View Full Version : Another rookie mistake - dado too wide

Alex Berkovsky
10-15-2006, 8:30 PM
One of the stopped dados I cut for the drawer dividers is too wide; it widens little-by-little from front to back. What is the best way to remedy the problem? I was thinking of widening the dado with a 3/4" straight bit, gluing in a filler, and rerouting the dado.

Corey Hallagan
10-15-2006, 8:42 PM
If you were going for 1/4 inch dado, how about making it into a 3/8 inch dado and use 3/8 stock instead?


scott spencer
10-15-2006, 8:47 PM
Your repair idea sounds like it should work, but I'm wondering if it's easier to just start that whole piece over?

Alex Berkovsky
10-15-2006, 8:55 PM
Your repair idea sounds like it should work, but I'm wondering if it's easier to just start that whole piece over?Not an option... I'd have to buy a $90 4x8 sheet of ply.

Ray Bersch
10-15-2006, 9:33 PM
Alex, your idea is the perfect way to repair the goof. First make the dado the same width throughout its length, that makes it easier to cut a filler (and it does not have to be 3/4".) Use a solid piece for the filler, that is easier than trying to get a piece of plywood to fit. It does not sound like the repiar will be visible but if it is, and if it is possible, when you cut the new dado, favor the side that puts the repair in a less seen position.


Alex Berkovsky
10-15-2006, 9:41 PM
Alex, your idea is the perfect way to repair the goof. First make the dado the same width throughout its length, that makes it easier to cut a filler (and it does not have to be 3/4".) Use a solid piece for the filler, that is easier than trying to get a piece of plywood to fit. It does not sound like the repiar will be visible but if it is, and if it is possible, when you cut the new dado, favor the side that puts the repair in a less seen position.

Thanks for the tip. The repair will be "invisible" either way since the divider separates the drawer openings.

glenn bradley
10-15-2006, 11:58 PM
That's how I'd do it.