View Full Version : Cheap Lathe advise

Hank Stankovich
10-02-2006, 7:50 PM
I was just jacking around in Menard's one day and came across a "Tool Shop" lathe and it was inexpensive ($135) so I decided, what the hell. I bought that and the cheap "Tool Shop" tools as well. I have been using it for 2 months and now the cheap base (aluminum?) is starting to bow up when I tighten the stock and it gets worse every time. I started strapping it down, but now the motor is starting to tilt up.Other than that I was surpised at how well it works. I have turned approx 30 quality (PERFECT!...imo) ash bats so far. Each model hits very nice.

My question!

Can I salvage the motor and jimmy-rig the tail stock to a different base? The 2 bars that the tail stock and tool rest is perfectly fine, but the aluminum base and casiing is starting to bend up and outward. Can I bolt it to steel or should I just pony up for a better lathe? Plus, it's annoying to have to clamp it to a work bench everytime.


Corey Hallagan
10-02-2006, 9:33 PM
Hank, I would salvage the motor to make a grinder of buffer out of it or something and get a different lathe. For about 40.00 dollars you could have gotten the PSI Turncrafter Pro ($179.00) which is a Jet clone with a 1/2 HP Motor and works like a champ. I have been using mine since january and it comes with a 3 year warranty. I love it. There are lots of lathes to choose from their on up!


Bernie Weishapl
10-02-2006, 11:42 PM
I definately wouldn't jury rig anything because of accuracy. My brother tried it one time and when he returned bowls he could never get them back on the so called lathe the same way twice. I would look at the Turncrafter which you can now get in variable speed, the Rikon is on sale for $219.99, the Delta Midi or the Jet mini. You can have any one of those for under $300. I think in the long run you will be a much happier camper. Just my $1.298

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-02-2006, 11:45 PM
If the tool came from Menards, I believe that they carry a TWO Year warranty on ALL the "Tool Shop" tools. I'd take it back and get my money back, and add $85.00, go to Woodcraft and get a Rikon 12" swing lathe. They are going for 219.99 right now, through October 30.


PS: Hey Bernie.......................... GREAT MINDS are in tune again!

Hank Stankovich
10-03-2006, 12:31 AM
Yes, it was from Menards. If I thought I would have liked it as much as I do now I wouldn't have gone bottom dollar. This thing runs fairly loud....is the Jet model (with stand) sturdy and quieter? I get a lot of shaking and vibrating if the turning stock is not totally rounded yet.

Bernie Weishapl
10-03-2006, 12:32 AM
Hank I think they all are about the same. My little Delta is pretty quiet. I saw the Rikon a couple of weeks ago and it is really pretty quiet. If you bolt these down to a sturdy bench and put some weight on the bottom of the bench (bags of sand or concrete) it won't viberate. I did that on my Delta and it doesn't viberate at all. I am going to get the Rikon becuase of price and it will turn 3" bigger than my Delta will.

Bruce you got that right. I am thinking pretty hard about one myself when I go to Denver this weekend for the free turning demo. He said they might even have a little more off on Saturday.

Corey Hallagan
10-03-2006, 12:36 AM
Ummmm.... Bernie, that would make 3 lathes. Sheeesh.....some guys just can't get enough! I guess your plan is to have a lathe in each corner :) So I guess there is still room for one more!


Bernie Weishapl
10-03-2006, 12:38 AM
Naw Corey I am thinking the little Delta will have a new home with the nephew. He was the one that came over and spent the day with me. Might make a good Christmas present. I am still talking to my sister (his mom).

Paul Engle
10-03-2006, 10:26 AM
Good one Bernie, get em hooked before their folks find out ......
I spoil mine and get away with it.Boy golly that will be some Christmas if you can talk his mom into it. use the science approach , you know ... angles and circumfrences , radius's, throw in some math stuff ... kinda like PBS and Discovery channel .... educationial !!!:D :D :D

Ernie Nyvall
10-03-2006, 1:31 PM
Hank, that doesn't sound good at all. Even if you could strap some of the bow out, the two centers wont line up. I am wondering what kind of pressure you are cranking down on the tail stock. You do set the spur center in the wood OFF the lathe, right? If you are doing that, it shouldn't take much pressure from the tail stock. The bearings on the head stock are not meant for a whole lot of horizontal pressure. I'd try to get my money back for this one and move up to one with an iron bed (ways). There are some mini lathes (jet, and Rikon) for an extra $100 or so that should do the trick.
Now, just about any lathe is going to vibrate some... not too many turning spindles though unless the motor is not secure. Adding weight to the base or bolting down to a sturdy bench is what many turners do.

Hope this helps.

Dennis Peacock
10-04-2006, 1:02 AM
Rules of thumb that I paid the price for many times over?

1. You get what you pay for.
2. If I'd a known then, what I know now? I could have saved a bundle.
3. Spend the money the first time and you'll only cry once.
4. Buy tool, upgrade, sell, buy tool, upgrade, sell, buy tool, upgrade.....well, you get the picture. :o :rolleyes:

In all seriousness though, Knowing what I know now? I could have saved myself well over $10K in money put on tools that didn't last, wouldn't hold up, or wasn't what I expected. Save your money and get a replacement lathe. Use the existing motor for a buffer or grinder or something.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-04-2006, 2:24 AM
Ditto what Dennis just said! :D

Hank Stankovich
10-04-2006, 7:28 PM
Called Menards and they are going to take it back and give me my $130 some dollars. I can pick up a used grinder somewhere else.

Thankfully, I can learn my lesson with only a slap on the wrist and not a hole in my pocket.

What hp would be suitable for spinning bats and/or long pieces? Is 3/4 enough or should I opt to go higher? I do not plan on turnning anything like large bowls.

Don Baer
10-04-2006, 7:55 PM
Hank for spindle turning(Bats) even a 1/2 HP would be plenty The Rikon, Delta or jet with Bed extender would do fine but as you get into bowls then the need for power increases as the diameter changes. I have been turning 12" dia pieces on my Rikon and for that the 1/2 HP ain't even close to what I realy need. For now I just take lighter cuts and the curlies are just thiner. I think its' making me a better turner..:D I'll proubly get the bed extender for the Rikon and use it for spindle work and small bowls but I'll still get a Big guy with at least 2 HP also.

Hank Stankovich
10-05-2006, 1:53 PM
I did it...I bought the Rikon with the bed extension last night from Woodcraft...NOW the fun begins!

PS...Too bad they use FedEx...Brown is the way to go.

Fred Floyd
10-06-2006, 11:41 PM
I just picked up a Jet Variable Speed Mini Lathe (with a Midi Chuck) for $299. I heard that Jet is discontinuing this model so this was a clearance.

Corey Hallagan
10-07-2006, 12:04 AM
Congrats Hank, I am sure you will love it!!
