View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
10-06-2003, 8:15 AM
Well....another weekend has come and gone. I didn't have to work this weekend so I got to visit with the brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their two kids for this past week. Taught my Bro-in-law how to turn a pen and he helped me work on building the kids a tree house. We worked some nights by protable lights that I used when I built my house in Alabama "when" we lived in Alabama.

I am still working on that custom CD cabinet and believe that I will be able to start the assembly this week. I finally have the music note inlay pattern worked out and have cut the notes out of Ebony. What I can't seem to figure out is how to make the pattern for a "stretched" diamond inlay (3" wide by 6" long), sounds pretty simple but each template I made so far and tested....just doesn't come out right. I know I will have to do a little chiseling to get the sharp corners and I know I will have to cut straight pieces with mitered ends for the actual inlays....but any of you have an idea of how to do the diamond inlay. I have already spent 5 hours working on the diamond inlay pattern and much to another failed attempt. Sheeesh....it can't be "that" hard....can it?

So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of Weeks.........

Paul Geer
10-06-2003, 8:31 AM
Got My unit heater in the garage workshop hung, hookup the gas and electric last weekend. This weekend put in the stack. Also finished the main bath and start work on the living room.

Todd Burch
10-06-2003, 8:39 AM
I'm making me and the Mrs. a dining room table. Shaker, trestle style. The two leg assemblies are glued up, the stretcher is shaped. Late yesterday evening, I borrowed my friends oxy/acetylene rig and brazed some 1/2"-13 nuts to some 1/2" washers that will be permanently captured (embedded in epoxy, and wood-plugged) in the stecher ends. Top will be 34" wide and 90" long, 29 1/2" tall, Cherry, w/breadboard ends. Base is pine and will be painted.

And, fighting allergies and conjestion - it's that time of year. Todd.

Dr. Zack Jennings
10-06-2003, 8:39 AM

The Booger Dawg

I'm sure you guys are wonderin' where I've been... Well, the pitchur above explains a whole lot.... This Dawg has turned into a full time job. I've been buildin' dawg houses, dawg pen's and so much more.

This weekend I finished adding a 28 foot section to connect my front courtyard to the dawg's new chain link fenced 1/2 acre side yard. Now, the dawg can go out the front door and all the way to the shop... with out any fear of bein splattered on the road.

Life is good if yer my dawg.....

Click on this Link for Booger's Own Website

Booger Dawg Dot Com (http://www.boogerdawg.com)

Jim Becker
10-06-2003, 9:17 AM
I actualy got shop time this weekend and got a large bookcase built and ready for finishing...'only have to complete the door frames to be ready for fnish and glass. I'll be dragging it into the house to scribe the right side to that fireplace stone before getting out the spray gun, though. Once that's done, it's time for a MAJOR shop cleaning...I can't stand it anymore! :rolleyes:

Noah Alkinburgh
10-06-2003, 9:21 AM
No "fine woodworking" per se for me this weekend, but I did get another project finished!!! That is a good thing for me.

I managed to get a wall cabinet in the kitchen hung and an over the range microwave installed under it. Got it level and everything :D Made the LOML very happy even if the patio still isn't finshed.

I finally even figured out these Euro hinges and the doors on the cabinet are level and even spaced and everything. Now I just have to go back and fix all the other ones I have goobered up :)


Bob Lasley
10-06-2003, 9:24 AM
Little accomplished that was on my list anyway. I did enjoy lots of time with the grandkids. SWMBO had me putting up Halloween decorations and then she invited friends over for dinner Saturday night so she said I could run things Saturday afternoon! I was thinking power tools..........she was thinking vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, toilet brush, lawn mower, etc. Guess whose thoughts prevailed? Oh well, one of the guests was a woodworker, so we at least got to talk sawdust while we ate chili and watched the Sooners squeak by Iowa State. :D

I did get to spend a little time in the shop Sunday morning, mostly cleaning. Somehow, cleaning the shop is alot more fun than cleaning the house. Another of life's great mysteries! :confused:

Have a great week all,

Richard Allen
10-06-2003, 9:28 AM

If you happen to see any one of these individuals wandering around, chances are they are not peeping Toms. They are just looking for a new piece of wood to turn.



Tom Sweeney
10-06-2003, 11:39 AM
Friday - found out I might or might not have a job in a couple of months. I work for a realtor association that is merging with another one. We knew it was coming but the job descriptions & proceedures for reapplying came Friday.

Saturday morning I was going to harvest some lumber - but my almost new Poulan wouldn't start.

Saturday afternoon took the family to Philly to see Miss Saigon - 3 major traffic jams later we got in just as it was starting - but someone was sitting in the wrong seat & I had to wait till intermission to get it straightened out - $72 for a ticket & I had to stand for half the show.
Went to Ruth Chris steakhouse afterwords for a great but very expensive meal.

Sunday - worked in the shop a little, cleaned up a bench & realized there was a tablesaw under all the crap - I forgot I had it since I got my lathe :rolleyes: I installed a new blade on the TS & started cutting peices for a small flatwork project. Had my first bowl blow up when it got way too thin & then tried to install trim around an exterior door in the house. Problem is that part of the house is litterly built like a bomb shelter so I didn't get it finished- need to buy some cut nails today to install trim - can you say lots of putty & wood filler.

I'm almost glad it's back to regular work.

Steve Clardy
10-06-2003, 11:49 AM
But did finish up four base cabs for a customer to pick up saturday. Rearranged some gravel in the drive, filled some holes. Went to my brothers and mowed around 6 acres of brush down. Finally had to quite as I was stopping every 20 minutes and adding water to the tractor. Have a radiator leak, so need to tear it down and get it fixed before cold weather sets in.

Lee Schierer
10-06-2003, 12:54 PM
I got some shop time in on Saturday. I managed to get the face frames cut and glued up for the dresser. I also got the rabbets cut in the two side panels. LOML wanted to do some shopping for bird feed so we were out most of hte afternoon.

Went for a ride on Sunday since it was sunny. Then stopped by my mothers to fix her lawn mower and some other stuff for her.

John Miliunas
10-06-2003, 1:20 PM
The only "shop time" I got was moving equipment from one shop to my "new" one, @ 16 miles down the road. Then moved cement lawn statuary, as well as "all kinds" of other household goods. Can you say, "Sore"?! I think even my hair hurts! Still have lots to go, but it's coming. Getting a bit old already, but it's coming..... Have a great week, everyone! :cool:

Alan Turner
10-06-2003, 1:53 PM
Got some shop time Sat early, and Sun late (as the Eagles sq

Alan Turner
10-06-2003, 1:58 PM
Got some shop time Sat early, and Sun late (as the Eagles squeeked by the Skins). Drew and then mocked up in 12/4 poplar (laminated) a new (to me) cabriole leg. Ones I have made before were quite modern, and perhpas a bit bandy; this one is much more traditional in terms of both size and shape. It is to have a slipper foot, and this is my first try at that. The leg is 26", for a night stand or occ. table. Doing this type of design is one of my favorite parts of the process. Anyone got any rules of thumb for slipper feet?

Mac McAtee
10-06-2003, 2:03 PM
Finally got tired of fiddling around with rinky dink BBQ Grills and went and got me a BBQ GRILL! Sam's Club, three burner, all Stainless Steel construction, rotisserie spit w/motor. Broke it in with some hamburgers and last night cooked two chickens on the spit. This thing is a piece of gear, I feel like Tim The Toolman Taylor. If big is good bigger is better! Likely will be the last one I get as I don't know how I could con SWMBO in to an upgrade from this thing.