View Full Version : Need some advice

Mike Jones NM
09-07-2006, 9:56 PM
Picked up a really nice piece of 1X6 oak today (actualy picked up a whole truck load of various wood, mostly old oak trim etc) and want to make a really nice small jewelry box to hold only rings. This is to be a gift and it will contain an engagement ring when I give it just before christmas.
I would really like to do the lid of a different wood and I'm not sure exactly what I want to use to give a nice contrast to the oak.
I'm also considering having her name laser engraved on the lid when it is finished.
Any thoughts are really appreciated.

John Miliunas
09-07-2006, 10:02 PM
Mike, well I guess a pre-congrats is in order! :D Best wishes, for sure! Anyhow, for a contrasting wood, I think I would probably go with Walnut. Especially if you can get your mitts on some with a burl on it, that would look fabulous. The only drawback is, I think it may be a bit tougher to see laser engraving on it. You may want to check with the folks on the laser forum, as they know this stuff inside-out! Besides Walnut, I've also seen some pretty stuff with Purpleheart, which also sets it off nicely. Be sure to post progress pics on this piece once you get going with it! :) :cool: