View Full Version : Black Cherry Vase

Keith Burns
10-21-2006, 12:30 PM
First you have my permission to laugh if you want. This Black Cherry came from Mark's stash (thanks Mark). Anyway, after drying it developed a couple of cracks around the top. I didn't think filling them with something was what I wanted to do so I decided to try a couple of firsts (for me). The first thing was to dimple the rim with my Dremel. Think that worked pretty good and I'll do it again. Then I burned a design. Then I dyed the entire piece. The inside is dyed black and the outside red (duh). I used and airbrush for the dye and it was quite easy to do. Then I used wipe on poly and buffed. Measures 5-1/4" dia. x 7-1/4" tall. I think this is a piece that you either like or not, no in between. I do as always appreciate your honest critques.

Jim Becker
10-21-2006, 12:41 PM
Outside of a little "bleeding" of the burning outside of the pattern, this is outstanding, Keith. Beautiful form and the rim treatment is wonderful. I suggest you continue to try these techniques... ;) ...they really make for very interesting pieces. Texturing is a whole new world with virtually unlimited possibilities!

Travis White
10-21-2006, 12:51 PM
I think it is pretty.

Bernie Weishapl
10-21-2006, 1:58 PM
Looks mighty fine to me Keith. Keep it up.

Ted Calver
10-21-2006, 4:58 PM
I'm in between. The form, color and texturing are very nice. It's the kind of piece you want to pick up and fondle. The only thing that bothers me, and I hesitate to comment because I've never done anything nearly as nice as this, is the way the arches abruptly end. Did you consider tapering them out to a point further down the side, or perhaps adding a thin ring or band just below the bottom of the arch? I guess in my mind they look like architectural arches without the supporting columns, so it leaves my minds eye wanting more.

Christopher K. Hartley
10-21-2006, 5:16 PM
Outstanding Keith!:)

John Miliunas
10-21-2006, 7:02 PM
Keith, come now..."Laugh"??? Not a chance! That's very creative and if I had the patience, I'd be tempted to try it myself. Note: I did say "if"! :o Nice job, doooooooooooooood. :) :cool:

Corey Hallagan
10-21-2006, 7:04 PM
Pretty neat piece Keith. I like the dyed work on it. What kind of a burning tool are you using?


Curt Fuller
10-21-2006, 7:34 PM
I hope you were serious about honest critques. I like everything about it but the dye job. I personally think that there aren't very many times when you can make wood look better with dye than Mother Nature's own color job. But I like the textured rim and the burned design. The shape is nice too.

Don Orr
10-21-2006, 10:07 PM
Certainly nothing to laugh at in any way. You have already received some constructive input and I will not presume to know any better. I think you have done well in your first efforts at new techniques. We all have to start at the beginning and I have not even attempted the things you are doing. Overall design, color, texture are very good. Room for improvement ? Absolutely-but we all have room to improve. I say well done and keep it coming! You probably already have ideas for the next one don't you :D .

Dennis Peacock
10-21-2006, 11:13 PM
Way to go Keith!!! Very pretty piece and I like the rim detail.:D

Jim Ketron
10-21-2006, 11:48 PM
Nice Piece Keith!
I like it! Love the form :D

Mark Cothren
10-21-2006, 11:57 PM
Very creative work, Keith! You should have taken more wood!!!

Keith Burns
10-22-2006, 7:05 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys, believe me it is appreciated.

Curt, I'm always serious when I ask for critiques. I have never taken offense with anyones opinion.

Now I'll give my you my critique of this piece. I like the form, I like the dimpled rim and I like the dyeing. What I don't like is the burn job. Like ted said, it just doesn't look finished.

Again, thanks.