View Full Version : Jet Jpm-13cs

Nathan Hoffman
10-21-2003, 12:32 PM
Anyone have experience with the JET JPM-13CS planer/molder combination? Since I don't have a planer yet and will be working mainly fomr rough stock as well as making a lot of moldings, I think one of these makes sense, but there's nothing like experience. Thanks, as always!

John Davidson
10-21-2003, 8:10 PM
I have had one for just ever 2 years. When my bench top planer bit the dust I wanted to move up to something with more power but was not ready to lay out $1200 for a 3hp 15" planer. I decided that the Jet filled that nitch and I was able to pick it up at one of the local stores at their big fall sale for a good price. It has turned out to be just what I thought, a good step up from a bench top but still not as nice as the 3hp model. Over all am have been happy with it but have never used it as a molder. One thing that I don't like is how the 2 speeds are slected. You must remove two gears and swap their repective positions.

Dana Van Pelt
10-22-2003, 1:41 PM
sold a number of these units in my day as a machinery saleperson....it is a good machine but has it comprimises.....the moulder is the main reason one should buy this machine...making moulding is its strongest suit....in order to be able to put moulder blades onto the head the in-feed and out feed rollers are set back furthur from the main head, allowing more chatter and some what of a more pronounced sniping effect.....all in all it is a good value and if you have priced any moulding...it won't take long to pay for this machine in savings of making your own and in the specie of your chose. Good luck, Mike from American Sycamore

Nathan Hoffman
10-22-2003, 1:49 PM
Molding is the reason that I am interested in this machine over others, but will it produce decent results as a planer? I'm trying to kill 2 birds here... Thanks.

Dana Van Pelt
10-22-2003, 7:07 PM
yes it is a fairly good planer ...perhaps just a little slow if one is running 300-400 bd ft through at a time, but as a project planer it is a good machine and gives a good surface finish....sold a number of units with no service problems at all.

Mike from American Sycamore