View Full Version : Updated locations for 6" PVC in the SW

Jim O'Dell
09-08-2006, 9:49 PM
Good evening all. A private Mesage from one of our Creekers asking where I bought my pipe here in Ft. Worth prompted me to look up the company on a google search while I was answering his question If you live in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, or New Mexice, there are 73 locations of the company I have been purchasing mine at.About 65 of them are in Texas. I paid #21.89 for two (2) 10' (foot) pieces of 6" solid PVC of the 2729 variety, including tax. It has the bell ends on them, but I bet all brands of this stuff do.
So, If you are needing some of this and live in or close to one of the states listed above, do a google search on Morrison Supply Company. Click on the first listing, then click on locations.
Hope this helps! Jim.

Ray Lancon
09-10-2006, 2:33 PM
I will be using them soon:D

Jim O'Dell
10-10-2006, 6:47 PM
Just an update. A couple of you have purchased from Morrison Supply since I posted this. I understand the price was higher than what I paid. I went in and got the last piece I need to finish up my ducting today, and a different guy waited on me. The guy that gave me the good price was sitting behind a desk doing some paperwork. The new salesman punched in the part number (I took my last receipt in for that, and to verify price) He turned around and asked the guy at the desk if he had given me a special price, he came and looked at the receipt and said "Oh, you're the guy that does the dog shows. Get your stereo fixed yet?" then said yes, just put that price in per foot, it will be ok. So the regular price is higher, I just lucked into a deal on 60% of the pipe I needed. I didn't get a look at the real price, unfortuanately. Just thought I'd update so you will know when the price is higher, that it is the normal price. Jim

Cecil Arnold
10-10-2006, 11:54 PM
As an update to Jim's post, I went to Morrison in Houston and wound up paying $2 per ft. tax included (.0825).