View Full Version : Jointer Techniques

Scott Thornton
10-12-2006, 7:51 PM
I have been fighting with my jointer for some time...I'm fairly new to woodworking and trying to learn as I go on all my new tools (lot's of them according to LOML).

I have been having sniping problems on my jointer for a while and it's only seemed to have gotten worse.

Tonight, I was playing around with my jointer after reading some good info on past threads...sure enough, my outfeed table was too low...got a straight edge out, raised the outfeed to be level with the highest blade height and I was jointing machine...

I actually like my jointer now...

During my troubleshooting, I figured something else out...

If you have your outfeed table just ever so slightly low, and you edge joint a board, you create the slightest bit of concave. If you do this to two boards you are edge glueing, you create a slight bow, which, when clamped up, pulls together excellent. A good technique to insure your outer edges (the weaker point on the joint) pull together firmly.

Have a great day!

Blaine Harrison
10-13-2006, 9:41 AM
There's actually a name for the technique you talk about. It's called a spring joint and it's purpose is exactly what you have discovered.

It's pretty cool to figure something out this way isn't it? Nice job!


Dennis Peacock
10-13-2006, 11:09 AM
Congrats Scott. Playing around with various tools will do nothing more than educate you about each one and make you better at using each one because you understand the tool better...at least that's been my experience with this.

BTW, Nice discovery as well. It's pretty cool to figure out something on your own. Makes ya a better craftsman. :D

Alex Shanku
10-13-2006, 12:03 PM
You might have already looked at this jointer write-up, but if not, I found it helpful.
