View Full Version : Cottonwood Bowl

Curt Fuller
10-08-2006, 2:03 AM
I've been stuck turning Christmas ornaments for a project my wife dragged me into and I was getting pretty tired of them. So today I decided to mount up a big hunk of wood and make a bowl. This is Cottonwood from a tree that's been dead for a few years. So it's nice and dry but still the Cottonwood is pretty easy to turn. It has some nice chatoyance (sp?) in the wood that shows better in real life than the picture. It's 12.5" x 4.5".

I also did an ornament from some of the same Cottonwood with Koa for the top and bottom pieces. It has some of the same chatoyance.

Keith Burns
10-08-2006, 7:51 AM
Great bowl and ornement Curt:) :) You have a way with that cottonwood:) :)

Dennis Peacock
10-08-2006, 7:55 AM
Very pretty on both Curt!!!! I've never turned any but it sure looks really nice. Great curl in it to. Most excellent. :D

Paul Engle
10-08-2006, 10:49 AM
See what happens when your wife catches ya:D :D ...Nice bowl:D :D now know why so hard to split for firewood ... supposed to make bowls out of em.The ornament looks super also:D :D , what did you use to finish them with?My wife now selling candles thru home lite .... guess what.....:eek:

Bernie Weishapl
10-08-2006, 11:49 AM
Curt that is a nice looking bowl. My next door neighbor bought a Cman lathe the other day and his first bowl was out of cottonwood. Guess I should give it a try since we have a jillion of them out here. Nice looking ornament to Curt. I am going to try those and birdhouses.

Travis Stinson
10-08-2006, 8:56 PM
Some beautiful wood Curt. I like the detail on the bowl. Any chance of a profile shot to show it better?

Ernie Nyvall
10-09-2006, 1:23 AM
Nice works Curt. I like the trim work around the bowl and the contrasting woods in the ornament.

Barry Stratton
10-09-2006, 3:27 AM
Great looking stuff Curt! I also like that detail on the side of the bowl.

Don Baer
10-09-2006, 12:14 PM
Great work, I'm glad you posted this since there's a TON of cottonwood trees in Arizona.

Mark Pruitt
10-09-2006, 1:15 PM
Great looking bowl! Count me among the curious about the detail around the outside. Did you do that with a texturing tool? I can't see enough detail to tell. Inquiring minds want to know!:D :D :D

Travis White
10-09-2006, 2:40 PM
Very nice stuff! The wood looks great.

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-09-2006, 10:00 PM
WOW Curt. Didn't know Cottonwood would look that good. Looks great.


Curt Fuller
10-09-2006, 11:00 PM
Thanks everyone!

Here's a couple views from the side. Not very good pictures. It has a very short foot, about 1/16" that it sits on but it's hard to see. The dark place in the wood is starting to open up a little as it dries out completely.

Mark, as for the detail around the outside, I just made a couple light V cuts with the tip of a skew and then cut a shallow cove between them with a gouge.

Jeff Fagen
02-12-2010, 10:36 PM
Years ago I turned out toy trains of cottonwood and found it very friendly.