View Full Version : Newbie Turning Question

Guy Germaine
09-27-2006, 12:55 PM
I don't have a lathe (yet), but will be getting one eventually. For those of you that turn bowls and such out of logs, how do cut the log? Do you just slice an "end" off and turn it? Do you split it first? I know nothing about where to start. I see small logs (firewood) laying next to the road almost daily, and know that there's some pretty stuff laying there, I just need to know how to get it out.

Mike Ramsey
09-27-2006, 1:01 PM
Guy, here's a link to Bill Grumbines personal site where you can
see how to prepare a log for turning. http://www.enter.net/~ultradad/logcutting.html

Mike Jory
09-27-2006, 9:08 PM
Hello Guy... Good advice given to you by the "Other" Mike:p . From personal experience, I was going to say Bill's DVD also.
Don't split it in a manner like an axe, or hatchet.:eek:

I just had a Black Walnut (I think) log given to me. With my chain saw, I chopped off the ends, chipped off the loose bark, cut it into about 13-14" lenghts, then cut those half right down the center. I sealed the ends with green wood sealer. Now I have 8 nice "blanks" (as they're now called) ready to turn.
Picked up two blanks and rough turned a shape similar to a bowl.
Just kidding.:p It's a rough turned bowl shape that I will put in a drying process so I can come back in a few weeks and finish turning.

Good Luck with getting a lathe, Mike

Guy Germaine
09-28-2006, 7:02 AM
Thanks Mike(s)! :D
Very informative site. I will bookmark it for future reference.

Dennis Peacock
09-28-2006, 9:16 AM

The important thing to remember is to cut the log and don't forget to cut enough out to remove the "pith" of the log. This is where most all your checking and splitting come from. Cut just to either side of the pith and use the rest for your turning stock. Oh, and WELCOME to the spinny world. :D

Guy Germaine
09-28-2006, 5:05 PM
Thanks Dennis. I'm not spinning yet, but hopefully, it won't be long. Actually, I had a lathe 25 years ago when my Dad and I had a shop together, but we had to sell it all at auction when Mom passed away because, at the time, I had no shop, and nowhere to store the tools. :(