View Full Version : That was DUMB...

Mark Azevedo
10-14-2003, 10:14 PM
While at work today I tryed to show an employee why we no longer use "XYZ" ( I will not use their name, you'll see why) for tool sharpening any longer. I take out a 1/2 in spiral carbide router bit that we use in our Onsrud Panel Pro (ya, I'm a name dropper). I am taking off the wax coting that XYZ puts on the bits and blades so I can show my "ee" just how dull it is right from their shop. The next thing I feel is a slicing sensation on my thumb. Yep, you guessed it, it was sharper than new. After I put a band aid on I told the "ee" he could laugh it up.

That was dumb... is any one else as dumb as me?

I think I might call XYZ back?


Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
10-14-2003, 10:21 PM
"Is anyone else as dumb as me?" Do you think I would really answer that? Ha. It is kind of embarrasing isn't it? I suspect you sent some bits to "XYZ" and an employee got them mixed up and sent them back unsharpened. You decided they did poor work and just wanted to clue in a helper. Ouch. We all make bloopers, that is for sure.

Mark Azevedo
10-15-2003, 12:31 AM
I was hoping someone was as dumb as me.... Murphy had a law, and I proved it. The best thing was the look on the kids face when I told him "S@#%, I just cut myself." Mouth open, eyes wide, all the while knowing not to laugh in my face. Classic!

Lloyd Robins
10-15-2003, 12:56 AM
I once was teaching Cub Scouts how to sharpen knives. One of them shouted, and I looked up to see what was the matter. When I looked down, I was starting to bleed. I didn't feel a thing, except of course embarrassment. I made my wife take me home so that I could take off my scout shirt before we went to the emergency room for stitches. If the concentration wavers, any of us can be in trouble. Work Safe!

Lee Schierer
10-15-2003, 11:26 AM
A real manager would have turned the situation around and said: "See I told you they weren't sharp, if this had been sharp it would have taken off the whole finger." :)

Hope only your feelings were hurt and that you heal up soon.