View Full Version : My first pen

Doug Jones
10-15-2003, 7:56 PM
You guys created this monster, now you have to deal with me. Below is my first pen turned, made from (I think) cocobola with a "Hut" finish.
I am really liken this spinny thingy as J. Becker calls it.

Charles McKinley
10-15-2003, 10:06 PM
Hi Doug,

Very nice pen! Will you ever do flat work again? I now have the parts I just need the time to put the lathe togeather.

Keep the pictures coming,

Julie Wright
10-15-2003, 10:07 PM
Very nice looking Pen :cool:

Tom Sweeney
10-15-2003, 10:35 PM
you find yourself all day at work daydreaming about getting back to the lathe :D

Great job on the pen - which "kit" is that? I haven't done any pens yet -but I'd like to see if I can get a few done for Christmas gifts.

Jeff Rich
10-16-2003, 7:06 AM
your conversion to the round side is nearly complete
just wait till you turn some fresh red cedar for the first time
or some nice wet apple!
it is a delight to the senses!
unless of course you are allergic to either......
Great work!

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
10-16-2003, 9:17 AM
once you get going, it's fun to start trying the different kits. I've still found the simple slimline kits to be the biggest sellers fr me. People seem to like the feel of them, but then, of course, you can do the little extras like bulges, rings and tapers however you want. I'd say you're hooked! Have a great time and keep posting the picts!

Scott Greaves
10-17-2003, 5:37 PM

That is a great looking pen! I like the symmetry you acheived. I wish my first pen had looked this good! Note how the shape of the lower barrel flows right into the shape of the nib. A lot of penturners don't get that concept until much later!

As with all firsts, KEEP THIS PEN! You can make more and give them away, but you need the first one as a baseline to compare your future efforts against!

As an aside to Tom - as Nike said, "Just Do It!" Get yourself some pen kits, and go to it! You'll have a blast!
