View Full Version : Value of Poplar logs??

Al Killian
09-19-2006, 2:48 PM

The other day my friend called me up and ask if I wanted a couple small poplar logs, so I told him that I would stop over and check them out. What I find when I got their was close to 2000 BdFt:eek: of poplar logs all around 14" across. He also gave me a 20' 15" cherry log. I allmost had a heart attack.So what should I pay him for these nice logs?

Harley Lewis
09-19-2006, 5:07 PM
Al, our mill pays $25 a foot for poplar logs, up to $.50 for cherry. Walnut varies from $.90 up to $3.00 a foot. They use a "Doyle Scale" measuring at the small end of the log and they indicate they will not take logs under 14 inches. Not sure if this helps you -- if this guy is a friend he will probably give them to you for a case of a favorite beverage.

Jim King
09-19-2006, 5:08 PM
Call your county forester and explain if they had limbs, have pith rot etc..

He will give you an honest opinion.

Scott Loven
09-19-2006, 5:29 PM
Why does he have the logs? Are they trees that fell down in his yard?Would he have to pay someone else to haul them off, or could he sell them? See what it would cost to have someone band saw them and dry them. I had a guy BS a cherry tree for me for $.20/bf he also sold some cherry to me for $.60/bf

Scott Loven
09-19-2006, 5:31 PM
$25 a bf or LF?

Harley Lewis
09-19-2006, 5:48 PM
I missed the decimel -- $.25 a bd ft for poplar.


Al Killian
09-20-2006, 5:09 PM
This past winter we had some record winds and it took many trees down, so he is left with alot of logs. The local sawyers are overflowing with poplar and cherry, so they are not buying at this time. I was planing on paying something then have them sliced up and kiln dried, then I will sell some off to help pay for a new TS.