View Full Version : Mini Man-Made Black Holes

Jon Eckels
09-21-2006, 9:10 AM

A pretty interesting article. A little too sci-fi/horror for my taste, really. I've seen too many storys that start with "scientists opening a door to a new dimension. Thats when the demons are supposed to gather their armies on the other side and come through, right?

It does specify that "They estimate the possibility of accidentally destroying the planet as extremely low." Well I guess that's comforting. lol

Just thought I'd share.

Dennis Peacock
09-21-2006, 9:21 AM
Uh-Hu.....somebody's tax dollars at work just so some dude with a wild idea can try and shoot holes in the sky. I could do that for'em for $10 easy. ;)

Doug Shepard
09-21-2006, 9:48 AM
... Thats when the demons are supposed to gather their armies on the other side and come through, right?

I'm far more worried that an army of Amway salesmen will be unleashed at my door.:D

Don Baer
09-21-2006, 12:15 PM
When I was iin college there were something like 102 elements in the perodic table. now there are 118. The 16 new ones were produced using acceleromters smaller then this but none the less still very large machines. No Demons were every let out other then the ones in some folks minds. I would expect that there will be a few more elemets created with this guy but I seriously doubt any demons will be "let out".

Jon Eckels
09-21-2006, 12:29 PM
No Demons were every let out other then the ones in some folks minds. I would expect that there will be a few more elemets created with this guy but I seriously doubt any demons will be "let out".

uh yeah. it was a joke.

mainly based on the many various science fiction Movies, TV shows, and Video Games who's stories all start with "experiments" that sound a lot like this one. Then the path to another world is opened and suddenly we're being invaded by monsters.

It's still interesting. I just don't know if black holes on earth is wise.