View Full Version : Bride to be....UPDATE

Reg Mitchell
10-09-2006, 8:00 PM
Hi guys. I don't think anyone here knows but I have a 21 year old daughter and she informed me this weekend that she will be getting married in May. :eek: We are pretty close even though she lives in Fla and talk and email often. Delima: :confused: I would like to make her a nice wedding gift in the new shop and I am at odds with what would be a nice wedding gift for her and her new husband. anybody been in the same situation

Rob Bodenschatz
10-09-2006, 8:05 PM
Maybe some sort of chest to keep the momentos from her wedding?

Steve Kohn
10-09-2006, 8:28 PM
I have just been thru this myself (actually 2 years in a row). Some things that come to mind are: a piece of furniture that they can use in their first condo, house, appartment or whatever; picture frames for their wedding picture; an album for their wedding picture, decoration for the head table at the wedding, maybe a podium or kneeler for the church where they get married that is then donated to the church.

Or how about candlesticks for the altar or head table at the reception?

You are only limited by your imagination and skill level.

Dave Mapes
10-09-2006, 8:50 PM
How about a curio cabinet for those special keepsakes.

Corey Hallagan
10-09-2006, 8:51 PM
I think something that would be a family heirloom would be great and I have to agree with Rob, a chest of some type would be nice or maybe something simpler and smaller like a nice box to hold some wedding momentos, a bible or something like that.


Alan DuBoff
10-09-2006, 9:44 PM
Hi guys. I don't think anyone here knows but I have a 21 year old daughter and she informed me this weekend that she will be getting married in May. :eek: We are pretty close even though she lives in Fla and talk and email often. Delima: :confused: I would like to make her a nice wedding gift in the new shop and I am at odds with what would be a nice wedding gift for her and her new husband. anybody been in the same situation
RegMake them a house! :D Not many newlyweds that wouldn't love to get a house!:cool:

Short of that, how about a nice chest, or a rocking chair, something they could keep for a long time.

Earl Reid
10-09-2006, 10:06 PM
Hi, Reg,
I have made, Curio cabinets, Blanket chests, Hutches, Tables, Desks and several copies of old family furniture.
for the special ladies in our family. The past few years I always ask first what they would like. I'm concerned about taking up space in thier homes. Works out very well.

Good luck ,Earl:)

Bernie Weishapl
10-09-2006, 10:30 PM
Reg I vote for the chest. I made my neice one and it went over very well. She has a special spot for it.

Matt Meiser
10-09-2006, 11:24 PM
For both of my brothers who are married and for myself and my wife, my parents gave us a piece of furniture. My first brother to get married, then my wife and I chose a piece of furniture to buy. When another brother got married this past year, he designed a piece of furniture, my parents paid for the materials, and I made it. Not that I'm biased or anything, but I think they have the most special piece because they got exactly what they wanted. So I suggest that you involve your daughter before presenting the gift.

Chris Livingston
10-10-2006, 12:03 AM
A bed. I really enjoy building them and you can make matching bedroom furniture later as more gifts are needed.

larry merlau
10-10-2006, 7:50 AM
in the past i asked the daughters for there input, definatly the way to go. both parties involved can have a say that way, the first one picked a bed and i got a extension on the time frame, you dont want to push your work out the door. the second one wanted a buffet. so ask her what she would like and if the time span is too short for completion, ask for delay in the delivery..and like the others have said. you can add to it in time to come for other occassions.

Matt Warfield
10-10-2006, 2:20 PM
I second Larry's thought. Whatever you make will be very nice, without a doubt. But, if it doesn't fit their lifestyle or needs then it becomes cumbersome and annoying despite its quality.

Lee Schierer
10-10-2006, 2:21 PM
For a challenge to your woodworking skills try making a clock! It will get rave reviews by the wedding couple and the in laws! I made one for a couple we know that recently married and they have really enjoyed it. Check out the link, there is a photo there.

Wedding Clock (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=36867)

Bartee Lamar
10-10-2006, 2:30 PM
My daughter's wedding is in May. I plan to make a classic shaker style end table, single drawer, tapered legs. I will probably use walnut even though that is not a classic shaker wood.

I think any young couple would appreciate this piece of furniture and be able to use it some where in their first common dewelling.

Alan DuBoff
10-10-2006, 3:43 PM

On second thought, make them a nice bed. Not only is that fitting for newlyweds, it is where a family is typically started!:rolleyes:

Reg Mitchell
10-10-2006, 4:53 PM
Thanks for the tips guys....I think any one of those would be nice and when I make the decision I will let you all in on the project and the process as it progresses
Reg :D

Matt Meiser
10-10-2006, 5:14 PM
it is where a family is typically started!:rolleyes:

Not sure that's a mental image the father of the bride wants! :eek:

Jerry Strojny
10-10-2006, 5:49 PM
I made a steamer trunk for a friends wedding. It went over very well. Then, for the LOML's sister I made a more traditional Hope chest. That went over very well too. I'll be honest, my dad made a cedar chest for me and LOML and it has now ended up in the attic as a storage chest. I would suggest asking her if there is something they really want or at least finding out if there is a style of furniture they like or already have that you could match. Just my 02.

Hans Braul
10-10-2006, 7:17 PM
Lots of great ideas, and at first blush the bed sounds ideal. The only thing I'd be worried about is tastes. You may think you know your daughter's likes and dislikes, but what if you don't really, and what about her new hubby? Are you SURE they will cherish and love this thing forever? If they don't they will feel like they have to use it even though they'd like something in a different style. I guess the same goes for anything you build but a chest is a lot easier to live with than a bed if it's really not your cup of tea.

I know I've got more than a few gifts around our place from my parents that we keep because they made it, and we love them, but if that were not the case, they would have been pitched long ago.


Alan DuBoff
10-10-2006, 10:28 PM
Not sure that's a mental image the father of the bride wants! :eek:Matt,

I don't know...having a daughter, I don't want to think about that BEFORE she's getting married. At the point she's getting married I have to think I'll be wanting grandchildren.:)

A bed would be something I would consider making in that situation, but you could be right, the groom's parents (for whatever reason) might not care as much for it! Maybe I'll do that for my son if/when he gets married, just to see the reaction of the bride's parents! hehehe

Anyone who marries into our family will probably be questioning me rather than the kids anyway...<LOL!>

Reg Mitchell
10-11-2006, 4:37 PM
LOLOL alan...its quiet alright. Its one of those things that its gonna happen unless she is a nun and the last time I looked he wasn't wearing a habit...or what ever that thing is

Ted Shrader
10-11-2006, 6:24 PM
Reg -

My gift to daughter and son in law was (is) a bedroom suite. We all went shopping together. They pointed out what they liked in various pieces of furniture and I consolidated a design with most of the features. I realize that she is in Florida, but pictures and descriptions could be exchanged.

So far they have the bed including a new mattress and box spring. They are getting two night stands, a dresser, and a chest of drawers. You can see the headboard/footboard in this thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=13447).

Enjoy doing whatever you choose, they will treasure it for a lifetime.


Rick Gibson
10-11-2006, 6:51 PM
I made my son and his bride a bed and two night tables to go with it. I put silver dollars in the foot board to represent each of their birth years and the year they were supposed to get married. We were all going to Mexico for the wedding last fall when hurricane Wilma struck. They went down a few days earlier and then got to spend 3 days in a shelter while the rest of us never made it. We went back in January to the same resort and they got married then. Daughter in law wants me to put a 2006 loonie (Canadian Dollar coin) in the bed so the next time I visit I will have to take some tools.

Bruce Volden
10-11-2006, 6:52 PM
Maybe a nice 3 shelf bookcase?? Quite portable (when they move) and it could be as fancy as you could think of???


Jake Helmboldt
10-11-2006, 9:23 PM
Reg, you don't have to resign yourself to that fate! Something nice w/ some figure. I know; crotch wood!

With two young girls I know what to add to my to-do list.


Scott Vigder
10-11-2006, 11:07 PM
Heck, follow Marty Walsh's posts and Build 'Em A Shop! Then they can make anything they want!

John Timberlake
10-12-2006, 9:37 AM
My daughter is also getting married in May. I decided to make her something, so I asked her what she wanted. She said a dining table that takes leaves. I won't start until after I finish the bed that I am working on for my son. My other son got a tea table with ball and claw feet when he got married three years ago. I guess my point is to ask her what she wants. That way you will know she has a place for it.

Alan DuBoff
10-12-2006, 10:56 AM
LOLOL alan...its quiet alright. Its one of those things that its gonna happen unless she is a nun and the last time I looked he wasn't wearing a habit...or what ever that thing is
RegMy daughter is only 10 years old, but I can tell you that I don't expect her to be dressed in one of those either! Sounds like a bad habit to me.:D That's nothing like babbitt, is it?:rolleyes:

Glad to see others making beds and/or getting their kids bedroom sets for their wedding present, I think it's a great gift, and it's one that they'll most likely have forever.

I have to admit, I chuckled at the comments about putting coins in the work, I have a Ben Franklin' half dollar which I carried around with me for a couple years as it's a '58, same year I was born...oops, now you guys know how old I am...:o Anyway, my grandfather gave it to me when I used to help him in the family liquor store. He always liked taking me to work with him. Someone gave it to him with change...I've always kept it as it's silver, but more so because he told me to save it and not spend it as it was the year I was born and was the "old" type of coin that was solid silver. It's going in my workbench that I'm building.

Ben Franklin was one of the great inventors/creators of our time, couldn't be no better place for him than on a workbench, that's why I've planned doing that...but more so because my Grandfather gave it to me.:cool:

Reg Mitchell
10-12-2006, 12:42 PM
wow....sounds like May is the magical month to get married.
Many good suggestions from everyone. I do like the idea about asking firts but kinda eliminates the element of suprise but thats fine, It coud be a suprise both ways when you hear.....well what will we do with that :eek:

Ken Werner
10-12-2006, 1:31 PM
When my neice got married, I gave her a card, with a coupon "good for a piece of furniture" complete with some sketches I had in mind for a sideboard. We kicked design and materials around until it was just what she wanted. Then I built it. Then I had to rent a uHaul to drag it to Chicago. I wouldn't want to go thru the process without the close involvement of the giftee. As far as the surprise goes, that can be in the opening of the card. Anyway for what it's worth, that's how I did it.
And congratulations...

Bill Simmeth
10-12-2006, 3:25 PM
Hey Reg, congrats! Must have been a nice surprise when you got back from ArnFest.

Reg Mitchell
10-12-2006, 5:31 PM
Hi Ya Bill....laughing. Actually I got the news around 7am Fri morning on the way. It just didn't really sink in until a few days ago. Was a great time and I was very happy to have met you hope to get your way sometime and look around and the invitation is extened to your direction also. OH by the way I got the first power bill and even though I didn't get to use much of the 3 ph stuff over the month the first bill was $7.00....think you might want some land near by :D
Still hazy from ARN FEST

Blaine Harrison
10-13-2006, 9:49 AM
You've gotten a lot of good advice on this. I have two daughters and appreciate the advice to get their input.

On a related note, one tradition is that girls are given a Hope Chest when they are young. The purpose is to put things in it for when they get married. Things like bed linens, bridal veil, dishes, etc. A lot of the things were actually made by Mother and daughter. That way they collected these necessary things over a period of years kinda like a savings account and the daughter learned how to make the items. I know it's a bit late for that now, but you could still pass along that tradition with a nice chest.


Dan Mages
10-13-2006, 2:39 PM
How about a nice jewlery box for all of those nice thing the son-in-law will be buying her? :rolleyes:

Reg Mitchell
10-22-2006, 10:24 PM
Hi Guys. I got a call from my daughther this weekend asking if I would spring for the wedding dress. Well all of you dads know what the answer was. ;)
Anyway I ask here what piec of furniture she would like for me to make her as a wedding gift since i will be driveing dwon and visiting a few old friends from my Fla days. She thought for a few minets and said she had always wanted a blanket chest for the foot of hre bed...:D .
So heres my ple for pics of some chests you guys have made for your daughters friends.
I really want to thank you guys for your suggestiong and the good hearted fun with this. I will be starting it when I get a idea of what I will be makeing and of course be posting them for you guys to ck the progress

Dan Mages
10-23-2006, 2:37 PM
Hi Guys. I got a call from my daughther this weekend asking if I would spring for the wedding dress. Well all of you dads know what the answer was. ;)
Anyway I ask here what piec of furniture she would like for me to make her as a wedding gift since i will be driveing dwon and visiting a few old friends from my Fla days. She thought for a few minets and said she had always wanted a blanket chest for the foot of hre bed...:D .
So heres my ple for pics of some chests you guys have made for your daughters friends.
I really want to thank you guys for your suggestiong and the good hearted fun with this. I will be starting it when I get a idea of what I will be makeing and of course be posting them for you guys to ck the progress
Maybe you should build in a hidden compartment for those unmentionables that need to stay out of sight. ;)