View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
10-13-2006, 4:43 PM
Friday October 13th, 2006 :eek:

Hey, Sorry this is late today, but I just got out of bed. Didn't want to take any chances, just in case. :eek: :D

Cold and windy here right now. Had some snow coming down yesterday and Wednesday but nothing stuck. Glad we're not getting hammered like Buffalo.

Be that as it may, this weekend is all about my MOM. It's her B-Day Sunday. She turns 84. Gonna take her to dinner and do whatever she wants.

So what's up with you? Let us know so we can keep track of you. You might get points for getting done what you said you would. ;) :D

Hope everyone has a good one.


Rennie Heuer
10-13-2006, 4:54 PM
Boise will be sunny and mid-70's. It would be a GREAT weekend to open up the doors in the shop and do marvelous things - except - we discovered our pool (16 x x32 in-ground) has a leak and I must get in (brrrrr), find it, and seal it before we can close up for the winter. What a pain. More than once I've considered filling it in. :mad:

Andy Hoyt
10-13-2006, 4:59 PM
Gonna try to move the dang leaves back where they belong one more time - presuming the wind doesn't change again.

I'm gonna need a lotta glue:D

Al Willits
10-13-2006, 5:00 PM
Happy Birthday to your mom Karl.
You must be getting the cold weather we just had, don't worry...it's warmed up to 40 here now, so warmth is on the way...:D

Just ordered the EZ Smart system and Timberwolf band saw blades, so I'll be waiting for them.

Wife has decided my first project for the kitchen is gonna be a dining room sideboard, so I'll be off to the lumberyard Sat and between cleaning the garage and making a sideboard I'll be a busy camper....er...wood worker.
Also got a nice set of plans for a golf bag and accessories holder and may start that to as a warm up...

Anybody have any plans for a nice basic sideboard?? :)

Al ... who thought a kitchen project was suppose to be in the kitchen....

Dennis Peacock
10-13-2006, 5:11 PM
Howdy Karl,

I'm on vacation this week and have been spending a lot of time cutting and stacking firewood for the winter months. I've also been working on the last of the rustic cabinets for the youth ranch. I'm hoping to have the last 3 cabinets finished up this weekend so I can get back on the computer desk next week.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Bob Childress
10-13-2006, 5:28 PM
Happy birthday Karl's mom!! :)

Two projects this weekend:

Install track lighting in the kitchen to replace a single fixture

Sand and glue up a table to put my fax machine/copier on in the home office. (Pics when it's done--if it is any good.)

Jerry Strojny
10-13-2006, 5:48 PM
Happy 84th Karl's Mom!

I'll be working on a side table and hopefully finish sanding on a crib.
I hope I won't need to come to work this weekend (yuck)...depends on how much more I get done before I leave tonight.

Jim O'Dell
10-13-2006, 6:02 PM
I'm going after parts after work today to build a stand for the down tube on the DC system. Need to build some stanchions for the down tube against the wall to secure it in place. I have all the parts cut to length. Have to take everything back apart and redo connections with sealer as I put them back together. 2 electrical outlets to do, one is for a light, one is for a switched outlet to mount a fan to help cool the cyclone motor if it needs it once ai geet power on and running. Also need to verify I have the motor wired properly.
We are supposed to have a wet weekend. I hope it's true...we are still so dry here. Enjoy your weekend time with family and wood! Jim.

Alan DuBoff
10-13-2006, 6:19 PM
If the past couple days are any indication of the near future, I suspect I'll be watching folks get moderated over small points in the TOS.:D

Woodworking wise I'm going to be laminating up hard maple for a workbench.:)

Tyler Howell
10-13-2006, 6:21 PM
Quiet Weekend No Place to go no plans. A little more packing and a little more painting.
Septic on the new house passed inspection.:D
Might mess with that spinny thing a little more.
HBD Momma Laustrup. You gotta Good boy there!!

Jeff Horton
10-13-2006, 6:23 PM
If the past couple days are any indication of the near future, I suspect I'll be watching folks get moderated over small points in the TOS.:D


Had wisdom teeth removed at my advanced age this morning. Doubt I will do anything in my shop.

Russ Massery
10-13-2006, 6:52 PM
Lumber Run tomorrow, What could be better. Having fellow woodworker over for a visit. And getting nice Hardwood lumber delivered.:D Sunday buffing out the kitchen table and finish up the rest of the cabinets.

Alan DuBoff
10-13-2006, 6:55 PM
OUCH Jeff! Take it easy. I had a wisdom tooth pulled out about 6 months ago, the dentist talked me into it as he said it was impacting the tooth in front of it. I was miserable, didn't do any woodworking, didn't even feel like getting out of bed the next day.

I gained a high appreciation for my son (5 teeth pulled, 2 adult teeth) and my daughter (6 teeth pulled, 2 adult teeth) when they got braces. My daughter hasn't gotten them yet, she's waiting for a couple more adult teeth to grow in. My son is almost finished with them.

Rest up so you can get back to your awesome house!:cool:

Fred Voorhees
10-13-2006, 7:45 PM
Winterized the camper today after work and backed it into its parking spot alongside of the garage. There are still some things left to do, camper-wise, before its laid to rest for the Winter. That will be Saturday along with me getting into yard clean-up mode. Cutting the lawn, cleaning leaves out of the gutters, blowing leaves all over the yard with my backpack Stihl blower. The place always looks a bit of a mess after our ten day vacation. This weekend will go a long way in getting it back into some sort of decent looking shape. The wife will be babysitting her neice and nephews and staying overnight so I will have the entire house to myself to relax after the days work. Hope to get started on a small pirates chest sort of deal shortly in the woodshop.

Fred Voorhees
10-13-2006, 7:47 PM
...........have been spending a lot of time cutting and stacking firewood for the winter months.

Oh gee Dennis, thanks for reminding me that that task is at hand also.:eek:

Nancy Laird
10-13-2006, 8:27 PM
Anybody have any plans for a nice basic sideboard?? :)

Al ... who thought a kitchen project was suppose to be in the kitchen....

See issue #187 of Fine Woodworking, page 38. Just hit our mailbox this morning, and it's a beaut. Take a look. This one has three drawers down the middle and doors on each end.


Al Willits
10-13-2006, 9:31 PM
Thanks Nancy, sound just like what the wife wants, just subscribed to FWW today of all things, I think I'll have to go find this issue at the news stands though.


Corey Hallagan
10-13-2006, 9:56 PM
More work on the kitchen remodel is on my slate. Still have wall prep to do, ceiling texturing, remove door and window trim, remove old vinyl flooring etc. Have this next week off on vacation but since I have no back up I will still be working on the laptop when I the need arises. Hope to get ready for paint by the end of the week.


Jim Becker
10-13-2006, 10:10 PM
Hmmm...for Friday the 13th, it was a pretty good day! I was able to grab an earlier flight home from New Orleans where I've been since last Sunday and also scored an upgrade, despite the number of folks clamoring for the same. Got off the plane and was able to join my girls for a nice family dinner at Perkins on the way home and they totally loved the thirteen tons of Mardi Gras beads I hauled back for them...I even got hugs, kisses and smiles. So, harumph on the doomsday for the day!! :D :D :D

As to the weekend...I have a lot of books to haul to the library to donate to a book sale; dance lessons for the younger; karate for the older; the lawn to mow (hopefully for the last time this year...); the "real" weekly family dinner; and if I'm lucky, time to chat with Dr. SWMBO about how we're going to pay for our proposed addition. (That may require "beverages" to swallow... ;) ) Maybe I'll even poke my head in the shop. Maybe.

Mark Pruitt
10-13-2006, 10:54 PM
No shop time for me, as I'm in Birmingham to perform the wedding for the daughter and son-in-law-to-be of some very special friends. Great time, though oh so brief, to see my parents and some friends I've missed sorely since I moved a few years ago. (The big city traffic jams, though, are reminding me how lucky I am to live where I now live.)