! :D Do I hear a second/third to this motion? :confused: :D I'm serious, too! I think it's wonderful when NON-moderator staff gets more closely involved with efforts such as these. After all, the SMC Forums belong to the members, NOT the Admin or Mods! So, what do you guys say? Yay/Nay??? :) :cool:

Curt Fuller
01-06-2007, 2:57 PM
I think I might have opened my mouth just ahead of engaging my brain when I suggested changing the recipient of the donation from this contest and auction. So I'm gonna "waffle" and suggest that we should just leave this be and continue on as though I never said anything. Scott, John, and Andy have put a lot of work into this and it was well thought out to start with. As John said, maybe the next one can be something different.

Sorry for poking at the hornet nest. Luckily it's winter and the hornets aren't buzzing around too much (so far).

Kurt Rosenzweig
01-06-2007, 4:44 PM
No problem John! I'll start working on it on Monday and then send you a PM!:D

John Miliunas
01-06-2007, 4:55 PM
No problem John! I'll start working on it on Monday and then send you a PM!:D

That's awesome, Kurt! Thanks much. I'm excited and very much looking forward to what you (and hopefully, Curt) come up with! :) :cool:

Ben Werner
01-10-2007, 8:32 PM
Mushrooms!!! maple, mineral oil finish

tall one: 4 1/2 in tall, 3 in wide NE, and 1 1/2 in base
Short one: 3 1/4-1/2 in tall, 3 in wide NE, and 1 1/4 in base.
(same branch)

I thought they looked good together so I put them as a pair of mushrooms :D:D
group catch

First time doin shrooms and i even added my own touch:D... A little nifty skew work and ya got some spore holder thingymabobers... whatever those things are called :D:D:p:p


Jonathon Spafford
01-10-2007, 8:38 PM
Those are really cool, Ben! I like the touch on the underneath. So you just leave the curls from the skew instead of cutting it clean???

Ben Werner
01-10-2007, 8:47 PM
yup just take one of the points of the skew and undercut the wood and just let it spin outward... the long ones: just tuck under or cut. the one thing that you gotta make sure though is that the tool rest is farther from the wood then the legnth of the curls... if the curls hit the rest they are liable to break off. :D:D

John Hart
01-10-2007, 9:44 PM
That's really innovative Ben! And really nice looking. Your Spore Holder Thingymabobers (and Yes, that is the scientific nomenclature) are a PERFECT touch. Excellent.:)

John Miliunas
01-10-2007, 9:53 PM
Well done, Ben! And that "thingamobobers" detail is truly creative! :D I love that idea and it really adds so much to the pieces. Again, well done! :) :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
01-10-2007, 10:07 PM
Ben.....very well done and very creative! Excellent!

Ben Werner
01-13-2007, 1:18 PM

Ben Werner
01-15-2007, 9:29 PM
Update: added some "spores" (burns really) :D:D


Travis Stinson
01-19-2007, 7:55 PM
Not a contest entry. This is my donation to the charity auction. Walnut hollow form, 5 1/2" diameter by 5 1/2" tall. Buffed Antique oil finish.

Kurt Rosenzweig
01-19-2007, 8:03 PM
Great piece Travis! I'll be bidding on this one!

John Hart
01-19-2007, 8:43 PM
I'm right behind you Kurt. ;) Great looking piece Travis. That's nice of you.

Tom Sherman
01-20-2007, 8:45 AM
Awsome Piece Travis, well done.

Jonathon Spafford
01-20-2007, 3:04 PM
Oooooooh that is gorgeous.... Hey Travis, can you donate that to my favorite charity... ME!!! :D :D

John Miliunas
01-20-2007, 5:36 PM
Wow, Travis! Gonna' have to add me to the list of bidders on that piece! Wonderful, my friend! :) :cool:

Kurt Rosenzweig
01-21-2007, 12:23 PM
Hey Travis! I'm just curious on your finish. I've used antique oil and then buffed and never have achieved a finish like yours. Can you give me a little more insight on your process? Just trying to learn from the master!:D

John Hart
01-21-2007, 1:44 PM
Ok...here's my entry. This is not for the contest, but my contribution to the auction. It's a Curly Cherry bowl....9" Diameter, 1.5" High. Wall thickness 1/8"...a little thicker on the bottom. Finished with Shellac and Walnut Oil for a base and then lacquered, smoothed with steel wood...then hand buffed. Let me know if you want to see other views and I'll whip 'em up.:)

Travis Stinson
01-22-2007, 10:20 PM
Hey Kurt. My process is pretty straightforward using the Minwax Antique oil. I'll start power sanding with whatever grit neccessary and go through all the grits to 800 grit. Wipe down with mineral spirits, then apply a good coat of oil. Let it set up a few minutes and wipe off the excess. Repeat the oil coat and wipe the next day. The Minwax Antique oil, in my experience, cures really fast and I usually buff the following day using all 3 compounds.

Kurt Rosenzweig
01-23-2007, 8:29 AM
Thanks Travis. John! What a great looking bowl! Very nice profile! I'm going to need to take out a second mortgage come auction time!:D

Andy Hoyt
01-25-2007, 3:50 PM
Hey folks.

Just thought I'd bump this back up to remind you all that the deadline for entries is 6 PM Pacific Time on Wednesday January 31. That's about six days from now.

Please make sure that your entries have been copied into the Viewing Thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=47045). If they are, fine.

If not, please shoot me a PM and I'll get it done for you. That's YOUR responsibility. Thanks.

Lee DeRaud
01-25-2007, 8:43 PM
1. Tealight holder, hackmatack (courtesy of Mr. Hoyt), 3-5/8" diameter, 3-1/4" high:
2. Bowl, ambrosia maple, 5-1/2" diameter, 2-1/2" high:
3. Bowl, walnut and cherry, 6-1/2" diameter, 1-5/8" high:

Scott Donley
01-26-2007, 12:07 PM
Thanks for the entries Lee, nice job, and the rest of ya, only five days left !

Jim Ketron
01-28-2007, 9:31 AM
This is my contribution for the Charity Auction. (not for the contest)
Curly Ambrosia Maple hollow form with ebonized Walnut collar and finial.
It measures 7" wide X 7 1/4" tall without the finial and 11 1/4" tall with.
Antique oil and Buffed.

Ernie Nyvall
01-28-2007, 9:30 PM
I guess this will go in the auction only. I have sold a few pieces, but I don't think this will compete. Almost didn't make it, but here is a mesquite crotch bowl... as Jim K calls it, a three wingy dingy. It's 9" x 2 3/4 finished with tung oil and buffed. Hope this is okay.



Curt Fuller
01-28-2007, 11:06 PM
I haven't been able to turn anything out lately that I felt was worthy of the contest so I'm entering this goblet that I turned a while back. This is a donation for the auction, not in the contest. It's what I call a wedding or anniversary goblet. It's turned from eucalyptus wood with a lacquer finish and has two interlocked captive rings. It's more for looks than use, pretty small, and wouldn't hold much. It's a little over 6" tall and about 1 3/4" diameter.

Jonathon Spafford
01-28-2007, 11:10 PM
Hey... I love that crotch platter and I love the goblet... both of those are beautiful pieces and very well done. The wave on that euctalyptus is amazing!

John Hart
01-29-2007, 5:27 AM
All these entries...whether competing or not...are just wonderful. We sure have a talented group that hangs out here. I am honored to know you.

Mark Cothren
01-29-2007, 10:13 PM
Here's my contribution for the auction... Arkansas Black Cherry... 14-1/4" x 10-1/4" x 5"... walls are just a hair over 1/4"... one of the low sides is 3-1/2" high and the other is 2-3/4" high... it is sanded thru 800 grit and then has a few coats of antique oil on it for a finish before being buffed.

Mark Pruitt
01-31-2007, 8:01 PM
For Group Tearout (since I haven't actually sold anything yet)

Yellowheart square-winged bowl; wings are 6" square and overall height is 2 1/8". Sanded to 180. Finish is BLO.
56535 56536 56537

John Hart
01-31-2007, 8:04 PM
Hey you made it!!!! Cool Mark! I really like it. I have yet to try one of them wingy dingy thingies.

Andy Hoyt
01-31-2007, 9:47 PM
The deadline for entries has come and gone.

Pruitt is in by the skin of his teeth.

Andy Hoyt
01-31-2007, 11:12 PM
At this time the deadline for contest entry submission is closed. The judges will shortly begin doing their thing.

In the meantime, if anyone else would like to submit a piece for just the auction portion of this event, just post the item here, send me a PM to alert me to its presence and I'll copy it into the Viewing/Auction thread. The deadline for doing so is 8 PM Central Time, Saturday February 3rd.

At that point the bidding will begin. Here's a recap of how to bid

Should you wish to bid on an item, you can do so sending a Private Message to John Miliunas, Andy Hoyt, or Scott Donley stating which item you’re bidding on and your bid amount. As bids come in the locked thread will be briefly opened so that a status report can be made on the bidding. (e.g. We’ll say something like: Item 12 has a current high bid of $12,654). This will only be done once John, Andy, and Scott have reconciled their PMs.

Mark Cothren
01-31-2007, 11:27 PM
So how long will the bidding be open? And how am I gonna know which pieces Ernie is biddin' on so that I can outbid him? :D

Ken Fitzgerald
02-01-2007, 12:03 AM
Folks.........I've been too busy on other projects to turn anything for the contest......However...........I'd like to donate something for the auction. So.......I have in my posession some wine bottle stoppers I turned during December for sale but waited to long to turn them for the Christmas rush sale...........So...here's photos of 2 of the 3 I'm donating .........The 3rd one I don't have a photo of but........on my honor as a turner it's as good as or better than the 2 I have photos of ..................

3 bottle stoppers.....1 cocobolo...1 zebra wood.....1 tigerwood IIRC....



Andy Hoyt
02-01-2007, 12:03 AM
Read the rules on page one Mark.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-02-2007, 1:42 AM
Okay Hoyt....since my word wasn't good enough.....:rolleyes:

Here's the 3rd entry.....tigerwood....


Nancy Laird
02-08-2007, 3:01 PM
So. When do we see the list of winners? This is getting nerve-racking!


Mark Cothren
02-08-2007, 6:55 PM
Feb 11, 6pm, east coast time...:D

Mark Cothren
02-08-2007, 11:07 PM
If my cipherin' is right (and there's a good chance its off, since I ran out of fingers and toes) we're up to $1,210.24 for a current total. That's good, but hopefully we can bump it up some more before Sunday's deadline....:D

Andy Hoyt
02-10-2007, 10:19 AM
T-Minus 32 hours and counting.

(Said in my best Dr. No loudspeaker voice.)

Ken Fitzgerald
02-10-2007, 10:22 AM
T-Minus 32 hours and counting.

(Said in my best Dr. No loudspeaker voice.)

You kinda remind me of Slim Pickens!:rolleyes:

Art Mulder
02-10-2007, 10:25 AM
T-Minus 32 hours and counting.
(Said in my best Dr. No loudspeaker voice.)

Hmmm. I hear the german-sounding guy from "Diamonds are Forever".
Was there a countdown in Dr. No ?

(My wife doesn't "get" Bond, so I'm going by very distant memories here...) :cool:

Jeff Moffett
02-10-2007, 11:32 AM
I'd sure hate to lose my winning bid, so I say in my best Jenny from Forrest Gump voice, "run clock, run!".

Nancy Laird
02-10-2007, 1:51 PM
I'd sure hate to lose my winning bid, so I say in my best Jenny from Forrest Gump voice, "run clock, run!".

Me too!


Jonathon Spafford
02-10-2007, 2:15 PM
If my cipherin' is right (and there's a good chance its off, since I ran out of fingers and toes) we're up to $1,210.24 for a current total. That's good, but hopefully we can bump it up some more before Sunday's deadline....:D
I have a feeling bidding would be a lot higher if we could see who bid on what... (kinda increases the competition factor ;) ) Go bidders!!! :D

Andy Hoyt
02-11-2007, 12:31 PM
What's the problem Jon? I can see who's bidding on what just fine! :cool:

T minus 5 1/2 hours, and counting.

Oh - and our judges have now determined all award category winners.

Jonathon Spafford
02-11-2007, 6:11 PM
Please, please, please, will you let us know who won which items? It would be funner :cool: ;)

Jonathon Spafford
02-11-2007, 8:22 PM
Hey... where are the winners????

Andy Hoyt
02-11-2007, 8:24 PM
Congrats are in order to the following honorees. Without further ado:

Group Tearout

Best in show -------- Mark Pruitt for his Yellowheart square-winged Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=516720&highlight=yellowheart#post516720)

Runnerup ----------- Pete Jordan for his Cherry Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=471128&highlight=buick#post471128)

Most innovative ----- Lee DeRaud for his Walnut and Cherry Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=512645&highlight=walnut#post512645)

Group Catch

Best in show -------- Kurt Rosenzweig for his Holly Hat (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=458604&highlight=Menear#post458604)

Runnerup ----------- Curt Fuller for his Locust Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=472109&highlight=locust#post472109)

Most innovative ----- Ben Werner for his Maple Mushrooms (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=501966&highlight=shrooms#post501966)

I believe that it is also important that we recognize and thank all who entered the contest portion of this event. Travis (http://www.flyingcurls.com/Stinson.html), Malcolm (http://tahoeturner.com/), and David (http://www.heirloombowls.com/)really did struggle to determine their choices as they were most impressed by everything.

Thanks to all.

Tom Sherman
02-11-2007, 8:34 PM
Congratulations to the winners the runners up and the most inovative. You guys did an awsome job. Way to go.

John Miliunas
02-11-2007, 8:34 PM
Congrats are in order to the following honorees. Without further ado:

Group Tearout

Best in show -------- Mark Pruitt for his Yellowheart square-winged Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=516720&highlight=yellowheart#post516720)

Runnerup ----------- Pete Jordan for his Cherry Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=471128&highlight=buick#post471128)

Most innovative ----- Lee DeRaud for his Walnut and Cherry Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=512645&highlight=walnut#post512645)

Group Catch

Best in show -------- Kurt Rosenzweig for his Holly Hat (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=458604&highlight=Menear#post458604)

Runnerup ----------- Curt Fuller for his Locust Bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=472109&highlight=locust#post472109)

Most innovative ----- Ben Werner for his Maple Mushrooms (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=501966&highlight=shrooms#post501966)

I believe that it is also important that we recognize and thank all who entered the contest portion of this event. Travis, Malcolm, and David really did struggle to determine their choices as they were most impressed by everything.

Thanks to all.

My congrats goes out to all those receiving special recognition but, in the end, the winners are the recipients of the pieces, and the kids at St. Jude's! Thanks to all participants both, on the turning and bidding ends. Thanks also to Travis, Malcom and David! I would not have wanted your jobs!!! :D

And, last but not least, a very, very special thanks goes out to Andy Hoyt! This may have started as a "trio" project but, it quickly morphed into a one-man show, with Andy at the reigns. He recruited and coordinated the judges, locked down threads, moved pieces and descriptions to a single thread for their judging "home" and has taken the bulk of the bids. All this while recovering from an extended stay in the hospital. Andy, two "thumbs up" to you, my friend! As always, you've outdone yourself! :) :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
02-11-2007, 8:36 PM
Andy Hoyt! This may have started as a "trio" project but, it quickly morphed into a one-man show, with Andy at the reigns. :) :cool:

Amen John!..........Andy is a one-man show! I keep waiting for him to take the show on the road..........If and when he does.....I'll quit my day job and become his roady!:D

Scott Donley
02-11-2007, 8:37 PM
My congrats goes out to all those receiving special recognition but, in the end, the winners are the recipients of the pieces, and the kids at St. Jude's! Thanks to all participants both, on the turning and bidding ends. Thanks also to Travis, Malcom and David! I would not have wanted your jobs!!! :D

And, last but not least, a very, very special thanks goes out to Andy Hoyt! This may have started as a "trio" project but, it quickly morphed into a one-man show, with Andy at the reigns. He recruited and coordinated the judges, locked down threads, moved pieces and descriptions to a single thread for their judging "home" and has taken the bulk of the bids. All this while recovering from an extended stay in the hospital. Andy, two "thumbs up" to you, my friend! As always, you've outdone yourself! :) :cool:John, you beat me to it, you have said my thoughts to the T

Ken Fitzgerald
02-11-2007, 8:38 PM
Congrats to all the entrants and to all the winners! A neat spectrum of entries showing a wide range of turning talents and artistic skills!

Tom Sherman
02-11-2007, 8:39 PM
Here here, I'll second that. Many thanks to All who officiated and participated. And as for Andy well he's a rare breed Thank you Andy for your efforts.

Nancy Laird
02-11-2007, 8:40 PM
I third, fourth, and/or fifth all the kudos to Andy, John, Scott, Travis, Malcom and David. This was fun to watch and fun to bid into. If we do this again next year, I'm going to enter!! I just need to learn to do more than pens!


John Hart
02-11-2007, 9:12 PM
Hey...congratulations to the winners!!! Totally cool!! I tip my hat to the Organizational and Judiciary Units....Well done. Andy....YOU rock.;)

Keith Burns
02-11-2007, 9:25 PM
Congrats to the contest winners. Thanks to the three judges. Thanks to Scott and Andy. Thanks for the auction entries. Thanks for the bidders. Congrats to the winning bidders. Thanks for the piece I won.:)

Travis Stinson
02-11-2007, 9:32 PM
This was mucho fun! I feel like I got a steal on the piece I won! :D

Andy Hoyt
02-11-2007, 9:37 PM
Aww man. Just killing time. But thanks.

I'm not done with this thing yet, though. I'll soon be PMing all the winners and advising of and confirming with them that fact. When I do, I'll also be including the various ways to send that money in.

And you folks that will be sending out your turnings, don't send anything yet. You should wait until you hear back from Lars that your money has been received. Actually, I just realized that I also have to let those folks know who has snagged everything up. Oh joy, another round of PMs.

Remember too that Lars Thomas is acting as our collection agent for all donations. Perhaps you're wondering why Lars. Well, his company has offered to run your donation through its matching funds program and will be doubling down dollar for dollar.

Ya just knew that there had to be another double dog dare in here somewhere, didn't ya.:D

Keith Burns
02-11-2007, 10:03 PM
Lars, that is WAY TOO COOL !!!!!!!!

Jim Ketron
02-11-2007, 10:09 PM
Thanks Lars!
Your The Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brett Baldwin
02-11-2007, 10:15 PM
That's awesome. Congrats to all the participants and thanks to all the organizers, especially Andy.

Ernie Nyvall
02-11-2007, 11:06 PM
Wow Lars, thanks and thanks to all who participated.

Thanks to all the judges and Andy for all the work you guys are still doing.


Jonathon Spafford
02-11-2007, 11:26 PM
I third, fourth, and/or fifth all the kudos to Andy, John, Scott, Travis, Malcom and David. This was fun to watch and fun to bid into. If we do this again next year, I'm going to enter!! I just need to learn to do more than pens!


Next year??? I want another auction/contest soon!!! ;) This was fun! Also Andy, you did an outstanding job getting this whole thing organized. Your the best!!!

Congrats to all the winners -- the judges picked all my favorite pieces as the winners.

Barry Stratton
02-12-2007, 12:23 AM
A HUGE THANKS to everyone involved. Wonderful pieces, terrific auction, bidders, auctioneer's, and LAR'S Company rocks!

And I can't believe the piece I won.....It'll go on the shelf for all to see!

This was fun.....

Jonathon Spafford
02-12-2007, 12:44 AM
A HUGE THANKS to everyone involved. Wonderful pieces, terrific auction, bidders, auctioneer's, and LAR'S Company rocks!

And I can't believe the piece I won.....It'll go on the shelf for all to see!

This was fun.....

Which one is it? ;)

Kurt Rosenzweig
02-12-2007, 9:08 AM
I take it that all winning bidders have been notified? Darn.

Andy Hoyt
02-12-2007, 9:13 AM
The winning bidders have not yet been formally/officially notified.

I'm waiting on an important element from Lars. Hopefully, he'll surface soon.

Mike Ramsey
02-13-2007, 10:05 AM
Congrats to all the winners! All are great looking turnings! Thought I had
the Locus bowl sewed up...should have logged in Sunday:( . Oh well,
you snooze you lose!

Lars Thomas
02-13-2007, 11:22 AM
Everyone who has sent Paypal so far has been notified. If you sent Paypal and have not received a PM from me, let me know and I will research. If you paid via check, I will send PM's as those arrive.

Status: 64% (or $930.67) has been collected so far. I guess we all know where the trailing $0.67 came from.

Andy Hoyt
02-25-2007, 12:50 PM
Just so ya know ---- I'm unsticking the various contest threads.