View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...

Dennis Peacock
10-09-2006, 9:52 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

Sorry I'm running behind, but after working 111 hours out of 168, I was so exhausted that I didn't even get out of bed until 5 minutes ago. I was in the shop ZERO minutes this past week, but I'll make up for lost family and shop time this week........

I'M ON VACATION!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Since I missed a lot of what each of you were doing this weekend....

What did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Ken Salisbury
10-09-2006, 10:00 AM
I spent most of the weekend sanitizing SMC :)

I came across a great quote on the net over the weekend:

"Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship" -- Zeuxis (Greek painter ≈400BC)

Watched some football, primarily SEC games, Tenn/Ga, Auburn/Ark, Ala/Duke and Fla/LSU all great games.

Frank Pellow
10-09-2006, 10:17 AM
Finished the restoration phase of my deck and started the extension phase by installing the posts. See http://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=43279

Tom Henry
10-09-2006, 10:22 AM

I am very happy the way it turned out...:D

Larry Fox
10-09-2006, 10:23 AM
Tool (the band) show outside of NY on Friday night. Built the WWA shelf support pin drilling jig on Saturday and built 4 cabinet boxes for my kitchen cabinet project on Sunday. Sunday night watched the Eagles squeek one by the Cowboys.

Dave Richards
10-09-2006, 10:28 AM
Road trip this weekend to southern Iowa. Stopped at the Woodsmith store in Des Moines. Huge place. Especially nice if you want the opportunity to get your hands on a wide variety of power tools. Lots of ROckler hardware and jig making stuff. Probably the best thing was seeing real live versions of the some of the furniture and shop stuff they do in the articles in the magazines.

I stayed away from the wood in the back knowing I didn't have room to haul any anyway. I only bought a jointer knife setting jig.

Don Baer
10-09-2006, 11:04 AM
No shop time, had to go over to California and attend a wedding for the daughter of some friends from the old hood. I did pick a couple of Herc U Lifts while I was over there since I can't seem to find any in Arizona and I did get to visit my Olliver. I can wait till new new house/shop gets done so I can bring it home.

Nancy Laird
10-09-2006, 11:11 AM
I posted about my great weekend over in Turner's Forum:


I'm stoked!!

Guy Germaine
10-09-2006, 11:15 AM
Built a sofa table as a gift:


Laurie Brown
10-09-2006, 11:18 AM
I didn't get out into my shop on Sunday, took the day off. :)

Saturday finished off the oak panels for my cabinet doors. Today I plan to get out there sometime and work on gluing up the doors.


John Renzetti
10-09-2006, 11:20 AM
Started working on some Christmas presents, an oriental design display rack for my daughter's karate belts and the most fun was this father/son birdhouse project with my 6 yr old. Amazing what you can do with some scraps of 1x6 cedar siding.

Jim Hager
10-09-2006, 11:31 AM
I made 43 maple rp doors and 5 oak rp and glass panel doors this weekend. I worked hard in the shop the entire weekend and I'm tired and grumpy at work this morning. Tired cause I worked so long and grumpy cause I quit chewin this morning. Growl and snarl, can't believe I fell off the wagon again but all bruised and bandaged am climbing back on.

Karl Laustrup
10-09-2006, 12:18 PM
Sounds like you need some R&R Dennis. Take a couple of days off. Tell 'em I said it's OK. ;) :D :D

Worked on a couple little projects for a bit, but mostly spent the time cleaning out the small shed. Also, started to get stuff ready for winter.

Have a good week all. :)


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-09-2006, 12:23 PM
I made 43 maple rp doors and 5 oak rp and glass panel doors this weekend. I worked hard in the shop the entire weekend and I'm tired and grumpy at work this morning. Tired cause I worked so long and grumpy cause I quit chewin this morning. Growl and snarl, can't believe I fell off the wagon again but all bruised and bandaged am climbing back on.

Only 43, what, did you take Sunday afternoon off..........? ;) :D

Geez Bony, sure glad you only work PART-TIME!!! :eek:

I had/have a stinking lousy cold all weekend, both of my lovely daughters have it too (but not as bad!!) only my lovely wife was spared, so I ended up sleeping on the sofa, so I would not give it to her!

I got frustrated sitting on my big ole bottom, so I headed down to the Dungeon and whipped up another chainsaw mill, this one is for my buddy Jim, who has some logs to cut up (My payment for the mill will be a bunch of wood for turning blanks!!! :D )




The cut outs in the PlexiGlass are for your hand and a foot when you start the saw. When I head over to his place to cut some wood, don't worry, I'll take a few pics :rolleyes:

Took me about 5 or 6 hours total, the only thing that REALLY sucked was sneezing with my resporator on............:eek:................ yuck.........

Jim Hager
10-09-2006, 12:49 PM
Only 43, what, did you take Sunday afternoon off..........? ;) :D

Geez Bony, sure glad you only work PART-TIME!!! :eek:

I had/have a stinking lousy cold all weekend, both of my lovely daughters have it too (but not as bad!!) only my lovely wife was spared, so I ended up sleeping on the sofa, so I would not give it to her!

I got frustrated sitting on my big ole bottom, so I headed down to the Dungeon and whipped up another chainsaw mill, this one is for my buddy Jim, who has some logs to cut up (My payment for the mill will be a bunch of wood for turning blanks!!! :D )




The cut outs in the PlexiGlass are for your hand and a foot when you start the saw. When I head over to his place to cut some wood, don't worry, I'll take a few pics :rolleyes:

Took me about 5 or 6 hours total, the only thing that REALLY sucked was sneezing with my resporator on............:eek:................ yuck.........

I guess maybe I did. It seemed like I was in slow motion all day Saturday, not gettin much done at all. But it all seemed to come together on Sunday morning, got all of them put together, edged and sanded on Sunday.

Jim O'Dell
10-09-2006, 1:04 PM
I reworked the TS dust pick up connection to be ready for the 6" flex that came in last week. It will take several days of silicone and drying time to secure prooperly. Redid the blast gate for the TS which requires that I get a longer piece of PVC for that vertical run. Redid the same blast gate mount to the ceiling so it will be more secure as I take the lower half apart to move the pipe so I can get my 3/4 ton van under cover during hails storms. Tried to fix the leaking faucet in my wife's studio half bath. Honest I tried! Need parts to repair. Watched about half of the eagle/cowboy game. Wasted time.:eek: :D Should have stayed in the shop! Have a great week! Pictures are in my shop rehab thread. Jim.

Tyler Howell
10-09-2006, 1:41 PM
Swapped out the power pannel in my house, Went to WW Seminar on Sat http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=44020 (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=44020) and sunday. Watched some turning videos and played with the lathe a little.

Mark Pruitt
10-09-2006, 2:36 PM
I came across a great quote on the net over the weekend:

"Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship" -- Zeuxis (Greek painter ≈400BC)
Wow--I caught this just after editing my signature. QFT!;)

...the most fun was this father/son birdhouse project with my 6 yr old.
John, anyone ever tell ya that your son looks a lot like you?:) Congrats on getting 'im started in WWing early!

My weekend was spent at the lathe again. Well, the chainsaw, the bandsaw, the grinder and the lathe.:D Finished up this (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=44010) HF, rough turned a 9" oak NE which is now in the DNA dip, and turned most of the outside of a bubinga bowl. First time I've worked any with bubinga. I love it. These weekends seem to be getting shorter all the time...:p

Tim Morton
10-09-2006, 2:50 PM
spent all day staurday "planning" a hearth for my pellet stove....watched the yankees get bounced while doing so. Sunday I made the hearth and then watched the Pats game sunday afternoon. Today I cut out the hole in the wall and just finished grouting the stonework. Sems kind of odd to be working so hard on this pellet stove thing when it is almost 80 degrees here in Vermont:D

Chip Olson
10-10-2006, 4:19 PM
Got xxxxed xxx at my spraygun (kept clogging on me), so I punted on putting a 4th coat of USL on the drawers. Might do it later if I figure out what's up with the thing. Got started installing hanging strips in the upper cabinets and drilling shelf holes in same. Now I have a nice juicy goof to figure out how to fix; may post separately about that.

We were planning on taking the kidlet to the zoo yesterday (hoping they'd take him this time), but instead we ended up going over to help out some friends of ours; she had smashed up her car that morning. She was fine, just shaken up and newly carless. LOML gave moral support and I extracted her car stereo from the wreckage. Airbag propellant smells nasty.

Hank Knight
10-10-2006, 4:43 PM
I returned to SC yesterday from Maine where I completed a 1 week course on "The Art of Making and Fitting Drawers" at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship in Rockport. I must say it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my woodworking career - such as it is. Craig Vandall Stevens, the instructor, is a true artist/craftsman, an all round nice guy and an excellent teacher to boot. By week's end, I was actually hand cutting some respectable through and half blind dovetails. With what I learned, it seems as though I have a new tool in my bag. I can't wait to put it to use. I took some pretty good photos that I'll post with a more complete description of the course soon. Right now I'm pretty tired after a 1200 mile, 2-day drive home and a pretty intense first day back at work.

For those of you who haven't been, Mid-Coast Maine is beautiful this time of year and the seafood is excellent.


Eddie Watkins
10-10-2006, 4:49 PM
I spent the weekend remodeling a kitchen and dining room. It started out as a door replacement and ended up being a total re-work including sheetrock on the ceiling and lots of patch work on the walls. It's good to be back at work where LOML can't find me!:o
