View Full Version : Hammer Machines

Bill Grumbine
10-20-2003, 3:25 PM
Good afternoon all

I was contemplating my shop space a couple weeks ago, bemoaning the fact that I am outgrowing it already. While I have lots and lots of space in the form of land and buildings, zoning, money, and prior improvements dictate that I will remain in my current digs as far into the future as I care to contemplate.

That said, I am looking at combination machines, specifically Hammer machines. I just got the literature when we got back from vacation, and while it is impressive for what it is, it doesn't go into much detail. Neither does the video. So, I am wondering if anyone here has a Hammer C3 31 or C3 41, and if so, would you care to share your thoughts or experiences with it?

Are there other machines out there that I might want to consider? Two of the reasons I looked first at Hammer is the Felder reputation, plus the dealer is not all that far from me (relatively speaking).

Also, this is long term planning. Don't anyone look for a Hammer gloat in the next few weeks, or even within the next year. I've got to squirrel a lot of money away to make the transition, especially since I cannot afford to sell my very high quality Delta tools first. :D


Ed Falis
10-20-2003, 3:43 PM

Phil Bumbalough has a review of his Hammer Saw/Shaper (B3) at http://benchmark.20m.com/tools/HammerB3/hammerb3index.html

That's half of the C3, I believe.

Check out Minimax (comparable or maybe a bit less expensive), and Rojek (more of an economy approach relative to the other two).

Yahoogroups has really good user forums for Felder and Minimax.

- Ed

Jim Becker
10-20-2003, 3:46 PM
I gotta be honest, I really like the people at MiniMax ...nice folks and nice equipment. If you can hop down to Ft Washington at the end of the month, they will be at the Woodworks2003 show at the convention center. If you want direct contacts to speak with, let me know. I had dinner with the president and another fellow when I was in San Antonio a few weeks ago and am sure they would be very happy to speak with you.

Kirk (KC) Constable
10-20-2003, 7:09 PM
Doesn't John Renzetti have one of those? Remember him from the 'old days'? I thought he was in your area...that being somehwere in the east. Perhaps my memory fails me...


John Renzetti
10-20-2003, 7:12 PM
Hi Bill, Since you are so close you should drive down to the Delaware showroom and see one in action. You'll also be able to see the Hammer at the Woodworks 2003 show in Ft Washington 31 Oct-2 November. Felder will be there with the Hammer and the Felder, plus there will be a machine powered up and cutting wood. The following weekend might be a good time to visit the DE showroom. They are having their open house from 6-8 November. Kelly Mehler will be there giving a seminar on sliding table saws.
Have you talked to Paul Jordan. He's had his Hammer machines for about 3 yrs now. You've been to my place so you know that I prefer the Felder green . :)
Talk to you later,

Bill Grumbine
10-21-2003, 8:59 AM
Thanks everyone, for the links, comments, etc. KC, I know John well, and I see he has surfaced. John, I thought you were MIA for a while there!

I'm supposed to be working at the Woodworks show, but I'll just have to ask the taskmaster for a bit of time to go see these machines now.
