View Full Version : Sneak Preview

Tony Falotico
08-28-2006, 6:20 AM
Wasn't going to show this until completed, but I can't wait no longer. This is a piece I've been working on for several months. It's hard Maple and Walnut, the sides are bent laminations. Just finished assembly yesterday, still needs to be final shaped where the shelves and sides meet, final sanding / scraping and finish. I'm planning the BLO / poly routine for finishing unless someone has a better suggestion. There is some real nice curl and figure in the maple that I would like to accent it with the finish.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions and critique are requested.

Mike Cutler
08-28-2006, 6:57 AM
That's going to be an attention getter. The lines create an optical illusion of sorts. It's a beautiful piece of work. Very nice. The contrasting colors of the differing woods look good together.

Wish I could help with the fininshing question, but finishing ain't exactly my strong suit.

Randy Long
08-28-2006, 8:38 AM
I like it! Kind of looks like a step-ladder.
I realy like seeing the un-conventional.

Please Sir, Can I have some more?

Jim Becker
08-28-2006, 9:43 AM
Tony, that's a really neat project! Thanks for the "pre-view"!!

Regarding your finish, consider "what color" you want this piece to end up being. Using BLO and most varnishes (including "poly") is going to amber it up a lot. If you want to stay lighter/whiter, forget the BLO and use a soya oil based varnish, like Pratt and Lamber #38 (slight ambering) or lacquer. (clear). Do some tests on scrap of the same material to find out what you like the best.

Rick Doyle
08-28-2006, 9:50 AM
Hi Tony, that is a very, unique, interesting and great looking project. Nice job! Whatever finish you choose, it is going to look very good!

Doug Shepard
08-28-2006, 9:56 AM
Tony - I think it's time you bought a better straight-edge. That one you've got just aint cutting it.:D

Seriously - it turned out great.

Martin Lutz
08-28-2006, 10:12 AM
I really like it. nice lines. Great job Tony. Please post again when finished.

Cecil Arnold
08-28-2006, 2:18 PM
Tony, I don't know if you noticed, but your ladder is DRUNK.:D Nice looking piece, and I really like the design.

Neil Clemmons
08-28-2006, 2:48 PM
Great looking piece Tony. Thanks for the preview.

I'd love to see more close-ups of the sides and learn how you laminated them and are attaching shelves.

As for finish - I'd go lighter to keep it light and airy - it really will pop with a finish and some items to show off on those shelves.

Thanks for sharing -


Tony Falotico
08-28-2006, 6:36 PM
Refer to http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=35209&page=2 last post for pic's of the bent laminations in the form, it's three strips 1/2 inch maple and two strips 1/4" walnut, approx 19 (+) ft diameter radius. Basically I just bulged the center out three inches and let the form board (1x4 pine) take it's natural curve. I don't think the radius is constant at all points.

The most challenging part of this project is the fact that the legs are curved and offer no horizontal / vertical reference plane. I ended up building a square frame to mount them on to establish a horizontal / vertical reference plane to work off of. Once I got them trimmed I left them in the frame to set the first shelf.

Ron Robinson
08-28-2006, 6:54 PM
That is beautiful Tony, I love the lines. I did my first curly maple piece earlier this year and used BLO. It really makes the figure pop, but Mr. Becker is right in that it will "amber up" the color. I liked the results and even used dewaxed garnet shellac on top of the BLO, but test pieces are always good.

Post pics when you've finished please.

Ron Robinson

Corey Hallagan
08-28-2006, 8:12 PM
That is a very cool piece. Nice choice of wood as well!


glenn bradley
08-29-2006, 2:38 AM
I've always like those ladder shelf units. Your's puts a whole new slant on the idea. . . or should I say curve . . . I know, I know; shut up Glenn.