View Full Version : Where's Marty?

Mario Lucchesi
10-11-2006, 9:31 AM
I have not seen an update on the birth of a shop thread since the morning of the sixth. I hope all is well with him. I am so used to checking on the progress every morning that I miss it.

Has anyone heard from him lately?

Art Mulder
10-11-2006, 10:21 AM
I'm expecting that he is busy spraying about 2 million square feet of cypress siding with a couple coats of pink stain. Or whatever colour Denise decided upon... :rolleyes:

Hmm, roughly a 40x60 shop, so that is about 200 feet in circumference, by 10 feet tall, both inside and outside of the boards, plus gables... well maybe not quite 2 million square feet, but it probably seems like a mountain when you're working alone.

but yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing more reports from the wilds of Georgia.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-11-2006, 11:42 AM
Well, I hope it is not raining over there, that would put a crimp in his spraying.

I do fear that maybe he just decided to get it done, and not bother telling us. :eek:

I mean, he did get the door slammed on his fingers fairly hard............

Example One (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=445437#post445437) Posts #83 & #87

Example Two (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=43860&page=2) Post #18

Example Three (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=447416#post447416) Post #9

I think that Marty has been fairly vocal about his dislike of the way somethings are done around here, and I would venture that he is just keeping his mouth shut, as he does not want to become a "Guest".

His call I guess, but I sure miss his daily, heck sometimes TWICE daily updates on the Birth thread.

The way Marty works at it, and the added time of NOT updating his thread, we might just very well see the next update in a week or two, and he will be ALL FINISHED :eek: ;) :D

Looking forward to calmer waters......:)

Jim O'Dell
10-11-2006, 1:26 PM
Seems he mentioned the other day about probably not updating every day while he is spraying stain...no progress to show. My guess is that he'll post when he has something to take pictures of that shows some work accomplished. Hopefully he will be able to stain enough each day to have some to put up the following day, and be able to stain some more for the following day. Jim.

Joe Blankshain
10-11-2006, 1:53 PM
I miss MARTY.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-11-2006, 2:40 PM
I miss MARTY.
Well, I miss his "Birth of a Shop" updates more :rolleyes: :D

Randy Denby
10-12-2006, 3:01 AM
I miss the super censor....

Randy...soon to be listed as guest I reckon...

That portion of this post that was not reponsive to the thread topic was redacted by the moderator. Please start a new thread if you want to change the subject.


Frank Pellow
10-12-2006, 6:56 AM
Well put Randy. I will go on record as being part of the "expanded" 2 percent".

Ken Salisbury
10-12-2006, 7:21 AM
Please stay on the thread topic.

No need to start the moderating debate again. If you feel it is absolutely necessary do it in a new thread.

Mark Pruitt
10-12-2006, 9:08 AM
Where's Marty? I dunno--I'm still looking for Waldo!:p

OK Marty, get back here! We're waiting.....;)

Ken Salisbury
10-12-2006, 9:12 AM
Where's Marty? I dunno--I'm still looking for Waldo!:p

Sorry about my original answer to this post. I think the Jack Daniels got to me. So I am editing this post to read: Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off

Thanks to George Franklis for bringing to my attention that I violated the TOS by using an acroynom coyuld be considered as vulgur language. For that I apoligize.

Mike Wenzloff
10-12-2006, 11:18 AM
Please stay on the thread topic.

No need to start the moderating debate again. If you feel it is absolutely necessary do it in a new thread.
So is this approval to start discussion of the moderation again?

Support Forum, or Off-Topic?

Take care, Mike

Ken Salisbury
10-12-2006, 1:08 PM
So is this approval to start discussion of the moderation again?

Support Forum, or Off-Topic?

Take care, Mike

All discussions are welcomed if conducted in a civil manner without the personal attacks. Keep if constructive and within the bounds of the TOS and, as always, it's not a problem. This topic would be better suited if it was in the support forum.

Mike Wenzloff
10-12-2006, 1:25 PM
Thank you, Ken.

Take care, Mike

Ken Salisbury
10-12-2006, 7:01 PM
In an earlier response I used an acronym which could be construde as having vulgar content. This is actually a violation of the TOS and for that I apologize. We all make a mistake every now and then. Its just the response to the post I was referrring to tickled my funny bone. Maybe it was just the Jack Daniels fogging my brain:) .

George Franklis
10-12-2006, 7:09 PM
Sorry about my original answer to this post. I think the Jack Daniels got to me. So I am editing this post to read: Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off

Thanks Ken, I appreciate the acknowledgement, but in this context, wouldn't "butt" also be considered vulgar?

BTW, as a recovered alcoholic, I don't think using Jack Daniels is a valid excuse. But that's just me.

Carry on. :)

Jim A. Smith
10-12-2006, 7:24 PM
Though I don't mind the vulgar words, if they violate the tos, the moderators also need to comply as well I think.;) :)

I'm fairly new at posting here, though I've lurked, as some of you call the term, for several years. So I haven't grasped all that goes on around here yet. Semi retired, I now have more time to view, post, etc.

Last time I read the fine print on a Jack bottle it read;

While kicking back with this fifth of Jack do not operate farm machinery, woodworking equipment, or moderate any Internet forum.:D

Robert Mayer
10-12-2006, 10:11 PM
Time to go back to woodnet for awhile. This forum is getting over-moderated...

Jim Becker
10-12-2006, 11:04 PM
I hearby sentence Ken to drink a bottle of Iron City or some other, umm..."not Bud light"...for his inadvertant transgression of the TOS.

Now...let's get back to woodworking, folks!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-13-2006, 2:14 AM
Well since two of the mods, Ken S. and Jim B. have taken this thread way off track from the OP "Where is Marty" I'll follow their lead.

I question the mixing JD and doing the job of Mod, on this or any forum.


Ken Salisbury
10-13-2006, 7:34 AM
Well since two of the mods, Ken S. and Jim B. have taken this thread way off track from the OP "Where is Marty" I'll follow their lead.

I question the mixing JD and doing the job of Mod, on this or any forum.


The JD reference was made in JEST. I haven't had a drink of liquor in over a year. Come on guys - gimme a break!. This is not berate Ken month. Or maybe it is and no one informed me.

Steve Ash
10-13-2006, 7:39 AM
All Right fellas, let's keep this on topic or else I'll need to contact a moderator.....:D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-13-2006, 8:01 AM
All Right fellas, let's keep this on topic or else I'll need to contact a moderator.....:D
Ya Ken and Jim, cool it :D

Jeez Ken, lighten up, can't you tell I was making the comment in "Jest" as well.......................No? :eek:

Why not? :D (see, not easy to tell when someone is "Jesting" in a text forum, unless they say "Just kidding folks" or some such thing.......)

Oh well, I'm sure MY off track of the OP post will get deleted......:rolleyes:


Larry Cooke
10-16-2006, 2:11 PM
I have not seen an update on the birth of a shop thread since the morning of the sixth. I hope all is well with him. I am so used to checking on the progress every morning that I miss it. I've been wondering the same myself... :(

Anyone heard from him?


Greg Koch
10-16-2006, 2:28 PM
I'd bet the answer is here... A shame.


Larry Cooke
10-16-2006, 2:56 PM
Wow, I don't know what to say other than it is Keith's house so...


Frank Pellow
10-16-2006, 8:15 PM
I certainly hope that your guess is wrong Greg. I see that Marty is still listed as a member (and a 2006 Contributor), and you can send mail to him, so I doubt very much that he has been relegated to 'Guest' status.

If that actually happened to Marty, it is much worse than a shame. :( If Marty really was banned, then I am out of here too.

randy street
10-16-2006, 8:31 PM
I hope everybodies wrong that he's gone, but reading things it looks that way. I was only a lurker and joined because of his very informing thread.

Its sad that the forum asks for contributions to stay alive but when people question things they can be labeled as "crybabies"


Or worse, told to "hit the road"


Hopefully the creek survives, it has been a nice place to lurk.