View Full Version : Mentoring is therapeutic!

Lee Schierer
09-22-2006, 1:18 PM
I am in the midst of mentoring a young man from our church who wanted to make a pair of night stands as a wedding gift for his bride. Circumstances made it impossible to get the wood he needed prior to the wedding and I was able to salvage some cherry from an old mantle my neighbor had to make up the two cabinets tops so he had something to exchange with her on their wedding day.

Any way, we were able to locate some pretty nice cherry at an auction of a cabinet makers stuff for a really reasonable price. We started this past week to make the two nightstands. I had a really tough couple of days at work, had to work late, so we delayed the start last night by an hour. I thought it wasn't going to be much fun since I was tired, but the hour and a half went by quickly and I felt much less tired afterward than I did going in.

He is a quick study and is doing pretty well so far. We have made the glue ups for the four side pieces and frame for the top and drawer supports so far. Still lots to do.

Lars Thomas
09-22-2006, 1:27 PM
Sounds like it is going to be a nice project. That's great of you to help out. I always enjoy helping out newbies too. Lars

Michael Cody
09-22-2006, 3:19 PM
Giving is always therapeutic -- it soothes the soul and just plain makes you feel better.. ever wonder why there are so many bitter people in this world and so many good causes going unserviced??

Mentoring is a gift that yields rewards forever .. each time you see this young man you will know you had something to do with helping him become the person he is. Small or large it's a contribution everyone should try to make ...

I've be a cub/boy scout leader for going on 12 years now, to see young men I've known since they were 7 or 8 (and hopefully have helped) going on to college, getting married, etc.. don't know hardly anything that brings a warmer cheer to my days..

Remember you gotta give to receive ..

Jim Becker
09-22-2006, 3:31 PM
That sounds like a very rewarding thing, Lee...and likely a great source of relaxation after a day of "stuff".... ;)

Rennie Heuer
09-22-2006, 3:39 PM
in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make

John Lennon & Paul McCartney

This is a very good thing you do. Bravo.


Don Baer
09-22-2006, 7:01 PM
Excellent Lee, I am sure he will remember your kindness forever and both he and his bride will have a treasure to remember you by.