View Full Version : My son is learning fast another wood gloat

Don Baer
10-04-2006, 12:45 PM
Well son came home last night and said "Dad can you help me get this wood out of my truck ?" so I go out with him and this is what he had brought home. I asked him what kind of wood he said and he told me thta I was the expert. The he said "it's wood so I guess we can turn it." He's been hanging around you guys too much. I told him that it might be easier if I had some leaves to look at and he said that he'd ring some home tonight since there a lot of these growing in the field next to where he work.


The big one is 12 feet long and over 12" at the base. I guess I'd better pick up some chain oil while I'm out today. It seem pretty dry but I'll seal it up anyway. I ought to get some blanks out of it

Tom Sherman
10-04-2006, 1:12 PM
That's the ticket Don train em up right.

Bernie Weishapl
10-04-2006, 1:41 PM
Nice gloat Don. Now when are you taking delivery on the new Rikon lathe? :eek: :p Figured you might as well or you will never get any turning done now. You just had to show him how didn't you.:eek: :eek: Don I think that is great to get the kids involved. Have fun my friend and enjoy it.

Brett Baldwin
10-04-2006, 3:33 PM
And perfectly priced for practice wood. I'm currently making my mistakes in some citrus wood I kept from some dead trees just for this. It is also a good way to learn the prep steps for found wood.

Don Baer
10-05-2006, 9:00 PM
Well I cut it up


Now I need to get it all sealed up. I still don't know for sure but think it's Mesquite. If Chris remembers to get some leaves for me I'll know for sure.

Corey Hallagan
10-05-2006, 9:26 PM
Nice gloat Don!
