View Full Version : Non-Event

Reg Mitchell
10-02-2006, 6:34 PM
I think most of you will recall the "surprise" I received a few weeks ago at turning on my power. Well I was off this weekend and had already taken out the disconnect and sent it back and received the new one. My nephew came over last week and replaced the old one and the inspector came out and oked the set up and power was put back to the shop.
I arrived
Saturday morning and Vick was at the farmers market doing a little shopping for tomato's to can some salsa. I was talking to a friend when I pulled into the driveway. He was aware of the last electrical venture also and we talked for a few moment longer before we said our goodbyes and hung up.
I sat there a few more moments looking at the garage door thinking about what my nephew said about the breaker could have exploded the last time. I got out of the truck and made my way to the door,opened it up and walked the 40 ft through the dark building. Past the rebuilt Oliver sitting on the floor still unused for the year that I hae had it for lac of 3 ph power. i looked at the huge Snowflake also sitting unused for the same reason. The tennoner, mortising machine, all sitting waiting for that electrical excitement that would once again bring them to life.
Finally I was face to face with the BOX. A bitter taste formed in my mouth as i stood there, thought racing through my mind at the speed of light. Unintelligible but streaming like high speed Morris through a automatic sending machine. I watched as my hand slowly raised and moved toward the 200 amp switch. I felt the cold plastic as they made contact. My heart was racing so hard i could hear the thumping in my ears.
Suddenly my muscles contracted power racing through my arm and reaching my finger as helplessly i watched momentarily as the pressure transferred to the switch. Just before the switch wat move to the own position my eyes snapped shut and my jaws tens as my teeth clamped together.
CLICK. The silence was deafening. My eyes slowly opened. It was dark. I suppose all the breakers in the breaker box were turned off so I looked and yes they were. I reached for the 110 breaker for the lights. Click. I jumped as the light flashed into illumination. A smile crossed my lips an my heart pounded harder. Click, Click Click. One after another I turned them to the on position. I made my way to mill. I turned it on. My heart leaped and it accepted the power and responded whirling into action.
Later that evening Bruce Norton came by and helped me wire the Oliver I have be wanting so badly to power up. We wired the disconnect and ran the wire to the power switch on the saw. I pushed the button. Nothing. My heart sank. All that time and effort and nothing. "Oh here's the problem", Bruce walked across the floor, turned the disconnect on. I tried again. Man what a sound to my ears. After over a year I finally got to hear music from the Oliver. Reaching into my pocket, I have seen this somewhere before, I stood a quarter up on end and smiled as it didn't even offer to fall.
That was the happiest Non-Event I can remember :)

Matt Warfield
10-02-2006, 6:38 PM
Congrats Reg!! Now for the fun part...using dem dere machines!!

Jesse Cloud
10-02-2006, 6:44 PM
well told. I was on the edge of my chair until that Oliver started running. Now the fun begins!!

tod evans
10-02-2006, 6:53 PM
yeah!!!!! that`s gotta feel good:) .......congratulations reg! tod

Reg Mitchell
10-02-2006, 7:08 PM
yeah!!!!! that`s gotta feel good:) .......congratulations reg! tod
LOL....tod after waiting so long to hear that Oliver run I about wet my pants when it fired up....man what a sound and what power from a 3 hp motor

Karl Laustrup
10-02-2006, 7:14 PM
Way to go Reg. Ain't it wonderful what them electrons will do. Those machines do make a sweeeet sound.


Wes Bischel
10-02-2006, 7:15 PM
Congrat Reg! Long wait - but well worth it!


PS - great story.:D

Andy Hoyt
10-02-2006, 7:25 PM
Sheesh! I kept waiting for a blond in a trenchcoat and high heels to show up.:D


Reg Mitchell
10-02-2006, 8:19 PM
thanks for the encourgment guys. I am very happy. I have been wanting to do a few things and share with everyone same as everyone has shared and helped with things I have wondered and usually someone has had a solution. I get to work pretty much all the time for a liveing so its not too often I get into the shop. But believe me I am going to be pushing for as many days off as I possabley can. Now I just gotta get my wood supply to the shop and get cracking...I won't wait for the dust system that I hae to go in I will be smileing every time I sweep the floor until I do get it in though
Reg :)

lou sansone
10-02-2006, 9:11 PM
fantastic news.. now that you have seen and heard a direct drive saw, what do you think compared to a belt drive saw?


Corey Hallagan
10-02-2006, 9:17 PM
Congrats and glad everything worked out for you!


Dave Richards
10-02-2006, 9:18 PM
Must be a non event. There's no pictures. Just filling in for Tyler. He must be busy. :D :D

Actually, that's great news. I'm glad to hear it went quietly.

Jim Becker
10-02-2006, 9:55 PM
SO like...we all need new underwear now. Sheesh!! And just before Halloween, too.

(Congrats on the POWER!! :D :D :D )

Reg Mitchell
10-02-2006, 10:13 PM
Lou...theres no comparason with the direct drive...Jim....the shorts were full the first time lol. Dave I was so excited and actually didn't hae my Camera but I will post some when I get back from chicago next week. I hope to have some blades for the Snowflake too and haev some pics of it in action also
Reg :cool:

Ralph Steffey
10-03-2006, 8:03 AM
Reg glat to hear your are getting your new shop finished. Maybe I can stop by for a shop tour this summer. I will be starting my new shop on the hill in june.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-03-2006, 8:36 AM
Whoo Hoo!! :D

Great tale, and what a fantastic NON-event!!

I've turned breakers on with a broom handle before............. :p :o :rolleyes: :):)

I know how you feel...

Cheers! :D