View Full Version : Making wye update

Julio Navarro
09-11-2006, 1:31 PM
Heres the original post:

here is the process, once I figured out some short cuts the process went pretty fast. I was able to make 3 wyes in about an hour. I could have made more but I had to watch the Colts/Giants game with my son, hes a big Payton Manning fan.

At first I thought that flattening out the 6" pipe would help me make the tracing, but I later did one with out flattening it and it went smoother.

Heres the metal pipe flttened with the pattern layed over top,


I used rubber inpregnated gloves to handle the metal, after cutting it leaves tiny spurs that are SHARP!


After tracing the image like connect the dents. I used a dremel tool with a metal cutting bit to cut this pattern out.


The result of one of the patterns



Julio Navarro
09-11-2006, 1:34 PM
Heres the two peices ready for assembly:


my first wye:


I used JB weld for the seams but later decided to just use aluminum tape, I taped inside and out making sure to leave a smooth a surface as possible.

Heres one of my stack:


the overhead main trunk


I need to make two or three more then I'll get started on the gates which I am going to make out of 1/4" lexan. I am still trying to decide if I should make the blast gates at the machine or at the wye. This would mean I make the blast gates 4" or 6" still thinking about that one.

Mike Spanbauer
09-11-2006, 1:54 PM
Regarding your last point about where to put the wye, consider the difference between bending over and being able to reach back and open the gate. Also, you can always replace your flex duct for a larger one in the future if you find it necessary w/o changing out your gate.

Just a thought.


Julio Navarro
09-11-2006, 2:25 PM
Good point Mike.

Bart Leetch
09-11-2006, 3:28 PM
I think You should make the blast gates at the machine.

Julio Navarro
09-11-2006, 3:33 PM
The advantage to making them at the machine is that most dust ports at the machine are 4" or less dia. I can cut a 4" dia hole with a hole cutter on the DP. But a 6" dia I have to use a jig saw or the router and is a bit more labor intensive.

I may use a combonation of the two.

Bart, why do think it should be at the machine?