View Full Version : DC Blower Template

Jay Albrandt
10-08-2003, 1:24 PM
I have been attempting to build a "Budget Blower" that is on Bill Pentz's web site. I have had difficulty accurately routing the groove that the sheet metal fits down into, and properly centering (or in this case off-centering) the impeller properly...(at least according to Bill's plans). After two failed attempts to get it right, I am turning to you because I know several regulars here bought Dust Eliminators.

I was wondering if anyone still has the routing template that came with the DE, and if you would be willing to "share" it with me. I would be happy to pay for shipping and anything else that is required.

Thanks a lot!


Steve King
10-08-2003, 1:49 PM
I still have my templet for the blower, you are more than welcome to use it. Or I could trace it on a sheet of paper and mail to you.
Let me know,

<IMG SRC="http://sekingusa.home.comcast.net/dc/mvc-788s.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://sekingusa.home.comcast.net/dc/mvc-789s.jpg">

Ed Moehlenpah
06-07-2004, 3:54 PM
for a copy of the template. I'm also trying to build a budget blower. Would this still be available?

Ed (Milpitas, CA)

Chris Padilla
06-07-2004, 4:13 PM

Would you like to look at the metal blower housing I have? I wonder if tracing it would help you any...I don't even remember what it look like!

Steve King
06-07-2004, 4:18 PM
I don't know if I still have it, I will look tonight and will let you know tomorrow.

Bill Pentz
06-07-2004, 9:36 PM

I have my template and can put a copy onto paper for you.

Beware that a few chose not to follow my instructions for making a real spiral by winding around a shaft and instead used an old drafting trick faking it with bent metal. Those look ok, but work poorly creating pressure waves, extra noise, and poor performance.

Let me know what you want. Would appreciate email as don't check here often at all.


Steve King
06-07-2004, 10:17 PM
Please email me you address, I am going to send Ed a copy of my template and would like to send you copy also to you to see if it meets your approval to use with the Jet 14" counterclockwise impeller. I think it will, it has worked very well for me.
Thank you,
Steve King