View Full Version : Middle School Abysseration * Update 10/19 - COMPLETED

Lars Thomas
09-25-2006, 2:30 PM
Greeting fellow turners! We have a new Junior High School in my town that I would like your help in abssyerating. I understand in today’s educating environment, we should consider ourselves lucky to even have a shop class. I went in and talked to shop teacher and was very surprised to see it was not equipped with a lathe.

I don’t know about you, but one of my first memories of my shop class experience was using the lathe in Junior High to make an awful looking laminated pine and walnut lamp. It sure was ugly, but at the time, I thought it was the most beautiful thing. Only now am I beginning to come to grips with why my mother didn’t put it in the family room.

I sure would like other kids to have a similar experience to what I had in Mr. Melesso’s class.

While I can guarantee this abysseration won’t be nearly as fun as the last one, we have an opportunity to impact many more souls!

I would like to abysserate the junior high by giving them a couple (2-3) Jet minis to use in the class. This is where you come in. I need your help to purchase the lathes. I am going to seed the fund with $200, a set of turning tools and some pen kits. I am not looking for anywhere near that amount of money from you. But if you can kick in $5 - $10 for this cause, it would be most appreciated. I will provide a full accounting of all funds submitted.

Don’t send any money now, simply post (or PM) your ‘pledge’. If we can come up with enough cash to purchase the lathes, I will let you know and advise where to send the money (Paypal and snail mail).

Thank you for considering support of this cause. Lars

Ken Fitzgerald
09-25-2006, 2:50 PM
Lars..........I'm in for $25.00...........Neat idea and project!

Barry Stratton
09-25-2006, 11:24 PM
Great idea Lars!

I'm in for $20. These sound like they will actually get used:D

John Miliunas
09-25-2006, 11:36 PM
Great cause! :) Put me down for a 20.00! :) :cool:

Vaughn McMillan
09-25-2006, 11:51 PM
In for $10. ;)

...edited to say I changed my mind...

$20 is plenty. :)

Bernie Weishapl
09-25-2006, 11:57 PM
Lars count me in for $20. I really like the idea.

Ed Breen
09-26-2006, 12:37 AM
Lars,I've got a spare 20 for such a worthyy cause.

Lars, pay pal is on its way. I guess we're all "abysserators!!"

Earl Reid
09-26-2006, 11:05 AM
I,m in for $20.00


Gordon Achterhof
09-26-2006, 1:42 PM
Count me in for $20.00. I think that that idea is outstanding. Memories from the '40s.

Lars Thomas
09-26-2006, 2:13 PM
Wow, you guys are great! Keep it coming. For those of you keeping score at home, $155 pledged to date.

Daniel Heine
09-26-2006, 4:42 PM

Where is this school located? I'm in the south west suburbs, and may be willing to help out with a number of other options as well.

Dan Heine

Glenn Clabo
09-26-2006, 5:11 PM
Let's see....
Case of beer...$25.00
Bottle of wine...$35.00
Helping kids...Priceless!
Count me in for $50.00.

Robert E Lee
09-26-2006, 5:14 PM
Lars, put me in for $ 10.00.

Lars Thomas
09-26-2006, 9:22 PM
Daniel, the school is located in the far Western burbs - Geneva. I am very interested to hear what you have in mind?

Bruce Shiverdecker
09-26-2006, 10:14 PM
You can add $20.00 from me.


Daniel Heine
09-27-2006, 9:55 AM

Put me in for $10.00 and a set of 5 palm wood carving tools!! I was thinking of some type of carving program to complement the turning part.

Dan Heine

tod evans
09-27-2006, 10:28 AM
lars, count me in for a 20...tod

Wayne Bitting
09-27-2006, 10:40 AM
I'll toss in a twenty too.

Lars Thomas
09-28-2006, 1:34 AM
Pledge Update: $285! That coupled with my seed money is only $115 short of two Jet Minis.

A bit of other news. . . Our own Bill Grumbine has made a very generous offer on his teaching CDs that I intend to take him up on. Thanks Bill!

I also contact the fine folks at Rockler to see if they could help us out. (I realize the Jet package goes on sale 10/1). I haven't heard back from them yet. I will keep you informed.

Dan, thanks for the offer of the carving tools. I'm sure they will also be appreciated. I'll PM you the shipping details. Thanks to ALL!! Lars

Chris Fairbanks
09-28-2006, 1:58 AM
Count me in for $20 also. Great Idea Lars.

John Miliunas
09-28-2006, 8:06 AM
Pledge Update: $285! That coupled with my seed money is only $115 short of two Jet Minis.

A bit of other news. . . Our own Bill Grumbine has made a very generous offer on his teaching CDs that I intend to take him up on. Thanks Bill!

I also contact the fine folks at Rockler to see if they could help us out. (I realize the Jet package goes on sale 10/1). I haven't heard back from them yet. I will keep you informed.

Dan, thanks for the offer of the carving tools. I'm sure they will also be appreciated. I'll PM you the shipping details. Thanks to ALL!! Lars

Lars, be sure to keep us updated and let us know when/how to pull the trigger on what we've committed to. Great job, my friend! :) :cool:

tod evans
09-28-2006, 10:51 AM
lars, i`m prone to forgittin` what day it is........so please let me know where/when and how to send money.......thanks, tod

Glenn Clabo
09-28-2006, 6:07 PM
Hey Lars...I'm with the tod guy...tell me how and when.

Steve Clardy
09-28-2006, 7:37 PM
Ok ok. I'm in for 20.00

John Shuk
09-28-2006, 7:57 PM
Put me in for 20. If I forget please send a PM.

Karl Laustrup
09-28-2006, 8:07 PM
Count me in for $20. Good cause.


Lars Thomas
09-28-2006, 8:28 PM
For those of you OK with Paypal - please use FoxRiverWoodworking@gmail.com. If you'd prefer snail mail (saves the PP fees), that's fine too.

Lars Thomas
Aon - 1st Floor National
1000 Milwaukee Ave
Glenview IL 60025

Other happenings . . .I heard back from Rockler today. Apparently there is a new lathe coming out on or about 10/10/06 that will be sold under the Rockler name – ‘manufactured’ by Jet. Introductory price is going to be $159. The store manager is going to get me the specs next week. I have a hard time believing it can compare favorably to the other minis at that price. However, if it does, that would be a steal.

Pledge update: $365!!

Pete Jordan
09-28-2006, 8:39 PM
I'm in for $20

Andy Hoyt
09-28-2006, 8:49 PM
Count me in for a pair of sawbucks.

Lars Thomas
09-29-2006, 2:26 PM
Andy, please send the sawbucks via paypal . . .address above. Thanks. Lars

Steve Clardy
09-29-2006, 2:33 PM
Guess I better get mine sent before CRS sits in again:rolleyes:

Paypal coming shortly Lars. I'll kick in a little extra to cover the paypal fees.


Lars Thomas
09-29-2006, 3:40 PM
Steve, received. Thanks for kicking in a little extra to cover the PP fees. I owe you 3 cents. Lars

tod evans
09-29-2006, 4:27 PM
lars you`ve got more paypal.....tod

Glenn Clabo
09-29-2006, 4:36 PM
Mine is waiting in PayPal for your acceptance.

Vaughn McMillan
09-29-2006, 4:40 PM
Another Jackson headed your way via PayPal.

Steve Clardy
09-29-2006, 4:52 PM
Steve, received. Thanks for kicking in a little extra to cover the PP fees. I owe you 3 cents. Lars


So I can now say, my .05 cents worth instead of the normal .02:D ;)

Barry Stratton
09-29-2006, 8:38 PM
PAYPAL just sent. Thank you for letting me play a small role in this GREAT event!!!

Hey, maybe you can get Frank or Tyler to demo..........:eek:

Daniel Heine
10-04-2006, 12:36 PM

I sent my donation via paypal yesterday.

Dan Heine

Steve Clardy
10-04-2006, 1:09 PM
Lars. Have you got enough bucks to do this yet.

Tom Sherman
10-04-2006, 1:11 PM
Lars I just sent my pay pal donation for $20 hope it helps.

Karl Laustrup
10-04-2006, 1:26 PM
Mines on the way via USPS yesterday. Ya know "Checks in the Mail". :D


Lars Thomas
10-04-2006, 4:44 PM
Steve, so far $415 has been pledged of which $323 is received - mostly via paypay. After Paypal fees, there is currently $310.30 in the 'bank'. That along with my donation is enough to cover two mini lathes. So to your question, is there enough, I'd say yes. However, any additional money donated will go toward nicer turning tools/accessories. So if someone is just seeing this thread today, please step right up and make a pledge.

As for the lathe decision, it is still up in the air. The Rikon at Woodcraft looks really good. My local Rockler has one (that's all they have) Jet Mini set aside for me.

I also got some more detail on the new Rockler branded Jet

#2 Taper
10" swing
18" bed (extension available)
5 speed ranges 760 1100 1600 2200 3200
Equipped with Ball Bearing Center, Face Plate, tool rest and knock out bar

The normal retail will be $179 with an introductory price of $159. I did not get the HP. I am concerned about that 'low' speed - it seems too fast to me. Do you think that can be right? How do the other minis work with respect to speed.

Steve Clardy
10-04-2006, 4:58 PM
Not sure on the speed. I don't have a mini lathe.
Hopefully someone will know.

Bernie Weishapl
10-04-2006, 5:09 PM
That would be a little high and would concern me especially with kids. The Rikon goes down to 430 and my Delta Midi goes down to 500. Just my opinion.

Robert E Lee
10-04-2006, 8:26 PM
Lars, I sent you a pay pal, Very good project.

Steve Clardy
10-04-2006, 8:43 PM
Looks like Lars is gonna get er done:cool: :D

Barry Stratton
10-05-2006, 12:43 AM
Looks like Lars is gonna get er done:cool: :D

Yep, he's a good man!!

Jet mini VS has a lowest speed of 500.

While I'd enjoy a low speed of 760 with an out of balance wet blank, I'm not sure I'd turn my teenager or her friends loose on something like that..... The speeds on the Rockler branded jet sound good for pen blanks, bottlestoppers, and other small spindle type stuff......

Lars Thomas
10-05-2006, 9:08 AM
..... The speeds on the Rockler branded jet sound good for pen blanks, bottlestoppers, and other small spindle type stuff......

That's exacatly what I was thinking. But then why have even bother with a 10" swing? We shall see. Lars

Lars Thomas
10-10-2006, 11:57 AM
Ok folks, Looks like we are ready to move into stage two of this abysseration. ALL of the pledged funds have been received. We also received a donation from someone that didn’t even pledge. I am assuming this person would prefer to fly under the radar, so I won’t mention their name. But, my appreciation goes out to everybody.

The total received from the Saw Mill Creek members is $444.27 from 21 members!!

I received a PM back from Shiraz (he had been traveling). He is looking to see if he can help with some tooling.

More updates to follow . . .

Lars Thomas
10-11-2006, 11:14 PM
A late addition to our efforts! Shiraz Balolia (Grizzly) really came through for this effort. Shiraz is donating TWO sets of turning chisels and TWO chucks (both pictured below) for the school.

Shiraz, THANK YOU. Your gift is much appreciated. Lars

Daniel Heine
10-12-2006, 10:28 AM

I was at The Woodowrking Show this past weekend at the Odeum in Chicago. I was talking to the Rockler people about the Jet mini lathe. They told me that within the next month, there will be a Rockler branded mini lathe for $159.99. This lathe is supposed to be made by Jet, and a duplicate of the Jet mini lathe. Might be able to buy 3 instead????

Dan Heine

John Terefenko
10-12-2006, 4:51 PM
The Jet mini is 500

Dave Fifield
10-12-2006, 7:57 PM
Didn't see this thread until just now....better late than never, I say.....sent you another 25 by paypal. Thanks for doing this for the children Lars! :)

:Dave F.

Frank Chaffee
10-12-2006, 9:22 PM
Hey Lars,
Nice work!

Put me down for a Grant.

Best to get ‘em while they’re young, as older dogs definitely take longer to learn new tricks.


Pls send paypal info. Thx.

Lars Thomas
10-13-2006, 9:44 AM
Frank and Dave, thank you for the contributions. I have received both of your Paypals. You are both very generous.

Daniel, Rockler Schaumburg has the new lathes in stock. I am trying to get out of work early to today to go check them out. I remained concerned about the lowest speed being so fast - over 700rpm. If I don't think the Jet/Rockler lathe will stand up to the school environment, I will pick up the Rikons at Woodcraft. Oh, one more thing . . .how do you want to handle the hand-off of the carving chisels? Do you want to meet someplace or drop them in the mail? Thanks. Lars

John Terefenko
10-13-2006, 11:07 AM
The Jet low speed is 500

Russ Massery
10-13-2006, 12:57 PM
Lar's Hit me up for a donation tomorrow at the lumber run.:rolleyes:

Nancy Laird
10-13-2006, 1:07 PM
Lars, I just put a check for $20 in the mail to you for this project. It's from both of us, Nancy and David at D&N Specialties.

By the way, does the school know that you are doing this? What a nice surprise when you wheel in those two lathes and accessories!


Lars Thomas
10-13-2006, 1:52 PM
Russ/Nancy, Thank you for your donation.

Nancy, the school knows, but the shop teacher doesn't (unless he is REAL good with google)

Nancy Laird
10-13-2006, 3:19 PM
Russ/Nancy, Thank you for your donation.

Nancy, the school knows, but the shop teacher doesn't (unless he is REAL good with google)

Okay, be sure someone is there to take pictures of his face (and the students') when you roll that equipment in. We want to see. No pics, didn't happen!!!


Lars Thomas
10-16-2006, 10:39 PM
Everything is kicking in to high gear. Today, I purchased the lathes. I went with the Rikon Minis - two of them and some accessories. I also received the tracking number from Grizzly re their donation of two chucks and two sets of turning tools.

I tipped our hand to the shop teacher today. The abyssseration is tentatively scheduled for next Monday.

Nancy Laird
10-16-2006, 10:43 PM
Everything is kicking in to high gear. Today, I purchased the lathes. I went with the Rikon Minis - two of them and some accessories. I also received the tracking number from Grizzly re their donation of two chucks and two sets of turning tools.

I tipped our hand to the shop teacher today. The abyssseration is tentatively scheduled for next Monday.

Don't forget, Lars



John Bailey
10-17-2006, 4:23 AM
I try real hard to stay off the turner's forum!:D That abyss things scares me. However, just had to see what this crazy and great group was up to. Hope it's not too late, but PayPal in the Mail. Good work Lars.

Edit - did I miss something, maybe I was asleep at the wheel. PayPal tells me the e-mail address in invalid.


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-17-2006, 5:09 AM
Geez, I've been so caught up with flatwork, I've not been around the spinny place for a while (can't do it right now, and it hurts to watch all of you having so much fun!! :( ).

I just noticed this thread today.

Can I still send in my $20?

How about some books for the students to learn from?

Cheers! :D

Lars Thomas
10-17-2006, 10:17 AM
John and Stu, no it's not too late. As both of you know, there is a never ending list of supplies that are good for the care and feeding of the lathe. I can pick up some more pen kits, wood, books etc...

John, the email address is correct, please try again. It's FoxRiverWoodworking@gmail.com.

Nancy, pictures are coming . . .

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
10-17-2006, 10:24 AM
I just sent $20! :D

The e-mail worked fine for me!


John Bailey
10-17-2006, 2:08 PM
Tried again (4th time) and it worked. Thanks for doing this for the kids Lars.


Lars Thomas
10-17-2006, 5:41 PM
Slight change of direction on the gifting . . .the middle school shop teacher determined the lathes were not part of the curriculum, as such couldn't/wouldn't use them. Although I disagree (flat work and lathe work go hand-in-hand), It's not my classroom. However, he did point me toward the high school. I contacted the shop teacher and he actually has wanted to purchase some lathes for some time, so the offer of two new Rikons comes just at the right time for him. So the end-result is the lathes will be given to Geneva High School in Geneva IL instead of Geneva Middle School.

Because the recipient is different that I originally specified in my opening post, if anyone would like their donation back, just send me a PM or post here (by 10/20/06) and I will reimburse you.

Glenn Clabo
10-17-2006, 5:55 PM
Kids Is Kids...go for it!

Nancy Laird
10-17-2006, 6:03 PM
Kids Is Kids...go for it!


Barry Stratton
10-17-2006, 6:31 PM
Because the recipient is different that I originally specified in my opening post, if anyone would like their donation back, just send me a PM or post here (by 10/20/06) and I will reimburse you.

GOOD ONE, LARS! I needed a chuckle today.

triple/treble/double ditto what Nancy and Glenn said.

Andy Hoyt
10-17-2006, 6:40 PM
I believe I sent you $23,374 in unmarked singles

I want it back:D

Pete Jordan
10-17-2006, 7:12 PM
Slight change of direction on the gifting . . .the middle school shop teacher determined the lathes were not part of the curriculum, as such couldn't/wouldn't use them. Although I disagree (flat work and lathe work go hand-in-hand), It's not my classroom. However, he did point me toward the high school. I contacted the shop teacher and he actually has wanted to purchase some lathes for some time, so the offer of two new Rikons comes just at the right time for him. So the end-result is the lathes will be given to Geneva High School in Geneva IL instead of Geneva Middle School.

Because the recipient is different that I originally specified in my opening post, if anyone would like their donation back, just send me a PM or post here (by 10/20/06) and I will reimburse you.

I'm a teacher and it's always something. I am glad you found someone who will appreciate your gift.

Karl Laustrup
10-17-2006, 7:21 PM
I believe I sent you $23,374 in unmarked singles

I want it back:D

AWWWW MAN, Andy's on the Moxie again and delusional. ;) :D :D I'm sure it was only one single and it was probably conterfeit. ;) ;) :D :D


Andy Hoyt
10-17-2006, 8:21 PM
Actually - I have a confession to make.

I let you-know-who balance the checkbook a month ago.

I did it again today, and am scrambling like mad trying to reconcile the thing.

I think she bought a new car or something and didn't write it down.

Was kinda hoping I could sneak this one past all y'all. Oh well.:D

John Miliunas
10-17-2006, 8:33 PM
3X's what Barry said! :D :cool:

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-17-2006, 9:21 PM
Anything we can do to pass on this wonderful tradition is worth it..........at the middle school or high school level. No difference to me!

Go For It, Lars!


Lars Thomas
10-17-2006, 9:51 PM
Thanks to everyone for their continued support. Lars

Glenn Clabo
10-18-2006, 5:32 AM
Hey Andy...WOW! Thanks for the wonderful Halloween present...or was it Mayo polishing prepay? Anyway...$23,374 is way too much...but I promise I'll spend it wisely.

Lars Thomas
10-19-2006, 10:54 PM
Well ladies and gentlemen (and others), this abysseration is officially complete! The lathes and accessories were delivered this morning to a very thankful shop teacher at Geneva High School in Geneva IL. I know it’s hard for us to imagine, but there shop does not currently have any lathes. In fact the shop teacher – let’s call him Bill – was recently trying to figure out a way to equip his shop with one lathe. Then along came our offer for two lathes. Naturally, he was very appreciative of the gift.

I’d like to thank everyone for their support of this fund raising drive from all corners of this great country as well one donor from a small Pacific island – you know who I’m talking about (thanks Stu!).

I'd also like to thank three vendors. First, Grizzly for the donation of two sets of chisels as well and two step chucks. Second, the fine folk at Wonderful Wood for the Bill Grumbine DVD. And third, the folks at Woodcraft for discounting all of the non-sale items that we purchased.

I don’t think this have ever been done before on SMC . . .no, I’m not talking about raising money for a worthy cause, I’m talking about making it to page 3 in thread without pictures. So, for your viewing pleasure, I offer the following. . .

Thanks again for your help.

John Miliunas
10-19-2006, 11:12 PM
Thanks again for your help.

No Lars, you got that all wrong! :mad: Thank YOU for spearheading such a worthy project! Way to go, my friend! :) :cool:

Bernie Weishapl
10-19-2006, 11:36 PM
Thanks Lars. Way to get the kids involved into turning.

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-20-2006, 1:39 AM

It's guys like you that make this site AWESOME!

As I believe I've said before "Well done, SIR!"


Barry Stratton
10-20-2006, 11:56 AM

Well done, sir.......well done.

Tom Sherman
10-23-2006, 4:02 PM
Job Well done Lars, I bet that teacher is one happy fellow, and the kids will be soon.