View Full Version : Rechucking piece, centering problem

Ben Rafael
08-26-2006, 4:45 PM
I have a small goblet that I have not yet gouged out the cup yet. However, I like the shape and it is smooth, so I do not want to redo the outside. I need to rechuck it to gouge out the cup, yet no matter what I do there is a slight wobble. I have a 3/8" dovetail on the bottom that fits into my chuck.
Any help would be most appreciated,

Jim Becker
08-26-2006, 5:30 PM
Remount it between centers to clean up the dovetail so it "matches" the goblet portion.

Ben Rafael
08-26-2006, 6:27 PM
Smart solution.

Stephen Hibbs
08-26-2006, 9:36 PM
I turn, sand, and finish the outside and inside of the bowl before thinning the stem, it cuts down on end wobble, and reduces the chances of snapping the stem while hollowing. It wasn't my idea, but it works. I'm not sure that you'll be able to eliminate the wobble as it may be from the stem bending, not a bad chucking job. take very light cuts and be wary of snapping the stem.

Ben Rafael
08-26-2006, 10:32 PM
I'll be doing that from now on. The wobble is not from the stem bending, the stem is fairly strong. The wobble is from me removing the piece prematurely. Remounting is not fixing the problem.

Curt Fuller
08-26-2006, 11:53 PM
When you have to remove a piece from the jaws and you know you're going to have to remount sometime later you should always mark it so that it aligns with the same numbered jaw when you remount it. If your jaws aren't numbered , put a little dob of paint or something so you have a reference point. Then also try to get the jaws into the exact same indent they left from the first mounting. But even if you do that you'll be very lucky if it turns true. There's almost always a little movement in the would even if it is remounted true.

What I'm anxious to hear is how that cup works out turning it endgrain with the stem already turned. Let us know if you make it without snapping the stem.