View Full Version : Maple materials needed

Dwayne Payne
09-24-2006, 10:43 PM
I am going to try and use SU to draw a new kitchen. I need Maple wood for my materials library. Anybody have it?


Dave Richards
09-24-2006, 10:49 PM
I'll find you some. Probably get them to you tomorrow.

Dwayne Payne
09-24-2006, 10:55 PM
Thanks Dave. Is there somewhere I can go and look for it? I will also be looking for solid surfsce counter tops and new floor material.


Dave Richards
09-25-2006, 6:49 AM
Dwayne, there are a number of sites out there that have textures available. Here's a couple of links I've got on my home computer: Lemog Textures (http://lemog.free.fr/lemog_v5/index.php?cat=4)
Accustudio (http://www.accustudio.com/exchange/textures/directory.php)

You could check with the flooring and counter top manufacturers to see what they have for samples that can be used. Keep in mind that not all the textures you find will tile real well.

I've attached one maple texture I have. There's another in a thread called SketchUp Question (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=33716). when I get in to work, I'll see what else I can find.

Guy Germaine
09-25-2006, 9:29 AM
Here's another site with all kinds of woods:

Dave Richards
09-25-2006, 10:20 AM
The problem with a lot of the wood sample images is that they don't tile well. You might want to just use colors from the Marker library and edit as needed.

In any case, here are some other links:
Weedhopper (http://www.weedhopper.org/Art/Textures_Woods.asp)
Planit3d (http://www.planit3d.com/source/texture_files/wood/wood.html)

Jamie Buxton
09-25-2006, 2:05 PM
Dave, that Accustudio link looks like a huge resource. However, what shows up on my computer is just pages and pages of file names as uninformative as "281lt.jpg (71125 bytes)" or "10043173.jpg". Do you know of a way to view that resource graphically?

Dave Richards
09-25-2006, 3:08 PM
Sorry Jamie. Try this link: http://accustudio.com/exchange/textures.php

Dwayne Payne
09-25-2006, 6:01 PM
Thanks...this should keep me busy for a copuple of days


Jamie Buxton
09-25-2006, 6:16 PM
Dave --- Wow! Thanks.

Dave Richards
09-25-2006, 6:46 PM
Ah, you're welcome.

You might want to experiment with the texture before you get too excited about using them. Many of the wood grain textures won't look so nice in SU. For the textures that do wwor, take a few minutes with your image editor and create vertical and horizontal versions of them. See the QS Oak example in the previous thread I referenced. This will make applying the textures much faster and easier especially when you have curved surfaces to texture.

Remember you can edit the size of the textures in SU and you may need to make adjustments to get them to look alright. After you do get the textures you want, right click on them in the In Model window and choose to save them to the library. If you have the Wood library open under the other tab they'll be saved in that library.

You could also start a new drawing and Create the new textures on square faces until you have a whole bunch. Then you can choose to make a new library for those textures that will be available later.

Jamie Buxton
09-25-2006, 6:55 PM
Dave --
When you're importing textures, where do you generally put them? Ideally, they'd go someplace where SU just finds them and includes them on the Materials menu any time it is opened.


Dave Richards
09-25-2006, 7:03 PM
In SU 5 there's a folder called Materials which is where the included textures are stored. I put new ones there as well. I assume this would be the same in GSU as well.

You can make sure SU looks to tthe Materials folder for new images by ensuring that the file is shown under Window>Preferences>Files. Make sure Texture Images points to the Materials folder.

The Library folder holds SKM files which are files SketchUp uses to create the library views in the Materials Browser