View Full Version : Tung oil for turned pens?

Brian Clevenger
08-31-2006, 2:22 PM
I guess I should have asked this first, before completing a couple of pens. I used tung oil, because I had it lying around and it seemed like a good choice. The pens I've used it on have been bloodwood and zebra wood. Is this okay? Will it last an acceptable amount of time? Do I need to use something different? I actually liked the results, but they haven't had to stand the test of time.

Mike Vickery
08-31-2006, 3:45 PM
The one thing woodworkers will argue about more than anything is finishes. If you are happy with the results then that is cool. I would say that it will last at least as well as friction polish. I personally like a CA finish best but that is just my preference some people do not care for the the shiny gloss finish that it gives.

Dario Octaviano
08-31-2006, 4:24 PM
I have a few pens that I used Tung oil on (mixed Minwax and 25% pure tung oil).

The finish lasted on my pen...actually my daily carry pen is a Cherry finished with it and it is holding very well. I carry my pen in my pact pocket with my car keys too :D

One thing I can tell you...it takes a long time to properly cure especially the more Tung oil you use.

Another I'll add...tung finish is very interesting, it gives the pen character....literally. My pen has good days and bad days...one day it is shinny the next it could be dull. I guess the temperature plays a big role but it really is very interesting. polishing it with cloth is a snap and the pen is revived/shiny again (in a different way).

Bob Noles
08-31-2006, 7:20 PM
I carry my pen in my pocket with my car keys too :D

My pen has good days and bad days...one day it is shinny the next it could be dull. I guess the temperature plays a big role but it really is very interesting.


Could this be due to "hot flashes"? :D :eek:

Sorry.... Couldn't resist