View Full Version : Almost There

Jean Holland
09-06-2006, 11:25 AM
Well, after over a year, were almost there. We finally found the house of our dreams (7 acres of woods) and have the barn built. We have the wood and other supplies to partion off the workshop (27x30).

46297 46299

My poor lathe is sitting in my office until the workshop is finished.


I've been temped to just use it where it stands, but then hubby might get the same idea with his table saw (in our dinning room) or jointer (in our bedroom) or one of the other tools that has been stratigically place around the house waiting for the completion of the barn.

But, once it's all done, you know where I will be! :D I know it will be worth the wait. It should be done in another month or two.

George Conklin
09-06-2006, 11:42 AM
Hi Jean,
I guess it's good to be a patient person. It's not one of my virtues:rolleyes: .

Boy, what I'd give to have a nice big shop like that:) .

Good luck. I hope you don't have any snags through the rest of the building phase.

John Hart
09-06-2006, 12:07 PM
Golly...this sounds familiar. I sympathize Jean. My lathe is 50 miles away in the old house, waiting for the new house to be ready. I think it's lonely. Late at night, I think I hear a faint howling like the sound of a Natural Edge bowl at 1800 RPM. :)

Ken Fitzgerald
09-06-2006, 12:30 PM
Congrats Jean! I'm sure the wait will be worth it!

Karl Laustrup
09-06-2006, 12:50 PM
That's gonna be a real nice shop Jean. And 7 acres of wood! :D Hopefully various types for turning.


Mike Jory
09-06-2006, 1:59 PM
... I'm sooo jealous. Of two things, #1 that both you and your husband are into woodworking, and #2 that you're building a fantastic shop. A short while ago I read a thread of a person in a condo who wanted to do woodturning and asked for some ideas. Now, as in my reply to his thread, I have visions of you using the table saw as a dinning room table:p , the jointer as a towel rack:eek: etc, etc.
Thanks for the pics, Good Luck

Raymond Overman
09-06-2006, 2:44 PM
You just gotta love a woman who stores a jointer in the bedroom.

Sorry, no offense meant but it just had to be said. Heck, I'm lucky if the wife lets me keep another turning in the house, much less a power tool. It's looks like you're going to be in high cotton soon though. Good luck with the rest of the build.

Jim Becker
09-06-2006, 10:09 PM
You know, Jean, Dr. SWMBO is very tolerant, but I don't think she'd allow me to "decorate" with power tools... LOL! (Congrats on the new shop-to-be!!)

Ernie Nyvall
09-06-2006, 11:00 PM
Congrats on the house and shop Jean.

Bernie Weishapl
09-06-2006, 11:04 PM
Congrats on the new house and shop. By the look of the shop size it will be worth the wait.

Corey Hallagan
09-06-2006, 11:22 PM
Excellent! congrats looks like your going to have a nice shop!


Jerry Olexa
09-06-2006, 11:40 PM
I have a great LOML but she don't like tools in the house:D You're forunate

Jean Holland
09-09-2006, 5:32 PM
I think the tools in the house bother my husband more than they do me. Like Mike said...I've been very inventive in using the tools for other purposes. The jointer is a bed spread rack, one table saw is a plant stand...that's right...I said one table saw...we actually have two table saws in the dining room (the dining table is in the family room). The lathe doubles to stack papers on in my office while I'm working. It will be nice though when the house can be a home and I will be able to go out to the barn and get creative!

Yes there are many types of trees on the 7 acres. Some oak, walnut, sycamore, and many more I'm not sure what. Last month a logger came onto our property and cut down a white oak tree. It was within sight of the survey stake, but the logger didn't care and took it anyway....it just burns my (you know what)! We were fortunate enough to catch him and now he will have to pay us three times its value (by Indiana state law). He didn't know who he was messing with! I would rather have my tree, but if not, I'll make him pay...he's just luck I don't have them lock him up for it!

Oh yeah...we were storing some stuff in a portable storage tent while the barn structure was being built. When we moved that stuff into the barn we found the skin of a 5 foot snake in my turning wood. :eek: Fortunately, snakes don't eat wood. ;) It did take care of all the little country mice that were trying to nest in there though. We did made sure the snake was gone before moving the box of wood into the barn :D

Dennis Peacock
09-09-2006, 6:55 PM
Well Jean....looks like it's going to be a very nice shop with plenty of space (to begin with ;) ) I should know.....my shop is full and it's at 1800 sq ft.:eek: Now I need to add on or work on an out building to store the yard and garden tools to free up some much needed floor space. Very pretty place you have there. I'm getting excited just seeing the progress so far. :)

Bruce Shiverdecker
09-09-2006, 8:26 PM


Bob Noles
09-09-2006, 9:22 PM

From the pictures, I'd say a nice shop like that will be well worth the wait. I know it must be difficult not being able to use the tools for a while yet, but just think when you have it all set up how nice it will be. From the looks of the picture I believe that lathe is a 1442. If so how have you liked it? I am looking at that model for a possible near future upgrade.

Hang in there, the good days will be here again before you know it.

Richard Madison
09-10-2006, 2:17 AM
Lucky to have a snake that size, as she will definitely help control the undesireable rodent population. Tools in the house are cool, knowing that it's only temporary. Years ago the #3 bedroom was my woodshop, and before that had motorcycle and car engines in my livingroom. It's better now, and stuff like that is in the shop and barn where it belongs. Best of luck with your new facilities.

Jean Holland
09-12-2006, 8:51 AM
Yes Bob, it's a 1442. The time I've been able to use it (which hasn't been enough for my liking), it's been great. It passed my husband's approval - and that's a good thing. He's by no means an expert, but I trust his opinion above all others when it comes to tools and motorcycles (and a few other things).

Yes Richard, the snake will help to keep the rodent population down, but I am deathly afraid of them! :eek: I don't mind all the little lizards, but not snakes or worms. I'm keeping the grass really short so they won't want to come around the house....and if they do, I'll be able to see them sooner rather than later.

We're adding windows now and heat & AC...will be a year round shop. :D