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View Full Version : Being Neanderthal is good!

Mark Stutz
09-18-2006, 10:35 PM
I saw this today in the newspaper. It's a little OT (Dave, if this needs to be moved, please do so) but it is about Neanderthals! Personally, I always looked on the term "Neanderthal" with fondness, and felt it was a more natural and normal way of working wood.:D ;) It seems a local anthropologist agrees!:D


Dave Anderson NH
09-19-2006, 9:55 AM
This is sort of, kinda, maybe, a bit on topic.:D I guess it belongs here.

I haven't seen you post recently Mark and I was about to send out a search party to see if you had gone missing.

Don Baer
09-19-2006, 10:54 AM
And Dave, how would you know that he is slipping into the abyse unless your starting to feel the call to the dark side also.:D

Mark Stutz
09-19-2006, 12:31 PM
Thanks, Dave. I kinda thought you might let this one slide:D . I promise not to do it again.;) Summer is a very busy time with lots of other stuff going on, so my time at the Creek has been limited, and my shop time even more so:( , but now that fall approaches, things will get better.


Lyle DeWalt
09-19-2006, 12:48 PM
I read that this weekend (after I scanned the PD for tools of course) and I immediately thought of you Mark. :D
Fall is approaching. Sound's like Steve's wanting to meet for breakfast again. Of course we have a few months to go..
I wonder how these neandethal's stored their tools....did they hang them on their cave wall like I'm trying to do?

Dave Anderson NH
09-19-2006, 1:00 PM
Don, Mark has been a victim, err guest, of mine several times and I've proudly greased the slippery slope several times for him.

Mark, I take it that the translation of your remarks is that golf season will soon be over.:D

Matthew Springer
09-19-2006, 4:16 PM
Perhaps we should found a competing holiday to International Talk Like a Pirate Day (which is today, avast), ergo:

International Woodwork Like a Neanderthal Day.