View Full Version : About to do something stupid?

Frank Kobilsek
09-08-2006, 3:09 PM
Ok guys you got my confidence all up yesterday and the 5 grader neighbor kid, Mark was over as I was setting up to turn some stoppers. Mark said 'Watching you turn stoppers is boring. Its cool to see the big stuff spin' Kids is going to be alright. So I picked up a piece of the Gloated about yesterday maple and headed toward my largest to date HF. About midnight (long after Mark went home) I had shape good and wall thickness about a C-, 3/8ths. I quit.

Here is the problem. The inside is rougher than 5 Miles of Creek bottom dirt road. Its about 9" high and 8+" in diameter. My 5/8 Bosch rig hollowed it OK but my Sorbey hollowmaster is not long enough to scrape the inside smooth. Yes I need another tool but I got plan B.

The opening is 2.5+". I bought a course flap sander like for striping paint and a bit extender. I plan to knock the humps down on the inside with this rig tonight. Are the odds less than 50% I will break an arm, wrist or finger with this plan?

Question two: Which side scraper is best? I think I need to get one to compliment the 5/8 Bosch tools I picked up at the AAW Symposium. I probably ain't ready to invest in a captured rig, so free hand or the arm brace style is what I have in mind.


Keith Burns
09-08-2006, 3:32 PM
Frank, you definately need a captive rig. They are not as expensive as you may think. The rear captive rest you can make yourself from wood. There are plans on Craft Supplies site. I had a friend build the D handle which is simple (if you weld). I use the Jordan Bar, about $75.00 and a Pencil Scraper Bar which I think was about $60.00.

Frank Kobilsek
09-08-2006, 5:43 PM
I found the instructions on the Crafts Supply site (thanks) and I think I know just the two 'volunteers' that can construct the parts.

Jim Becker
09-08-2006, 9:43 PM
If this is a relatively narrow opening vessel, don't worry about it being "sanded smooth smooth". Only another turner would look in there, anyway... ;)