View Full Version : ca?

Mel Reed
09-13-2006, 10:42 PM
I'm fairly new to turning and this fourm.I don't know about c a for fixing cracks.Could some one explain the basics for me?:confused:
Mel Reed Thanks

Ken Fitzgerald
09-13-2006, 10:48 PM
ca.........superglue.........It comes in different thicknesses and working times. If you go to any of the websites for turning supplies...packardwoodworks......Craftsupplies or Woodcraft.....you'll find the different types. I've used regular superglue to hold the bark that was trying to come off a Natural Edge bowl. The thicker stuff can be used to fill cracks and used with inlay powders or even instant coffee or coffee grounds to fill large cracks. I used instant coffee and epoxy to fill cracks on a NE bowl recently.

Apply the selected filling ......let it dry........then turn as normal.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-13-2006, 10:51 PM
BTW Mel.............Welcome to the Creek! I'm a new turner too! The idiots here shoved me into the Vortex back in February. I quit screaming shortly thereafter. I don't have my shop finished yet.....I'm turning on a Jet Mini VS (The Bomb) mounted on "The divingboard" but I"m sure enjoying it!

Bernie Weishapl
09-13-2006, 11:53 PM
Welcome to Creek Mel. Mel I don't worry about all the different types of CA. I just go to Wal-Mart and buy the 4 packs for 1.99 of the thin CA. You can buy the Gel CA also a whole lot cheaper to. If I have a crack which doesn't need filled I just soak it with the thin CA and if it needs filled I try to save sanding dust to fill the crack or coffee grounds to fill the crack and then saturate it with CA. Finish turning after drying. I guess I am cheap but the Wally World stuff works just as good and I can buy about 4 of the four packs for less than one at woodcraft.

Mike Vickery
09-14-2006, 3:56 AM

This is the cheapest place to get CA glue I have found. Infact no place else is even close.
I use thin CA to stabelize punky wood or on end grain to help with tearout or to seal wood. Medium CA can work as a finish for pens, or a fast grain filler. It also works great to glue paper towel to your hands.

This in addition to the uses already mentioned and many many more.

John Hart
09-14-2006, 6:53 AM
One lil' thing to add.....Some CA puts off a bunch of fumes. (killer fumes) and others don't. Loctite makes CA that ain't so fumey. It's a little more expensive though.

Mark Pruitt
09-14-2006, 8:35 AM
Mel, first of all, welcome to the Creek. I have nothing to add to what's been said, but I appreciate your bringing up the question as I've been helped by the answers given. And Mike is right--those are some pretty doggone good prices.