View Full Version : Portable DC suggestion

Al Willits
10-01-2006, 9:30 AM
I unfortunately have to go with a JDS portable DC system in my garage and have been using the 4" flex hose with the plastic adapters to hook up to the power tool and DC inlet, been using the adapter that goes from hose to DC with the tapered inside so it has a friction fit to the inlet of the DC.
I have been having a bit of trouble keeping them on, especially if I'm moving the equipt around so I came up with a better way imho.

I now use a sch 20 to 4" PVC plastic fitting that lets me attach the hose to one end, and then the other slides snugly over the inlet for the DC.
Comes off easily and stays on even when I moving stuff around.

I have the Woodcraft part number (out in the garage) if anyone wants its.
Not earth shattering, and maybe everybody already knows it, but just in case....:)
