View Full Version : It's Here! New Baby!

Randy Cox
08-29-2006, 7:17 PM
My Grizzly Baby Drum Sander arrived today. The driver steps out of his truck and says “Dude, you need to open this thing and check it out because the box is in bad shape.” Well, after seeing the outside of the box I figured that this one will be going back.
We opened the box right there in the street. Low and behold, not a scratch. The Styrofoam totally took the damage.
Got it in the truck as it was delivered to my place of work. After getting it in the garage and unpacked, I plugged it in to make sure all was OK. Everything worked as designed. I don’t know how they can call this thing a “Baby” as it weighs about 145 lbs.
Have to build a stand for it this weekend and after a few trial runs will try to get a right up out on it. Thanks for looking.

Steve Clardy
08-29-2006, 7:30 PM
Let us know how she performs!

Corey Hallagan
08-29-2006, 8:45 PM
Lucky dog! Nice gloat and congrats!
