View Full Version : Padauk...

Mark Pruitt
10-24-2006, 8:37 AM
...can turn your shop very, VERY RED!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: (Well, an "orangey" kind of red) I have an even covering of red dust over everything in my shop. Nice to know I was wearing a respirator!:eek: Anyway, here's a HF I just completed. Thanks for looking.

Jeff Myers
10-24-2006, 8:44 AM
That's a good looking HF. I think Padauk is one of my favorite woods but, yes, it does make a mess but then it's worth it. I had a bunch of it i needed to plane to thickness and had to use my neighbor's planer,,,he doesn't have a good dust collection setup and we ended up covering everything in his garage before we were done,,,,his wife hasn't let me forget it yet and doubt she will any time soon!!!

Keith Burns
10-24-2006, 8:46 AM
Great piece Mark, no doubt:) :)

Bernie Weishapl
10-24-2006, 10:13 AM
That is a nice looking piece Mark. I like the form and finish. I really like my air cleaner I got for the shop. Stopped a lot of that dust settling all over.

Mark Cothren
10-24-2006, 10:17 AM
Sharp-looking turning, Mark! I've used it for collars, but have not turned any. This makes it look very appealing.

Andy Hoyt
10-24-2006, 10:29 AM
Man! You are two for two this morning, Mark.

Another beauty.

Amen to padauk dust. I built a model out of the stuff a couple of years ago and that process involves lots of sanding. I'm actually wearing a favorite tee shirt right now that I wore back then. The back of it and the arms are tan, but the whole front is still orange. A poor man's tie dye.

Barry Stratton
10-24-2006, 1:37 PM
Another beauty! Love that padauk, despite the dust!

Tom Sherman
10-24-2006, 5:00 PM
Lookin good Mark, did you do that on the Rikon?

Dennis Peacock
10-24-2006, 5:36 PM
Very pretty piece Mark.!!!! Yes, I agree that it does turn everything in the shop a nice red color. Kinda gives ya an idea of just how much and how far all that does travels doesn't it? ;)

Jim Ketron
10-24-2006, 5:49 PM
Another Beautiful Piece Mark!
The shape is spot on!

Mark Pruitt
10-24-2006, 8:01 PM
Lookin good Mark, did you do that on the Rikon?
Yep, that is the first piece to come off of the Rikon you sold me. And THANK YOU for all the help you gave me with the tailstock "problem." It was a pleasure to meet you.

Mark Pruitt
10-24-2006, 8:18 PM
...Here is an interesting picture.

This can really make you appreciate the value of a respirator. The Red dust you see was accumulated on this mask (a HEPA mask) over the course of only a few hours of turning and sanding. It should be noted FWIW that I had been using this same mask for about four weekends while turning. Most of the dust I create is a more "neutral" color that is not nearly as conspicuous but just as real.

Those of you who teach woodworking classes, this photo can help you get the point across when you stress the importance of respiratory protection.


Bill White
10-27-2006, 3:01 PM
And I'm the one who tried to WIPE the padauk dust off the shop walls. What a mess, but it sure is pretty stuff when finished.

Mike Vickery
10-27-2006, 3:43 PM
My understanding is that Paduak has a natural dye in the wood which is the reason everything the dust touches turns red. I learned that the hardway after making a Paduak and Maple chessboard. Talk about a sanding/ finishing nightmare.
Personally I avoid it after the one incident mostly due to the wife complaining about all my t-shirts and socks being turned pink. I felt like I was in college again ;-).

Christopher K. Hartley
10-27-2006, 10:05 PM
Verrrry purrrdy!! Really...Great work!:)