View Full Version : The LOML has a great sense of humor

Bart Leetch
10-06-2006, 1:47 PM
She made this for me for my Birthday this year.

Is is called a Man Quilt.

In the upper left we have flannel going to the right we have Tee-shirt material next is the chalkboard with chalk hung on a wire. Below On the left we have camouflage next is the leather with the nails through it & then the jeans with rear pocket & rag. It is all stapled & bolted together in various places with duct tape around the edges. Nothing is stiched together everything is done just the way we would have done it.:D :D

Yes I get crazy birthday cards too every year.

So what do you all think of it?

Dave Anderson NH
10-06-2006, 1:54 PM
Well Happy Birthday Bart. I have this sneaking suspicion your wife knows your tastes pretty well.:D There's just no way you can go wrong if your wardrobe is denim and flannel.

Russ Massery
10-06-2006, 2:07 PM
Happy Birthday Bart. Mine's the same day! But I got a new tool box. To replace the one I've been cursing at the last few years.

Lincoln Myers
10-06-2006, 3:16 PM
Happy Birthday! That's pretty funny Bart. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to forward a copy of that pic off to my wife and others, they'll get a kick out of it too.


Jim O'Dell
10-06-2006, 3:25 PM
I think your wife has found something she can make and sell to other wives!! Very cute. And happy birthday! Jim.

Jon Eckels
10-06-2006, 6:35 PM
That's hilarious. I like her sense of humor!

Happy Birthday

Nissim Avrahami
10-06-2006, 7:22 PM
It looks like she knows you so well, every piece is from your life, isn’t it.
Happy birthday Bart and till 120 (or till 100 like 20).


Dave Ray
10-06-2006, 7:29 PM
Happy Birthday Bart. Looks like your wife has you pegged, stapled, duct taped and what ever Bud. Great sense of humor.

Jim Becker
10-06-2006, 7:36 PM
Happy Birthday, Bart! Looks like the LOYL knows how to make you smile!

Jesse Cloud
10-06-2006, 7:42 PM
LOL, she really has us guys figured out. It would have been perfect if there was maybe a little bondo or wood filler in there somewhere:rolleyes: .

David Klug
10-06-2006, 7:47 PM
Love it Bart. Happy Bithday!!!!!!!


Karl Laustrup
10-06-2006, 8:14 PM
Priceless Bart. Both the gift and your wife. What a great imagination and sense of humor. You better keep her.



Charles McKinley
10-06-2006, 11:01 PM
Happy Birthday Bart,

I agree that is an marketable item. Very cool.

Bart Leetch
10-07-2006, 2:04 AM
Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

This has been a busy day a little pen turning which will show up in pics at later date as they get finished.

I finally got a bumper on the back of my S10 along with an under the truck spare tire storage cable winder all for about $60 I'll need to hook up the license plate lights & a trailer plug for my boat trailer.

Yep lots of fun for my day off on my birthday & then there Saturday.

Thanks again Bart :):) :D