View Full Version : Suggestion for tutorial regarding Bosch 1617evs router

Kevin Blunt
09-11-2006, 8:08 PM
Hey guys,

I have heard an awful lot about the problems that the Bosch 1617 has with its switch konking out due to dust between the contacts. As an avid user of this router I am concious of this and always blow out the router after each use hoping to blow any dust out of the switch. Given the fact that alot of folks seem to have this router and disturbingly alot have this problem it would be great to see someone write a tutorial of how to take apart and clean out the switch or replace it. I for one would bookmark this and keep it readily handy in case I ever had to do this.

So come on Ladies and gents, if any of you have this knowledge know how, Would you be so kind as to help us other folks out with a liitle written direction for performing this task.

Maybe there is already something out there that covers this task, I don't know. But if there is and someone pointed it out, I would be truly greatful.

Thanks a bunch,


Blaine Harrison
09-11-2006, 9:39 PM
I'm one who had a problem with the switch on my 1617 router. It took all of 10 minutes for the switch to get knocked out after mounting it in a router table. I'm not outstandingly adept at mechanical things, but it only took me about 15 minutes to swap out the switches (including taking out the windings by mistake). Don't let the power (or expense) of the router intimidate you. Those were the two things that got to me. If I can do it without instructions, I'm confident you can too. (There's a pat on the back for you. )

To change out the switch, you simply take out the screws on the top of the router, pop out the old switch, match the new wires with the old ones (one of the connections is considerably longer than the other, so it's easy to tell which is which), pop the new switch back in, put the top back on, and you're done. Really, I don't think there's anything more to it than this. The old switch pops out with a friction hold-fast, but it's obvious how it works once you see it.
