View Full Version : Target Coatings

Bob Reda
10-08-2006, 9:03 AM
Does anyone know of a finish comparable to the target coatings Ultimate finish/ I love this stuff, but it seams that they changed there shipping containers and packaging. The last 5 shipments I received the cans were open and finish was all over the box. As a matter of fact two times finish was driping outside the box and FEDEX refused to deliver I know that Jeff will stand behind his project which he has done in the past, but honestly, how long is this going to continue. When I order I need the material, not shipping it back and forth. I've sent sevral emails and am awaiting the latest response. I just had two gallons that had opened during shipping, made a mess in the box but didn't leak out of the box.
Thanks for letting me vent a little.

Russ Massery
10-08-2006, 10:53 AM
I've been ordering from them as well. Never have a problem. I love USL as well. I just used the Conversion Varnish with equal success. Sorry to hear about you problem. I know they will make good your problem. And it's frustating to wait for something only to find it damaged when you receive it. BTW did it have the clips on the top holding the lid on?

Bob Reda
10-08-2006, 2:45 PM

It had the clips on. My thoughts and I expressed it to Them is that the plastic gallon containers are the culprit. When the tin ones got smashed they stayed smashed. But with the plastic ones, when it takes a bump it springs back, however the metal lid stays smashed and that is where I believe is causing the leaks. Fedex even refused delivery on two of them because they were leaking through the box.