View Full Version : First Gloat

Frank Conway
09-14-2006, 2:02 PM
Last year I got a few planes and have really enjoyed using them. I started talking to a guy at work about hand tools and how enjoyable the sounds and feel are when working with these tools. We finish the conversation and he mentions he is kind of getting out of woodworking and has a few things he may want to sell. He brings them in and I sheepishly ask what he wants for them, knowing they are out of my current price range. $50 for the bigg'n $30 for the small one. Sold, I say. And I realize no gloat is considered real without pictures, so here they are:


Yup, a Record 073 (with extra blade) and a 077a. And to boot he threw in some nice boxes for them as well! Tomorrow he will be bringing in a (newer - plastic handles) No. 71 router plane for $20. Just figured I'd share with you guys.

Steve Wargo
09-14-2006, 2:09 PM
Nice Score. I have the Clifton version of the big guy. Excellent purchase. And the price was very right!!!