View Full Version : A couple more bowls

Bill Grumbine
10-10-2006, 8:56 PM
Greetings again all

I finished up two more bowls besides the maple burl in another thread, all in anticipation of my impending trip to GA. The first is a natural edged black ash burl. I actually had to pay money for this wood, but it was too pretty to pass up. I bought it from a shop teacher who had the stuff for sale when I was up in RI last May. It is some beautiful wood, but the pictures did not come out that well, and I did not get to look at them until after I took my setup down. The ash bowl is approximately 8" in diameter, and 3" high at its highest point. It is finished with Bush Oil and buffed with Mylands Wax by hand.

The second bowl is from a large chunk of cherry that was given to me at the Five Barns picnic this year. About 99% of the bark stayed on the entire time, but one little piece required some cosmetic surgery. Finished the same was as the ash burl, although I broke down and buffed it with the Beall system. It is about 12 1/2" in diameter and a little over 6" high. It is fairly thin, although I left the rim a little thicker than the walls and bottom to give it some gravitas. :D

Thanks for taking a look.


Jason Roehl
10-10-2006, 9:09 PM
No, no, no, Bill. Thank you for letting us look!

That is some pretty wood, and you did it some justice as well.

Corey Hallagan
10-10-2006, 9:28 PM
Beautiful piece Bill. The pretty chunk of cherry but I don't think I have ever seen curly ash before. Very nice piece and some great looking wood specimens!


Ernie Nyvall
10-10-2006, 10:10 PM
Those are beauties Bill. I can certainly see why you would buy the ash. Thanks for posting.

Jerry Olexa
10-10-2006, 10:44 PM
Beautiful work, Bill...Love that natural look...

Bernie Weishapl
10-11-2006, 12:04 AM
Beautiful Bill. I like them both. Nice job.

Terry Quiram
10-11-2006, 6:45 AM
Hi Bill

Great bowls. I love the look of the Bush Oil on the Cherry. How does one obtain Bush Oil?


Jason Roehl
10-11-2006, 7:53 AM
Terry- put a bush in an oil press? :D

Ernie Nyvall
10-11-2006, 10:03 AM
Hi Bill

Great bowls. I love the look of the Bush Oil on the Cherry. How does one obtain Bush Oil?


Here ya go Terry.


Von Bickley
10-11-2006, 3:57 PM

Great looking bowls as usual...

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-11-2006, 11:07 PM
Wow Bill those are exceptional!

Which lathe did you make them on?

Was the wood dry when you started?

I too very much like the NE thing, looks really nice, and I think it lets the wood speak even more freely than it usually does.

Thanks for the pics, have a good trip to GA, take pics!


Lars Thomas
10-11-2006, 11:20 PM
As usual, outstanding work. Who ever said you were outstanding in your field was right!

Travis White
10-12-2006, 11:20 AM
Very nice bowls!

Bill Grumbine
10-12-2006, 8:55 PM
Thanks guys, for taking the time to respond! I just got into my hotel room on my way to GA a little while ago, which is what delayed my response here. I've been driving across the country north to south. :eek: I see Ernie has posted some info on the Bush Oil website, which I did not know about. Thanks Ernie.

Stu, these were done on the Poolewood, although they could have been done just as easily on the Vega. I need to move it just a little bit because my light over the lathe bonks me in the head if I am not careful. Besides, I just moved both lathes and the Poolewood needed a stability test.

The wood for the burls was wet, but not soaking. That is due more to procrastination on my part than anything else. The maple was cut this past summer, and the ash I don't know. The cherry was pretty much bone dry by the time it came to me. But even the maple at 7/16", which is a little heavy for a wet piece, dried out within a week. Burls can get away with being a little thicker than regular wood without the risk of cracks as they dry.

One more response, and then off to bed. I am beat, and I have a demo to do!


Ernie Nyvall
10-12-2006, 9:34 PM
I see Ernie has posted some info on the Bush Oil website, which I did not know about.

Yea, I did a search after the first time you mentioned it here because it seems that you found it locally or something. Anyway, I wasn't thinking... I mean, try putting Bush and oil in a search and see what you come up with.
:D I can't even remember the combination of words I came up with to find it.

Be safe and have a good Georgia run.