View Full Version : Mustard club and sacrifices

Dave Mcintire
09-29-2006, 10:01 PM
It amazing the sacrifices we must make to help our fellow man. Like today I had to help a guy who developed allergies to saw dust by relieving him of his 2 year old PM 3520A. Of course I really didn't want to buy that machine I just took it for his benefit, kinda. Oh well, I just might as well get some use out of it.
I would attach a pic, but this guy wasn't one of the neatest people around, if you get the drift of that, maybe when I scrape the gunk off it, I think he was big into shellacing stuff on the machine. Another sacrifice to make.
Anyway, there probably will be a pretty well outfitted PM 90 for sale soon in the SE Virginia, NC area.

Don Baer
09-29-2006, 10:25 PM
Gee Dave, I am sure that your sacrifice will be well recieved. I hear rumors about a creeker in the Phoenix who is afraid he is alergic to sawdust too, and he has a PM that he uses, I told him that if that is indeed the case I would be willing to relieve him of his suffering..:D

George Conklin
09-29-2006, 11:07 PM
Gee Dave, I am sure that your sacrifice will be well recieved. I hear rumors about a creeker in the Phoenix who is afraid he is alergic to sawdust too, and he has a PM that he uses, I told him that if that is indeed the case I would be willing to relieve him of his suffering..:D

I can feel the love, Don. I think?

Pete Jordan
09-29-2006, 11:09 PM
Way to take one for the team.

Bernie Weishapl
09-30-2006, 1:23 AM
Hey, hey, hey guys how come I can never feel, find, or whatever the love. :mad: Bummer.:(

Mighty nice of you to help a fella out with his allergy problems.

Dennis Peacock
09-30-2006, 2:20 AM
Well Dave. CONGRATS!!!! You'll really like that lathe.:cool:
Besides...mighty nice of you to help a feller get relief from a wood alergy. Mighty neighborly of ya. :D

Jim Becker
09-30-2006, 12:23 PM
Oh my...a total sacrifice. It's great to know you're so concerned about your fellow humans...LOL! (Nice GLOAT!!!)