View Full Version : Bizarre shop accident this weekend

Hank Knight
09-25-2006, 4:58 PM
Its amazing how quickly you can get hurt in the shop. I try to be very careful with my tools, but sometimes the randomness of shop accidents just takes your breath away.

I have a set of metal storage shelves I keep miscellaneous stuff on. On the top shelf I keep notebooks, catalogs and other paperwork. I have a small 12 to 15 pound bench anvil that doesn't get much use. I use it for a bookend to keep the top-shelf stuff in place. Saturday afternoon, I was cleaning the place up and replacing the MSC Big Book catalog on the top shelf. In the process, I knocked the anvil off and it hit me full in the face. It was lights out for a couple of seconds. When I came to, I rushed upstairs to view the damage. On the way, I explored with my tongue and found I still had all my teeth. No significant blood flow. The mirror revealed a nasty bruised and swelling lip - but nothing more serious. I was LUCKY!

The anvil now resides on a lower shelf and I'm using the Grainger catalog for a bookend.

Tyler Howell
09-25-2006, 5:08 PM
Careful Hank.
We don't permit any storage on top of cabinets and racks just for that reason.
Lesson learned:confused:

Blaine Harrison
09-25-2006, 5:08 PM
Yeah, that's bizarre. :eek:

Sure glad you weren't hurt any worse than you were. LOML is a (former)safety engineer and she gets mad at me when I put something heavy on a shelf higher than my chest.


Matt Day
09-25-2006, 5:10 PM
Sounds like a Roadrunner & Wile E Coyote episode! I'm surprised it didn't break any bones. Glad you're okay.

Chip Olson
09-25-2006, 5:11 PM
If you lost consciousness, it's a really good idea to get yourself checked out. Sometimes head injures aren't immediately obvious.

And I'm not sure the Grainger catalog is an improvement. :-)

Don Baer
09-25-2006, 5:19 PM
Thats what you get for cleaning your shop rather then woodworking...

Glad you weren't seriously hurt

Sam Chambers
09-25-2006, 6:06 PM
Wow...That's certainly not the first thing that comes to mind when talking about workshop accidents. Glad you're OK, Hank.

Al Willits
09-25-2006, 7:08 PM
Glad to hear your ok, I think I might have it checked also, or at least call your doctor and see what they say.

Darn...I bet that hurt...

Al who's had some exprience with jointer blades and lost..

Wes Bischel
09-25-2006, 7:37 PM
Wow Hank, that's a bit scarry. Hope things heal okay. Good advice especially for the vertically challenged like me - most things are overhead!;)


Bob Stegemann
09-25-2006, 7:48 PM
Hope all is well soon. It is amazing just how fast and unexpectantly something can happen. It is that reason that reason that it scares me when I see someone driving while talking on a phone.

Ted Calver
09-25-2006, 10:04 PM
Man, I hope you can buff that dent out of the anvil!! That's no way to treat your tools (Glad you are OK)

Cliff Rohrabacher
09-25-2006, 10:42 PM
A bench anvil on a top shelf of an unsecured shelving system?

Bruce Shiverdecker
09-25-2006, 10:55 PM
Glad you're OK, Tyler. You forgot the CARDINAL RULE................. HEAVY ON THE BOTTOM; Light on the top..........................................JUST LIKE ME!

not much under the hat and a lot around the waist!


Vaughn McMillan
09-26-2006, 4:46 AM
...but sometimes the randomness of shop accidents just takes your breath away...
I'm thinkin' it was the anvil in the face that took your breath away. :D

Sorry to see you were hurt, but glad to see it wasn't any worse than it was. Living in earthquake country, I try to keep the heavy stuff out of high places.

Ken Werner
09-26-2006, 4:58 AM
Bet you're glad it missed your toe.
Good to be alive, isn't it?
I'm glad your injuries weren't too awful. Thanks for the insights.

Tom Hintz
09-26-2006, 5:27 AM
It is VERY good to hear you didn't get hurt any worse. I can't imagine taking an anvil (I don't care how big) in the face!

The good news here is that you might be able to sell the scenario as a screen play for one of those roadrunner vs. the coyote cartoons and make a few bucks to soothe your pain and suffering.