View Full Version : Maybe off topic

Chuck Hanger
10-24-2006, 11:43 AM
I might be off topic, but was wondering if anyone could give me directions on how to make a grapevine tree. Going to try to attach photos of what I have.



Chuck Hanger
10-24-2006, 11:44 AM
I should point out that the completed tree is one of the neighbors, just for a model.

Dave Richards
10-24-2006, 11:57 AM
You got an interesting neighbor. I imagine they don't talk much. :D

As far as making one, I think you could strat at the bottom winding the grapevine into a hoop and continue winding. I'd tie it off to keep it from unwinding when you let go of it.

Maybe set out some stakes in the yard and wind the tree inside them. Or set the stakes for the inside of the circle and attach the first several rows to the stakes and build it in place if you are going to leave it out there.

CPeter James
10-24-2006, 12:29 PM
You might use a tomato cage for a mold and wind it on that. They are available at garden supply places for a couple of dollars. CPeter

Chuck Hanger
10-24-2006, 1:10 PM
Thanks for the replies. Was wondering if maybe soaking in water would help. The vine that I have is suppose to be the same that they make these "grapevine trees" out of. Really don't care for them myself, but wife does and wants one. This vine is really some stiff stuff and was just cut this morning.
Thanks again