View Full Version : Benefit auction+2 cactus pens=$1,000!!!

Curtis O. Seebeck
10-10-2006, 12:04 AM
I donated a couple of pens to a local benefit auction and the event was last night. Needless to say, it was a TREMENDOUS success! This was a hospital foundation fundraising Gala with the who's who of my town in attendance. They had 100 or so silent auction items and 8 live auction items.

I made a his and hers set Statesman and Jr. Statesman Black cactus in Platinum. I also made a mesquite/glass display case and included a little write up on how the cactus pens are made.

The response was outstanding! Out of the 100 or so silent auction items, my pens were the most popular and highest selling, receiving 25 bids for a total selling price of $1,000! There were 6 unique bidders and a bidding war between 2 doctors for the final $300. My wife and I were in attendance and it was really fun watching the price go up and up! They even ran out of room on the bid sheet and started writing on the back. The organizer already asked me to make another set for next year and they plan to include them in the live auction!

I got to meet some good contacts and had 8 of my business cards picked up from the display. The wife of the guy that lost the bid at the end came up to me afterwards and asked for a card. She said she would be getting with me for Christmas gifts!

Anyway, it was a great event and I helped raise some pretty good money to help renovate the maternity ward at the hospital. It realy feels good to be appreciated!

Here are the pics:


This is the display case with the pens as displayed at the event. Unfortunately I was running behind and my photo tent was not large enough. Also, I found it really hard to take photos through glass!


Raymond Overman
10-10-2006, 12:21 AM
Wow, excellent gloat Curtis. I thought I was doing good when three of my bowls brought $400 at two seperate church auctions a couple of weeks ago. $1k! That's great. Good job and it sounds like they will be more accolades where that came from in the form of residual sales. Can't beat that.

Keith Christopher
10-10-2006, 12:41 AM
AWESOME dontcha love when things like this happen ! and it helps people !

Bernie Weishapl
10-10-2006, 12:58 AM
Way to go Curtis. That is awesome.

Travis Stinson
10-10-2006, 7:41 AM
Congratulations Curtis, way to go! I love your Cactus pens.:cool:

Karl Laustrup
10-10-2006, 7:54 AM
Beautiful pens Curtis. I'd find it hard to part with them.


Ernie Nyvall
10-10-2006, 8:38 AM
Oh man, that's great Curtis! Congratulations! You're pens are nice.

Nancy Laird
10-10-2006, 9:06 AM
Beautiful pens, Curtis. And the residual business that will bring is great too!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-10-2006, 9:08 AM
Kudos Curtis!

You done good for sure!

Hey, you pens are VERY unique, well made and real heirloom pieces, so for the people with money, $1000 is well worth it.

Great gloat for sure! :D

Brian McInturff
10-10-2006, 9:20 AM
After seeing the pics I can tell you that no wonder they brought so much. Those are nice looking pens and the display is awsome. Way to go Curtis.

Scott Coffelt
10-10-2006, 10:17 AM
Those are awesome, where did you get the pen kits and the black cactus?

Pete Jordan
10-10-2006, 10:45 AM
Makes it all seem worthwhile!

Cecil Arnold
10-10-2006, 10:59 AM
Curtis, that's a great win-win, good for you and the hospital. And as always the pens are beautiful.

John Terefenko
10-10-2006, 12:37 PM
Now you know what this means don't you?? Means you are going to have to top yourself next year. Going to be hard to do. Those are excellent and the display is a nice touch. May I ask what you use for your finish and is it the same for all pens or do pens with that type material require something special??? Great job for a great cause.

Don Baer
10-10-2006, 12:53 PM
Those are excellent and you have realy perfected this tecnique. I am sure that thefolks at the funraiser were thrilled.

Here is a link as to how curis makes these pens.
