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View Full Version : Question on Hand Planes

Teresa Jones
10-08-2003, 1:50 PM
I know, I have "The Hand Plane Book" on my Christmas list!!

In the meantime, I am confused about how to adjust the frog on my Stanley #4. There are two screws which attach the frog to the body of the plane. There is also a frog adjustment screw directly beneath the blade adjustment knob.

If the first set of screws hold the frog tight to the plane body then how does the frog adjustment screw work? It is my understanding the frog adjustment can be made without removing the blade assembly, but not if those two screws are tight.

Second question. The sole of the plane was a fair distance from whatever "flat" means. I glued a piece of 50 grit paper to MDF and off I went. Some 8 sheets and many, many minutes later, all the marks I made on the sole with my Sharpie finally disappeared.

My engineer and combination squares report light underneath still. So, do I proceed with a higher grit of paper now? How high a grit do I take this endeavor to flatten the sole?

The plane functions much, much better now, but I want it to be like some of you all describe the performance of your refurbished planes!!!

Many thanks for your time and responses.


Tom Scott
10-08-2003, 2:34 PM
1. Frog adjustment - The 2 frog screws that tighten the frog to the plane body must first be loosened, then the frog adjustment screw on the back can be used to move the frog back and forth as desired. On some planes the 2 tightening screws are located on the back (either side of the adjustment screw) so that the blade assembly can be left in place during adjustment. On others (such as yours) you must remove the blade to get to these.

2. Regarding sole flatness, I would suggest you re-mark the sole and move on through the higher grits. I would take it up through at least 400/600 grit to get a nice polished bottom, then wax. Some go even higher, but others may stop before. Personal preference. You may already be doing this, but just to make sure I'll note that flattening should be done with the frog and blade assembly in place so that you don't get it nice and flat and then have it warp after every thing is installed. One other note. If all of your marks are gone from the bottom of the sole, but it is still not flat, the MDF you are using as a support is probably flexing. It is much better to something more rigid (and flat) such as a piece of float glass or a granite tile. These are flat and rigid.

Happy shavings.


Dave Anderson NH
10-08-2003, 3:04 PM
Tom summed it up pretty well so there's really not much more to say. Slight exception- most of the time I only go up to 220 grit unless it's a smoother in which case 400 grit or higher is good.

Teresa Jones
10-08-2003, 4:34 PM
Thank you, Tom and Dave!!

OK, I understand about the frog adjustment now.

I guess I need to stop by the depot and get a piece of granite or glass. Should I redo the 50 grit on the granite or glass or move on up?

The plane is fully assembled while I while away the hours on the sandpaper!!

Tom, I see you live in the great state of Texas - are you planning on coming to the BBQ at Steve Jenkin's place? Dave - we have a really big airport and I would be happy to provide transportation!!

Thanks again,


Tom Scott
10-08-2003, 5:20 PM
I'd probably give it another go on the 50 grit. If your reference was off, it's a lot easier to take of at 50 than it is later on down the road.

I'm not sure if I'll make it to the BBQ or not. The wife is headed out of town to peddle her wares at a craft show, and I'll be left here with the 2 young 'uns in tow. I would still like to stop by, if only for a little bit, but not sure at this point. Are you going? if so, what day(s)?


Teresa Jones
10-08-2003, 5:30 PM
I'd probably give it another go on the 50 grit. If your reference was off, it's a lot easier to take of at 50 than it is later on down the road.

I'm not sure if I'll make it to the BBQ or not. The wife is headed out of town to peddle her wares at a craft show, and I'll be left here with the 2 young 'uns in tow. I would still like to stop by, if only for a little bit, but not sure at this point. Are you going? if so, what day(s)?



That's what I thought too, stay at 50 until it is really ready to move on.

I plan on going Saturday afternoon for sure and maybe Friday. I am leaving town that Sunday, so will have to miss that day. I recently met Steve and I am very excited to be invited to his shop.

Hope to see you there or meet you at some point.

Thanks again for all your help. I am just starting with learning the handtools and so far I mostly get frustrated but I am determined!!