View Full Version : Home from GA

Bill Grumbine
10-24-2006, 10:33 AM
Greetings all

Last night marked the end of my longest turning trip yet. SWMBO and I covered 2793 miles over 12 days, traveling through eight states and two time zones. I did four demos and met lots of very friendly people. But, I am tired! I get to "rest up" today which means I don't have to chop firewood or anything like that, and then start to get ready for a big show in a little over two weeks! :eek:

I met a number of people from the different forums, and narrowly missed a few. We practically drove past Jim Ketron's place on the way home, and we got to talk on the phone, but Jim was committed to his own show. Driving up through that part of VA was quite beautiful though, with all the leaves in full color. I did get to meet Bob Noles during my Saturday demo, and had a nice conversation with him.

I took a bunch of wood with me, and brought a bunch back - all different of course! My host Harvey Meyer is now the happy owner of a number of Norway maple blanks, and I am in possession of a lot of curly walnut and mahogany stock courtesy of Peachstate Lumber, where I did my last demo.

Overall it was a lot of fun, as it has been with every single trip I have made so far. Even so, there is no place like home!


Bernie Weishapl
10-24-2006, 10:47 AM
Sounds like a lot of work, a lot of fun and lots of miles Bill. I had a couple of guys in Georgia bragging about how they got to meet Bill G. and have a sit down with you. Of course I told them I was jealous. Sounds like a good time had by all.

Mark Pruitt
10-24-2006, 12:01 PM
Glad you had a good trip, Bill. Hey, next time take I-85 to Greensboro and US 29 to Charlottesville; you'll come within 10 minutes of Susan and me; we'll even treat you to some of the finest ice cream anywhere!:p :p :p

Bob Noles
10-24-2006, 2:52 PM
I'll tell ya right now Bill..... The pleasure was all mine.

You and your wonderful wife are welcome back to Georgia ANYTIME.

Glad y'all made it home safe and had a good trip.

Andy Hoyt
10-24-2006, 3:50 PM
So am I gonna have to call the cops on you guys? Sheesh!

Jim Ketron
10-24-2006, 5:46 PM
Glad you made it home safe Bill!
Hope to meet you one of these days! If Im ever up that way I will be sure to stop in and if you are ever down this way again give me a shout!;)