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Joe Suelter
10-18-2003, 8:59 PM
Anybody here ever had an Upper Endoscopy? I have to have one the day before Thanksgiving. Just curious as to what I may encounter from "real" patients. The Dr. says I may only have a sore throat the next day, nothing more, but you know how doctors are! I saw a specialist yesterday and he has ordered the procedure. I'm having problems that no other doctor can seem to find, all they want to do is put me on medicine's that seem to make the symptoms worse. I'd like to hear from anyone that has had one to ease my mind a little. As always, thanks in advance.

Rob Glynn
10-18-2003, 9:24 PM
They are no big deal. The doc will probably knock you out for a moment to avoid the gagging reaction and you will come to without being able to remember a thing about it.

One important point.
Make sure to ask the doc if he/she has used the equipment for a "Lower Endoscopy" the patient before you. If the answer is yes..... run.

Charles McKinley
10-18-2003, 9:31 PM
I had one a little over a year ago. There was a little discomfort during the procedure but nothing the next day. I was having poblems swallowing. I also had a barium swallow. FUN!

The decision was to split my horse pills, take smaller bites and chew more.

I hope this helps.

Joe Suelter
10-18-2003, 10:13 PM
Good one Rob!!!! :p Thanks Charles.

Kirk (KC) Constable
10-19-2003, 6:17 PM
I've had a couple of those. Nuthin' to it. I suspect it might have something to do with the experience level of the person doing the test, but I never even had a sore throat. Worst part of medical procedures for me has always been the numbing shot they want to give me before stitches or putting in an IV. So I just tell 'em to forget the shot and stick in the IV needle. Probably saves me $100 that way, too.

Believe them when they tell you not to drive that day. I remember waking up and Jean driving us off, but have no recollection of where we went or what we did after that for the better part of the day.


Scott Greaves
10-19-2003, 7:55 PM
Hi Joe,

I've had two of these. They're not so bad. With the first one, the anesthesia they used made me sick for a day afterwards. So I didn't really notice if my throat hurt!

For the second one, I had it done at the VA. They gave me the option of not having anesthesia, which also meant I could drive home that day. So I gave it a try. Gag, gag, choke, choke - but really not all that bad. We went out to lunch an hour later, and I never noticed any sore throat.

Good Luck! I hope they figure out what's going on with you so they can get it fixed.
